The Unibomber

The Unibomber is a particularly instructive case study in superiority/inferiority complex formation. The basic facts are:

* He is from Chicago.

* His parents allowed him to attend Harvard in the early sixties beginning at the age of 16. He obtained a BA in Mathematics and left the impression of unsociability which suggests that he was thrown in with more mature 18 year olds and was unable to relate to them.

* He attended the University of Michigan in the middle sixties very successfully, obtaining a Masters and Phd in Mathematics.

* He taught at UC Berkeley in the late sixties, probably the premier new Phd job in his field in this country. He stayed only two years and gave the impression of greater interest in social issues, suggesting that he was experimenting with marijuana, a very likely possibility given the year.

* He sent letter bombs to members of his profession and members of related fields for 18 years without being discovered.

* He was finally exposed by his brother, who will be elligible for a million dollar reward if a conviction ensues.

* When discovered, he was living in a remote village in Montana in a one room cabin with no electricity or plumbing. He owned a bicycle made from scavenged parts.

* He published a manifesto declaring that technology had proven an unmitigated disaster for humanity.

* He maintained a long term pen pal relationship with a working class Mexican, whom he never met, but to whom he sent a lovingly carved, elaborate container. He communicated with this man in Spanish. This suggests that he was very lonely and very bored.

From these items and a general understanding of this complex, some conclusions can be reached.
The UB suffers from excessive intelligence which produces alienation in many cases due to rejection after demonstrations of superior intellect to peers in childhood, and inadequacy in sports and social graces. This situation is implied by the reports that no socializing was remembered by his peers at Harvard.
We can surmise that he spent all his time emphasizing his superiorities and repressing his inadequacies. The inadequacies will have, therefore, built up into a complex, generating feelings of inadequacy and desire for revenge. The desire for revenge will be directed at those who rejected him at his arrival at Harvard, forcing, we can suppose, long months of isolation on him and introspection regarding the source of his suffering. This explains the recipients of his explosive messages.
The experiences of the sixties will also have exposed him to rebellion, the perception that everyone was sexually involved except him, and discussions of an anti-technological nature.
The complex and its desire for revenge will be the motivating force behind the letter bombs, not the environmental awareness. How can it be imagined that letter bombs will have a prosurvival effect at the individual, societal, or species level? It cannot. It does have the effect of producing fame and fear and it is useful for rationalizing. One can say to oneself, "Society is in danger and these acts will wake them up." Of course no awakening is necessary, considering the excess of media commentary environmentalism gets.
As with other complexes, we can expect that parental involvement is to be suspected, but no evidence has so far been exposed, except for his enrollment at Harvard at 16. Certainly his parents had something to do with this. Having obtained the education he did and living in a cabin in Montana with no visible means of support suggests a pampered childhood in an upper middle class home. It is very common in such circumstances for the parents to do everything they can to encourage intellectual overachievment, thinking this a route to fame which will reflect on them. This is a particularly naive and destructive form of parenting and will produce a shock when the child is exposed to peers that are unimpressed with his endowments. This commonly occurs on the female side when a mother pushes an attractive child into beauty comparisons with her peers. The result is usually isolation due to the implicit negative comparison experienced by peers and the desire to evade the experience. In males it is even worse, due to the more rare occurrence of great intelligence compared to beauty. The reverse also occurs, that is excessive intelligence in the female and excessive physical beauty in the male, but more rarely. It has the same effect.
Obviously, it is not necessary that unusually endowed children grow up with psychological problems, but it is likely in the absence of particularly sensitive parents. The best strategy for parents to adopt in these circumstances is to emphasize the child's weaknesses and to minimize the significance of the strengths.
One final indication of a UB complex, perhaps the most important is what I would call a child complex. This is indicated by several comments about his treatment of his family, for example requiring them to mark their important letters under the stamp and his own complaints about a lack of autonomy in his personality. This suggests to me that he has a child complex that takes over from time to time especially in relating to his family. How this could occur would be in circumstances where when still a child one is encouraged to act like an adult. This would lead, if the encouragement was strong enough, to acting out the adult role, and if this were done habitually, the effect would be to repress the childish features of the personality instead of allowing them to mature out of existence in the usual way. That is to say, as an effort of self will through understanding preferring adult responses. This is a dangerous kind of complex, since children are frequently cruel due to lack of understanding of the implications of their actions.

The Scotland Children's Massacre

This is another interesting complex case study. The basic facts are:

* A Scottish man enters a local school with two handguns and kills and wounds the teacher and several children before taking his own life.

* His history includes functioning as a scout master to young boys and criticism for sexual improprieties.

* His father departed the family when the boy was 18 months old.

* The subject reportedly exhibits a fascination with guns.

From these facts, it can be surmised that the man suffered from a sexual/dominance complex. This arises when the parent, usually the mother, punishes any manifestation of a sexual nature, such as masturbating, and any occurrence of aggression, like fighting with other boys. Over time an alternate personality accumulates of a sexual/dominance nature. This attracts the sufferer to the scout leader experience, where opportunity to satisfy this complex exists. Some attempts are made, resulting in the reported criticism and the elimination of this outlet. The needs of the complex, being unmet, build up over time, leading to the explosion in the school house, which is the experience par excellence in satisfaction of the needs of the complex, and so compelling that the sufferer is willing to sacrifice his life to get it. It is perfect because guns are used to impose one's will on relatively defenseless boys. Guns, as we know from Freud, are a substitution for the phallus and a perfect one they are too. They are profoundly stiff and ejaculate on demand and the result is destruction.
The correspondence between complexes and ordinary garbage dumps cannot be overemphasized. In these times when garbage dumps have become an ubiquitous problem in most communities of any size in this country, the similarities between them and the psychological complex should be apparent. In both cases, humans are trying to be rid of unwanted objects that don't enhance the domicile being created. In both cases the dump builds up until it presents a destructive force on its own. In both cases, memory of the dump's creation can be lost and the only method of identification becomes analysis of its effects. Beyond that, we live in a world of symbols, similarities, parables, similes, allegories, analogies, etc. It should be no surprise that a physical analog for the complex exists, in fact, it should provide confirmation of the analysis of this psychological phenomenon.

The Tasmanian Devil

A wealthy and eccentric loner massacres 35 and wounds 19 more in Tasmania.
