The Ideological
This graph is intended to demonstrate the relationship between
masculinism, the worship of the spirit, and feminism, the worship of
the earth. Feminism is represented in red because it is irrational,
basing its judgments on feelings, primarily compassion, which gives
it a distinctly short term orientation. Masculinism is represented in
blue because it is rational, basing its judgments on rules, producing a
more long term orientation. Extreme feminists, such as the best of
the American Indians, are seen to have a very noticeable value
system, in which the spirits are well identified, abundant, and
carefully cared for. This is also characteristic of the extreme
masculinists, such as the ancient Jews, though in that case only one
spirit is identified. These peoples have a distinctly religious
orientation characterized by respect for nature on the one hand and
God on the other, which results in an admirable, conflict intensive
culture. Admirable for its respect towards the rest of the world and
control of hubris, conflict intensive because other humans will not
recognize the need for respect and will come to blows through
careless violation of taboos.
The first characteristic of masculinism is aggression. That is
because creativity is an expression of aggression. Aggression will
lead one to do something, and that means creation. Order is the least
of these three characteristics and is there because of the dependence
of creation on order. The creative process relies on abstraction, to
clear the field of immaterial objects, and order, to allow the intellect
to grasp, at one time, the problem and its components. Then, if one is
available, the solution will suggest itself, and intuition will perceive
it. Extreme feminism will be exactly opposite in all respects, as the
graph suggests. This is because there are only two ends to any
spectrum and the universe is a collection of spectra. So, feminism,
being passive, will see no need for creation and therefore will not
wish for order.
Masculinism values individuality because the creative act
occurs in the mind of the individual. It is true that two minds are
better than one, but only if they are filled with the same problem.
This is seldom the case. So, groups usually dissolve into vituperation
and conflict. On the other hand, a non-aggressive people will value
the strength that confederation provides and will, for that reason
group together as far as their disorganization will allow.
Judaism, is well understood in the west, Animism is chosen as
its opposite because of its investment of inanimate objects and
animals with valued characteristics of humans, which are then
worshipped. Christianism is a feminization of Judaism because of
Christ's compassion. Hinduism is a masculinization of Animism
because of the extensive intellectualism that surrounds it.
Muslimism is a further feminization of Judaism because of its
isolation of women. This has the effect of creating a mother based
family structure, as in primitive cultures. Masculinism is difficult to
maintain as can be seen by the paucity of such cultures in the history
of mankind. One is always in danger of institutionalizing feminine
values either by emphasizing them or by de-emphasizing them in a
way that creates a critical cultural institution, like the family, which
becomes a place of emphasis. Feminism is the default option, which
is to say that masculinism requires a creative act to invent it, while
feminism will occur of its own accord as a result of the individual
solutions to small problems slowly building up into a set of values.
Helenism is a masculinization of Hinduism due to the systematization
of the religious hierarchy, with a transcendent God, Zeus, and all
others arranged in an hierarchy. Helenism led to an extreme form of
intellectualization and identification of all the main avenues of
investigation which provided the basis for the extreme masculinism
which developed in Europe.
Finally, secularism is currently thought to be the final solution
to the problems associated with both feminism and masculinism, but,
as can be seen from the graph, extreme feminism and masculinism
are the sources of value systems that provide for a means of
avoiding self destruction. There is no apparent reason to avoid the
most destructive tendencies in human nature such as random
violence and promiscuity in secularism. Beyond that, why continue
to live in a valueless culture? Since it has no values, it provides no
pathway to perfection to lead humanity into the