Human Migration
Joseph Schiller
May 26, 2001
(revised 6/11/04, 8/19/04, 9/26/04)
Feminism: The worldview through feminine eyes that values relationships above all things.
Masculinism: The worldview through masculine eyes that values creativity above all things.
The pre historical stories of the Bible tell us most about the history of man. They are the reconstruction of literate man interpreting ancient memories through revelation and insight in hopes of providing the clues needed by modern man.
The first story tells us of the order of creation. From this, we infer that the writer was very observant since his reconstruction is about what scientific thought has concluded. The second story attempts to provide moral meaning to man's acquisition of objective awareness while at the same time introducing the reader to an authoritarian masculine God. This tells us a masculinist is telling the story since the creator is the author of sex and therefor pre dates it.
The most important story, that of Cain and Abel, introduces us to the unending enmity between masculinism and feminism. The story of Babel tells us that the work of God will be interrupted, from time to time by feminism. The story of Noah is based on the physical flood that accompanied the end of the last ice age and is most dramatically portrayed by the Grand Canyon and the Arches National Park. The symbolic meaning probably refers to the flooding of consciousness by the unconscious that accompanies feminism. As always a moral message is included.
Human migration must be conceived of as pulsating. By that it is meant that humanity has taken on long range migration as a response to unusual environmental conditions which arise only infrequently as compared to the life of a man. Ordinarily, of the two modes of existence: farming and nomadism, farming is preferred. This will be because of the greater predictability of events in that life style. The countryside is well known, the friendly and unfriendly tribes locations are known, the migrations of game are well understood and the things that grow best in the available soil are known.
Even nomadism, when adopted as a life style, will follow certain well known patterns, generally northwards in springtime and southwards in the fall, following the migrations of favored game.
This will produce knowledge within the tribe regarding plausible directions for more serious travel. The boundaries of the home place will be known, whether oceans or mountains or swamps and the most likely directions to take when it is wished to overcome them.
Periodically, environmental considerations will force a tribe away from the home place towards the unknown. Minor environmental changes like loss of water supply will only motivate minor geographic changes while large changes may lead to long range movement in an effort to get away from conditions that bode ill for the long term survival of the tribe.
Of these events, forcing permanent change of habitat, one can imagine volcanic eruption such as that at Mt. St. Helens or Mt. Pinnatubo. Tribes living at the base of such mountains in pre historic times will have chosen to move elsewhere. Since local opportunities would most likely already be claimed, this movement may be of protracted duration. The tribe will have as an ultimate goal the finding of a place that is uninhabited by humans presently and that offers suitable game and water resources. As human population grows, finding such places will become progressively harder.
Moving onwards to more dramatic environmental change, we can imagine larger tribes searching for a suitable new home displacing smaller tribes, so that even though the initial movement due to something minor like volcanic eruption may be short range, if it involves displacing an existing population they will then take up the migration and a general upset in tribal homeland identification will ensue until the weakest tribe in numbers will have to undertake a long range migration. This process is described by Jack London in his book, "Before Adam".
Larger scale environmental changes will produce longer range migrations. Forest fires and floods come to mind. A large scale fire may destroy the game dependency that characterizes the tribe and force a minor or major migration. Floods may have the same effect.
From accounts in permanent tribal resources like the Bible, we know that flood is a common antecedent to long range migration. The Noah story and similar ones in other mythologies transmit to us the flavor of such an event.
At some point in the pre historical past migrations and isolation must be imagined to have led to the individual characteristics we associate with human races. The Negro, Oriental, and Caucasian races are sufficiently dissimilar that we must conclude that migrations led to a dispersal of the original population of humans which archeology imagines to have arisen in Africa. Sub Saharan Africa in the rift valley has an abundant supply of fresh water in the lake system radiating north and south from the Rwanda/Barundi area. This would appear, from the archeological evidence to have been the location where ape species adopted bipedal movement leading to the arrival on the scene of humans. The "Lucy" skeleton from this region is that of an ape like creature whose hip joints have rotated to allow for sustained bipedal locomotion.
When they acquired a brain of sufficient size to complement their manipulative appendages, they became a dominant species, able to pray on all other species that they came into contact with through strategic planning and weapon production. Other species, like whales have large brains but not manipulative appendages and apes have manipulative appendages but small brains. A large brain allows one to objectify the environment. We call this objectivity. By doing that, the objects become distinctly separate from the observer. They then become exploitable. In the subjective state what we see is part of us and not exploitable. We would not, for example, eat our own arm. A dog, when adopted, becomes a part of the family and the home place and identifies with it and repels strangers.
The result of this dominance, along with favorable weather, was a continuously growing population, which led to the continuous establishment of new tribal home places, generally within easy communication distance from former homes. Thus a radiating outwards from Rwanda is to be imagined leading to the settlement of south and west Africa with humans. Rivers, providing many needs of these humans would be of particular interest as migration routes and by following the Congo and Niger rivers they would have eventually found the way to far western Africa.
Rarely, environmental change is of such a dramatic nature that permanent migration or nomadism is adopted. When global warming sufficient to melt glaciers leads to heavy rains and widespread flooding, such a circumstance can be imagined. It must be concluded that Africans migrated east and west to the Amazon region in the west and to Indonesia in the east. These migrations are of such a long term dramatic nature, one must conclude that profound environmental change caused them. One must also imagine that these migrations occurred repeatedly so that later migrations had to go further to find uninhabited areas.
From The Bible, we know that an ideological split had occurred at some earlier time. From the story of Cain and Abel it is clear that Cain, whomever he represented, had a problem with the masculinist religion of Abel. Cain, not being a devotee of sun worship, must have been a follower of the Earth mother. In our world there are exactly two sides to every question. If there are more the question has not yet been boiled down to its essentials. So, it seems reasonable to expect that the tribe contemplating migration westward from Liberia was made up of sky watchers. They would therefore have already invented celestial navigation. It is interesting to note that Cain migrated to the east. The migrators to the west would have been following the "royal highway of the sun" as it was known by later tribes.
In trying to imagine what events may have caused a tribe to face down the challenge of sea travel to imagined but unknown destinations such as the movement across the Atlantic Ocean, the most likely may in this case be population pressure. As tribal movement occurred westwards from Rwanda to the region of Liberia, the pressure causing this movement wouldn’t cease just because an ocean was encountered. Larger tribes would continue to displace smaller ones and eventually some tribe would find itself on the coast and depending on the ocean for its livelihood. Boat technology would have developed to such a state that migration out into the ocean was theoretically possible though intense pressure would be needed to convince a sufficient number of people to conclude that their survival was unlikely unless the trip was undertaken. This decision may have been reached repeatedly until a successful migration of sufficient numbers succeeded.
During an ice age, several geographic differences from current conditions obtain. Indonesia has much more exposed land area. All of the equatorial regions are more moderate in temperature and therefor not jungle but more like the southern United States in terms of temperature and flora and fauna. In other words, more ideal for human habitation than they currently are. On the other hand, to the north and south one encounters much colder weather than currently obtains.
Since migration from Africa to Indonesia doesn’t involve sea travel or any leap of faith into the unknown, this path would be chosen far more frequently than the trip west.
At some point it must be imagined that conditions ceased to favor migration. Warming might occur and population pressure ceases due to harsher living conditions. Whatever happened, populations in Africa, Indonesia, and Brazil became isolated from each other for some thousands of years, a sufficiently long time that sexual selection produces genetic variation amongst these three families of humans. It must be imagined that the Indonesians developed Oriental features, the Africans developed Negroid features, and the Brazilians developed Caucasian features.
The original humans would probably have been what we would describe as neutral or a mixture of what we now see. Brown skinned, black haired, brown eyed, somewhat less than six feet in height and of average build. This race would have differentiated based on sexual preferences into the Negroid, Oriental, and Caucasian variations in the three available isolated locations.
The Negroid race continued to migrate along the same path eastwards many more times. The Oriental race migrated northwards into South East Asia moving from river basin to river basin along the Pacific coast of Asia. These people eventually migrated to America and down the west coast to the southern tip of South America.
The Brazilians have a more interesting future. They fill the Amazonian basin and remain there for thousands of years but eventually modern times arrive in the form of a major environmental disaster. For reasons that are not yet well understood, a dramatic warming of the weather occurs. This is dated by various methods to have occurred about 10,000 years ago. Some investigators, the writer included, have concluded that the crust of the Earth may have shifted. The result was the explosion of many volcanoes more or less simultaneously. Krakatoa was probably one of them and this forced the evacuation of large areas of Indonesia. The emissions of large amounts of greenhouse gases may have produced a more or less permanent increase in global temperatures of ten or fifteen degrees.
The result of this temperature change, which is well documented from ice cores in regions that didn’t produce temperatures sufficient to melt the ice: Antarctica and Greenland, was rapid melting of glaciation and widespread flooding. Of particular interest would be the melting of Andean glaciers and subsequent flooding of Amazonia. The period of time involved would have been from 10,500 years ago, when the main increase in temperature occurred and lasting for thousands of years until the Black Sea region was flooded. Afterwards the land areas were smaller and the seas were larger and deeper to the tune of several hundred feet. Due to the loss of the weight of ice on the Andes, built up pressure beneath them may have forced a general rising of the range, along with many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
During this time the population of Amazonia, due to the flooding had to disperse. Some will have migrated northwards via the island chain, which may have been a more or less continuous land bridge to Cuba and thence to Florida. Others climbed the Andes, some only as far as necessary and after the flooding subsided descended again to what would then become the Amazonian jungle. Others continued until they eventually reached Lake Titicaca and there established a new long term civilization.
These people were sun worshipers and this is crucial to understanding what then transpired. The culture that had once existed in Amazonia was relatively advanced technologically judging from the remnants of the Titicaca civilization, which eventually transformed into what we now call the Incas. They were capable of erecting structures made from large blocks of stone, megaliths, carefully fitted together and in some cases stapled with iron staples. The stones were so large, up to 100 tons, it is not known to this day how they managed to carve and transport them.
They had a seafaring tradition because of their original migration from Africa, which must have assumed the proportions of a mythological tradition by the time of the flood.
The gods one chooses to worship are very influential in determining the future history of the worshiping peoples. From mythological investigation we know that the Earth and Moon are associated with the feminine while the Sun is associated with the masculine. Some analysis needs to occur here to determine why this should be so. People have been watching the sexes and isolating the exact differences between them from the beginning. Men are aggressive and thus are prone to war. They do not produce children themselves but plant the seed that does produce them and then may or may not remain to observe the results. They are inclined to rely on understanding to improve their chances of success. Those that can predict the movement of game tend to survive better than those that can’t. Women, on the other hand, because of the need to protect the young tend to be more passive and remain at home. It is inherently passive to allow oneself to be inseminated while it is inherently aggressive to inseminate. So, these factors lead to the conclusion that to be masculine is to be aggressive, curious, and ultimately creative in devising new methods of survival. To be feminine is to be conservative, passive, and to rely on relationships as the primary tool of survival.
The earth is quickly recognized as the womb of life and is thus feminine. The moon passively reflects the light of the sun and is thus feminine. The sun does not produce life directly as a woman but its light is crucial. Without sunlight, nothing grows. The sun is thus masculine.
Humans would seem to have begun the expression of their religious instinct by worshipping the Earth mother. Many artifacts of religious observance of her have been unearthed, generally in the form of the feminine human figure but with the reproductive organs emphasized and many times with no head at all.
The Incas, on the other hand were sun worshipers. Since the sun is relatively insignificant compared to the earth from the point of view of an earth dweller, there must have been some compelling reason to worship the sun rather than the earth. After sufficient time to observe and ponder the history of the planet it may occur to some that without the sun the earth would be at best a barren rock floating in space. We know it wouldn’t even be that, but these people lacked the technical means of investigation available to us and relied on direct observation.
Since their home was Lake Titicaca, we can safely conclude that they had a more effective location for observance of the sky than formerly. They lived at an altitude of 5,000 feet or higher in places like Machu Pichu, so they had much less atmosphere to contend with and more clear weather. The geoglyphs that remain from this culture are most likely explained as representations of constellations and a means of predicting the arrival of certain constellations at positions of importance to them in the sky. So, these people were preoccupied with the sky. They were anxious to explain the flood and to predict when and if it might occur again. Amazingly they even have a mythological representation of the ancient Jewish conclusion that the rainbow is an indication that no flood is soon going to occur again. This idea probably arose because, after centuries of cloudy, rainy weather along with periodic flooding, the sky finally began to clear and rainbows appeared.
It is important to recognize that we gradually become more like what we worship. Thus, Earth Mother worshipers are likely to become more passive and less warlike. They remain at home rather than exploring, given a choice. Sun worshipers, on the other hand, will become more masculine and creative. They will favor war and exploration. It is no coincidence that the United States is the most creative culture on Earth today. We have a long tradition of worshiping the Father Creator and thus encourage creativity in our children from generation to generation. We solve political problems through warfare and thus the twentieth century is the most warlike of any century thus far and Americans play a lead role.
None the less, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, as is commonly recognized by elders and thus we are becoming more and more put off by the down side of masculinism and attracted to feminism.
The predecessors of the Incas recognized a royal highway lying beneath the path of the sun. As a result, it may be that they explored in those directions, eventually locating Easter Island and continuing from there westward until they had populated the South Pacific from New Zealand to Hawaii and from Fiji to Easter Island. Their travels to the East may be reflected in the writings of Plato regarding Atlantis. There is some reason to believe that Atl Antis can mean Island in the Andes in the pre Columbian language of the region and may refer to the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca.
These people, being devoted to building large structures from megalithic stones and also being ocean travelers, may have exported that technology to various locations around the globe and could thus be the inspiration for the pyramids of Giza as well as those in Central America and even Cambodia. Their descendents may have created the odd statues on Easter Island.
Leaving off with the Incas, it now is time to consider the fate of those Amazonians that trekked northwards to Florida.
Encountering resistance they continued to migrate northwards leaving behind those that didn’t want to continue on. Those that remained behind are known to us now as the Eastern Tribes of the North American Indian. This migration is recounted in the Book of Mormon. How Joseph Smith came to believe this material is unknown, though he was familiar with the writings of an early visitor to Yucatan. He says it was by revelation. Since he lived in the early years of The United States in New York and Pennsylvania one can easily imagine that he came into contact with American Indians and perhaps learned some of their mythology from them.
My conjecture is that a significant number of these migrants continued northwards and eventually crossed the North Atlantic to Europe for reasons that will be shortly recounted. How they managed this portion of their trip can only be guessed at. Since they have a history of ocean travel handed down from ancestors that made the trip to Brazil from Africa, perhaps they traveled by boat to Greenland, Iceland, and thence to Europe. Or, possibly the northern ice cap was still sufficiently large to allow migration on foot over it to Europe.
My reason for believing that this migration occurred is that Europe seems to be the place of origin of the Aryan myth. These people were white, believed themselves to be a superior race, worshipped the masculine God, and migrated out of Europe at a later date into the middle east.
We know the Inca were sun worshipers. Their ancestors would appear to be the same as those of the travelers up the east coast of the Americas, so that we might be within reason to assume that these people were also sun worshipers. This form of worship, after they arrived in Europe, which is not a particularly sunny place, may have been abstracted to a worship of God, known by an offshoot migrant people in Iran and Bombay India as Mazda. These people are called Zoroastrians and they believe that they originated in the north and were forced to migrate to Iran by an ice age.
Another group of Aryans are reputed to have invaded northern India and established the Brahman culture there. The story of these people is contained in the holy books of India known as the Vedas. They were aggressive, worshiped a God known as Brahma, made continual war on the native Dravidians, and were white skinned.
It seems likely that the Amazonians, after living in northern Europe for a long time might have acquired a whiter skin as a form of camouflage.
The aforementioned Zoroastrians believe that they were the source population for Greece. Thus they may be the origins of the Semite population and other Arab and Egyptian cultures. The religion of God became that of Zeus in Greece, Brahma in India, and Yahweh in Israel. Osiris of the Egyptians seems to be based on a racial memory of visitors from over seas in the "First Time", so these may be the returning Amazonians who had by this time discovered that the trade winds blew the other way further north in the Atlantic.
The religion of Israel, enhanced by Jesus then made its way back to Europe which led to a great flowering of creativity resulting in the invasion of the Americas from Europe and, ironically, the decimation of the Inca tribe.
Human Types
There are two physical versions of humans as represented by the skeletons dug up in Africa. These are known as the gracile which are tall and thin like the Kenyan long distance runners and the robustus, a shorter stockier type. These two types are reflected in the Tutsi/Hutu dichotomy in Africa. The Tutsis are from the north and are typically cattle herders while the Hutus are from the south and tend to be farmers.
From this we might speculate that they followed two different ideologies too. One, the feminist worshipers of the Earth Mother, and the other masculinist worshipers of the sun. The sun worshipers, being more intimate with the sky were more fearless on the sea and realized since the heavenly bodies were invariably spheres, the earth likely was too. The earth worshipers migrated eastwards because they could remain on land most of the time while the sun worshipers followed that heavenly body to the west.
From this we would conclude that the west would tend towards the masculine while the east would be more feminine with Rwanda representing the navel of the world and thus it is.
The easterners would have been halted by too vast distances in the pacific, once they could no longer migrate within site of land, reaching perhaps New Caledonia. These people continue to resemble their ancestors in Africa and include the aboriginal people of Australia. A branch migrated north into China and thence north to Siberia, across to Alaska and down the west coast of the Americas to Tierra del Fuego. During their period in China they developed the Oriental physiology. These people would differentiate into the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and western American Indians. Their ideology remains feminist to this day. They revere passivity, which reaches its highest expression in Taoism. They rely on relationships and time to accomplish their ends. The Dravidians of south India are descendents of this migration. They may have migrated back westwards from Indonesia, possibly as a result of a major eruption by Krakatoa.
The aggressive sun worshipers migrated westwards and eventually made the jump from west Africa to Brazil. In Brazil they acquired western features: triangular faces and prominent noses. They eventually settled in Peru at Cuzco and around Lake Titicaca and used that as a base of operations for world wide sea travel. They were the inspiration for their followers in America: the Incan, the Mayan, and the Aztec. They followed the royal highway of the sun to the west by following the Nazca and Gomez ridges during a time of much lower ocean levels to Easter Island and then Polynesia, settling islands as far south as New Zealand and north to Hawaii. They stopped their migrations at Fiji because of conflict with easterners.
They also migrated up the east coast of the Americas and eventually across the North Atlantic to Europe. This is apparent from the ideology of Europe. Eventually they continued their migration to the middle east and India. There they mixed with the easterners and produced the Persian and Arab cultures. They continued around the north side of the Mediterranean and thence back into Europe as the French. In Europe during a long period of isolation they acquired white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes as camouflage.
The western masculinists are the monument builders and the astrologers. Their creative spirit is always seeking to express itself and is attracted to abstraction. These are the builders of the Pyramids, of the Seven Wonders of the World, of skyscrapers, of airplanes and spaceships. They developed their preoccupation with the heavens into astrology and eventually science. They are the creators of The Tower of Babel, which is always destroyed by an outbreak of feminism. The masculinists favor individualism and wealth for the industrious. The easterners are more communal and favor sharing the wealth. These attitudes are reflected today by the Republican and Democratic political parties in the United States.
Anywhere stone megalithic monuments arranged to reflect important moments in the life of the earth as identified by the positioning of heavenly bodies, we can be sure that the descendents of the Amazonians have lived. Stonehenge is an example. Since the people known as Cro Magnon were artistic, we can conclude they were masculinists and therefor the migrations from Amazonia may have begun as long ago as 50,000 years. Thus, these people’s genes have dominated in Central America, England, France, Egypt, and Cambodia at a minimum from the ancient stone monuments in those places. They are still active in the western industrial countries. The opposition between the earth and sun peoples is most clear in Russia, which includes both. To the west of the Urals, we have typical aggressive masculinists altering the earth to meet their needs, while to the east we have typical mongoloids, happy to adapt to the requirements of the earth in the area in which they live.
Genghis Khan is atypical in that, for a short season he inspired a society that practiced masculine values. He may have carried his aggression as far as Europe. How this could have happened is unclear. Presumably he was unusual in his masculine attributes and also happened to be a monarch. Perhaps his family managed to come into contact with Aryans migrating towards China from Europe. There is some evidence from mummies found along the route that this could have happened.
None the less, he is the only example in recorded history of aggressive invasion of neighboring countries by Orientals until the Japanese invasion of China and south east Asia in modern times. The Japanese adoption of western values occurred several hundred years after European missionaries began their invasion of the Japanese homeland and attempted to transplant their religion. So, this may be the means by which western genes were introduced there.
The American introduction of western technology into the Far East has been readily absorbed in terms of manufacture, but has not produced any invention of new concepts or products there. Americans continue to dominate conceptually. This can be partially explained by the habit of invention produced by the experience of civilizing a continent, but only partially. The genetic resources must be there.
Since America is an experiment in an attempt to integrate various peoples, both masculinists and feminists from around the world, some generalizations are apparent. The African absorbs western values relatively easily and the western American Indian only with great difficulty, while the eastern American Indian absorbs it more readily than either of those groups. The mixed American Indian/European that dominates Mexico readily absorbs the culture while the western American Indian of South America does not.
These reflections must lead us to the conclusion that man adopted either feminine or masculine ideologies as soon as he acquired the mental capacity to reflect as described in the Eden myth. In addition the Bible tells us that Cain, after demonstrating his inability to submit to God migrated eastward. We aren’t told which direction Abel’s people took, but since east is the feminine direction we conclude that they followed the sun to the west. When these ideologies matured into a worship of God and mother earth, the masculinists quickly reached the conclusion that the feminists were opposed to God and therefore of the Devil. In its more benign form, this conclusion characterized these people as primitive and uncivilized and therefore in need of the ministrations of the west. These efforts proved ineffectual, however. Africans and Chinese were unreceptive in the main and unable to absorb the more advanced lessons on offer. They preferred and still prefer, with exceptions, the relationship based passive lifestyle.
Africa is an unmitigated disaster showing no signs of being able to do anything with large scale nationhood other than to attract exploitative politicians. China does better due to its longer experience with large scale nationhood, but we shouldn’t expect it to avoid the pitfalls of corruption. India shouldn’t be expected to rise much above current achievements and Indonesia is demonstrating that with a fortunate choice of an authoritarian leader it can do well, but when he gets old and infirm luck cannot be relied on to produce a replacement.
So, the circumstances we have regarding political development, given the ideological orientations we started out with are pretty much what would have been expected, had anyone understood at the time. They therefore should not be expected to improve much in future.
The myths of the Maya and ancient Egypt represent the arrival of a civilizing agent from across the sea. In the case of the Maya it was a white man who they have identified with the snake god Quezlcoatl. In the case of the Egyptians it was Osiris who arrived in the "First Time" to which every Egyptian wishes to return. If these refer to actual historical events that have acquired the trappings of mythology over time, what could the gift be that was brought and resulted in the civilizing of the culture?
The pre Incas of Cuzco were fixated on the sky as the source of their inspiration. They created grand structures oriented to commemorate the coming of the equinoxes and solstices. They also created flat sculptures on the surface of the high desert so large they cannot be properly appreciated except from high in the sky. They represent various star configurations or constellations, as we call them today. Some were the same as ours while others were different. All cultures seem to identify Orion since it is so obvious and is spacially associated with the dog star Sirius which is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon and maybe Venus. The African Dogans watched this star so carefully they detected the fact that it is a double star.
When we try to imagine living in such a time as this and realize that they lacked the technology to produce a clock and that there was no source of calendars, we can begin to grasp the significance of this activity. For those that studied the heavens the realization would come that it can be viewed as a very precise clock or calendar. By carefully watching the position of sunrise, one can detect the first day of spring and therefor a reliable method of determining the best day to plant one’s crop. By tracking the moon one can know the ideal day to attempt to impregnate one’s wife. By identifying constellations along the celestial equator, one can identify the individual months and give them a personality. After long study one can identify the celestial precession and therefor keep track of long time periods. A person or shaman with this capability would be viewed as one who had power over nature. He could be consulted regarding propitious times for performing some important activity.
When the shaman became sufficiently powerful due to his mastery of the forces of nature, he could use his authority to anoint a king and those that admired his wisdom would accept his choice knowing that the shaman would be the source of the wisdom of the king. This would then produce a spiraling increase of power for the king as more and more people accepted his authority. The king, in gratitude for his power would then decree that impressive monuments be constructed to venerate the source of his power. He would encourage his priestly caste to elaborate their mythology since he would identify that as the source of his power. This trend is what we refer to as civilization. If a missionary came to a tribe with primitive institutions and explained the method to the shaman, this sort of insight leading as it does to large scale social organization, would be remembered with mythological elaboration.
So, when we add to that the likelihood that the pre Incans were seafarers, this makes a plausible argument that they were the source of those civilizing agents.
The View of Life Dichotomy
It is interesting to note the differing views of life offered by various human tribes. Westerners of the Judeo/Christian tradition view life as a divine gift from God and to be lengthened as much as possible and ending in Heaven after death. The Egyptians had a similar view though they seemed to admire life on earth so much that they devised a belief in reincarnation and even a means of assuring they would return as the same humans as before.
The other side of the coin is described by the Hindus and Buddhists of India. To them, life is a vale of tears and the great challenge is to find the key to forestalling the need to reincarnate, which they imagine to be enlightenment. The Hindus descend from the Brahmans and therefore the Aryans, the same race as the predecessors of the Egyptians. But, over time they adopt key ingredients in the Jainist tradition of India, chief amongst them being karma, reincarnation, and enlightenment through self denial. The Jains are descendents of the Dravidians, who we can trace back to Africa.
So, the conclusion to be reached is that the feminists and worshipers of the earth mother develop this negative view of life while the masculinists arrive at the opposite view. Perhaps this is because the feminists, being passive, accept life as it comes and make no effort to impose their will on it while the masculinists being creative do everything in their power to impose their will on it and develop a sense of ownership over their own lives. Ownership bestows a sense of identity between the owner and the owned object so that when someone attacks the owned object it is felt to be an attack on the owner. We acquire a sense of proprietorship and thus, since we are participants in the creation of life, we view it more positively than we would if it just came to us as we passively sit waiting for it. In this posture, life is created by another agency and imposed upon us. Instead of defending against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", we accept them as our lot.
Passivity has much to recommend it. One does not, through naivete degrade the environment nor create forces that come back on one in a destructive way. One does not suffer guilt after finding that one’s methods have produced injury or death to a loved one. One is not responsible, since all acts arise out of fate rather than human planning. On the other hand maybe the approval of life by the living is worth more, even though it eventually comes to a bad end.
When we open our eyes and look about, we are confronted by earth and sky so we immediately face a choice: should we follow the sky or the earth? Should we look for help above or below? Should we look upwards or downwards? Of course we all look in both directions but some of us conclude that the earth holds more promise while others of us conclude that the sky is the place to look for help.
Looking downwards we quickly recognize our mother, that which has given us our bodies and life itself. On the other hand, looking upwards we are quickly impressed by the sun without which we would quickly fade away.
We next observe that the sun is more masculine while the earth is more feminine. The earth produces us, as a child from a womb. The sun is our source of light and warmth. It provides the energy that allows us to move. It creates us only indirectly as a man impregnates a woman.
So, we all recognize our indebtedness to both earth and sky, but each of us favors one or the other as more important to us. Thus, we acquire an ideology and begin to worship these, our ultimate parents. The earth worshipers become animists. They see qualities in animate and inanimate objects that are worthy of respect. Stealth and craftiness. Strength and cunning. So, they begin to worship these objects in hopes of acquiring some of their ability. Some of these become worshipers of Mother Earth. These emulate her passivity, recognizing that she just floats in space, accepting the radiation that bathes her and turning it to her own uses. Thus, ideal life for them consists in accepting what nature has to offer and avoiding any acts that might prove an affront to her and perhaps lose for them her favor. So, they hunt, herd, and plant and stay home, except when forced by environmental conditions to move. They favor the equator, where the necessities of life are most abundant.
The sky worshipers focus on the sun and become followers of it. They are attracted to the west, they are inclined to explore, they are aggressive, imposing their will on all that they see. Eventually, they notice other objects in the sky besides the sun. First the moon, which is very similar to the sun but more feminine since it only reflects the light of the sun and dominates the night rather than the day when it fades to insignificance in the overwhelming brightness of the sun. After that they notice the planets and stars and the constellations, which allow them to navigate and to create a reliable calendar.
Since they are masculinist followers of the sun they seize upon the idea of proselytizing their religion and eventually begin to send out missionaries to convert the feminists. Ultimately, their dominance is established by migration, and the settling of new lands, and the repression of indigenous feminists as demonstrated by the Spanish invasion of South America and the invasion by France and England of North America.
Modern Differences
An interesting question revolves around speculations regarding the differences to be observed between sun worshipers and earth worshipers today, 10,000 years after the flood. An entertaining comparison is provided by James Clavell is his book, "Shogun". This novel imagines the first encounter between a Portuguese Navigator and the Japanese Shogunate in about 1600. A few missionaries were already in residence.
The most stark contrast he presented was in the form of sea travel. The Japanese were still using large rowboats similar to those in use by the west in Roman times. They were unable to navigate the open ocean while the west was opening trade routes by sea between the Orient and Europe. From this, we conclude that in the realm of science the Orientals were at least a millennium behind.
The indigenous religion, Shintoism, idealizes nature.
The dress styles emphasized appearance in the east and practicality in the west. Both sides viewed the other as uncivilized. The east was preoccupied with bodily cleanliness while the westerners were much less concerned with it, though later with the discovery of bacteria, they realized its significance.
The easterners underestimated the aggressive nature of westerners and their religion.
This all sounds accurate to me.
Atlantis was most authoritatively described by Plato. He states that he heard the story from his grandfather, Solon, who got it from an Egyptian priest at Alexandria. So, we can take it that the story was elaborated by all concerned and that certain features were given a Grecian flavor by Plato or Solon or both. Substituting Poseidon for whatever god may actually have been involved, for example.
What would the Egyptian have been describing? According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god/man of the first time and, having been killed by his brother Set was now the god of the dead. He was the originator of Egyptian civilization. So, he may have been a missionary from Cuzco. This apparently happened about 5,000 BC from Egyptian records concerning the institution of the Pharonic tradition. So, if this is a reasonable conclusion, this missionary must have come shortly after the receding of the flood which seems to have had its last event in the flooding of the Black Sea which may have occurred shortly before the arrival of civilization in Egypt.
Since the residents of Cuzco were masculinists, they needed no further motivation for sending out missionaries other than to propagate the faith as do we in modern times. But, they may have feared the demise of their culture due to the ravages of the flood and took this means to try to guarantee survival of the ideology if not themselves. If this is what happened we would expect Egypt to put their own spin on what they had received and as always would only devise the myth at some later date when the significance of what they had learned began to be felt. As we know, the gospels weren’t written by the experiencers of Jesus but their heirs.
It may be that a jealous Egyptian killed the emissary from Cuzco because of the deference he was getting from the local shamans and that explains the myth of Osiris. The reaction to this crime could have been the beatification of Osiris just as it was in the case of Jesus. The priests would then develop a religion based on the information they had received from Osiris, which would have led to astrological symbolism if Osiris brought the religion of the sky, which he certainly would if he hailed from Cuzco.
This is of course highly speculative, as one must expect when trying to reconstruct pre history.
One could ask why all this matters? To which it could be replied that it helps explain that the current war in Iraq is a conflict between masculinist cultures as are all great wars.
The Flood
Monument Valley
I’m guessing that these mesas are 200 feet high. How much water would have to flow over this landscape to remove 200 feet of soil?
Grand Canyon
Where did all the water come from?
Arches National Park
These formations cannot be imagined to have been formed by other than a flood of grand proportions. And the water must have come from a vast glacier two to three miles thick covering the North American continent from Chicago to the far northern reaches.
The Black Sea flood
So, The Mediterranean Sea rose to a level sufficient to cause a catastrophic breach of the Bosporus about 7000 years ago after 5000 years of glacier melting that raised ocean levels several hundred feet.
Glaciers on top of the Andes would also have melted, flooding the Alta Plana in Bolivia.
The date of the beginning of this warming is best attested to by ice core samples from Greenland that show the current inter-glacial to have begun about 11,500 years ago.
So, the idea that an advanced ocean sailing culture inhabiting the Alta Plana could have been washed away by such a flood and leave no trace, aside from the story by Plato is not far fetched. And, if a people migrated to the mouth of the Amazon as demonstrated by Thor Hyerdahl and explored up the Amazon looking for its source, they would have found Cuzco and Lake Titicaca in Peru, which is the north end of the Alta Plana.
We now know the answers to all of the most vexing questions about prehistoric advanced civilization.
The first requirement is to teach the people to think.
The second requirement is to establish a chief to whom all citizens owe allegiance.
Masculinism was the ideology that led to astrology. The book on ideology:
The WEB page on feminism, overpopulation, and psychological complexes:
Migration Routes
Red – Sun Worshipers
Green – Earth Worshipers
Origins about 3,000,000 years ago
First migration about 100,000 years ago ending in Brazil and Indonesia
Last migration about 10,000 years ago