Sexual Orientation

With this graph the spectrum is applied to the general notion of sexual orientation as it is discussed and legislated in the 1990's.
There are two bell curves to contain the general run of humanity according to their physical characteristics. To the extremes reside those that tend to promiscuity while toward the center one expects to find greater and greater disinterest with respect to sexuality. A second centrally located bell curve is provided to represent the homosexual population where sexual reversal occurs.
Actually, I believe the question of homosexuality is rather more complicated. I believe there are both physical and emotional homosexuals of both sexes. Physical homosexuality can be defined as a sexual predisposition towards one's own sex as a result of genetic or hormonal differences, while psychological homosexuality refers to sexual rebellion. So, physical homosexuals will find their mates among psychological homosexuals and this accounts, I believe, for the homosexuals that exhibit homosexual characteristics as opposed to those that don't. From the graph it can be seen that most homosexuals occur in the sexually neutral region and therefore are no problem to society. The problems arise with promiscuous homosexuals that occur at the extremes. These are very small in number.
The graph is supposed to demonstrate why sexual attraction occurs and this is the meaning of the comment at the bottom.
The purpose of sexuality, of course, is to provide genetic mixing, and that is why incest is always forbidden.
It should be noted that this graph does not conform to the standard bell curve that is used to describe most characteristics of humanity, so that one concludes that some unusual feature of life is at work and producing a distortion. It could be that another labeling system might make clear the reason for this. For instance, if one labeled the extremes homosexual and heterosexual and the middle bisexual or asexual or both, this would also allow placing all members of society and would produce a bell curve, though the bell would be displaced towards the heterosexual end like this:

This reflection makes clear the reason for the unusual shape of the curve and identifies the source of the distortion as ideology. For more on this subject read this.