The most important spectra governing human lives. These attributes are, in
general, ordered by importance.
Those spectra acting on all lives equally.
The degree to which we are material or spiritual beings.
God, being aware, must be inactive to maintain purity, since awareness means
perception of all options and an improper action my be taken through lack of
attention. On the other hand, nature, being unaware will not perceive improper
actions and thus maintain its purity. Purity is required since an impure world
wouldn't survive. It would constantly break down as a misdesigned automobile
would constantly break down.
Since we can see that nature is mostly unaware and that God is its
opposite, we can take it that God is mostly aware.
God is the creator, by definition and yet inactive. Thus, we must
presume that
He sets everything in motion and then lets it play itself out, without
Order is essential to creation and unnecessary to nature.
Nature is obviously active, so we can take it that God, being its opposite is inactive.
Materiality as it relates to sensual perception. If a person is essentially
what his visual image suggests, we can say that he is a particularly material
being. If his image is very far from conveying all he is, for example,
Einstein or Picasso, we could conclude that he is not a particularly material
Immateriality must be perceived sensually from its effects, since it is
incapable of direct perception. For instance, if a house appears where none
was before, its design must be an immaterial predecessor of it.
Things vary from perceptible because they reflect light or, in the case of
space, because of the emptiness. Beyond that, things may exist that are
sensually imperceptible. In fact, for symmetric reasons we may expect that
just as much exists in this realm as in the physical realm.
Sexuality is more accurately portrayed as a spectrum with extreme femininity
and masculinity separated by an infinite number of gradations made up of
various mixtures of masculine and feminine attributes. This representation has
the advantage of making room for homosexuals.
The second most important set of spectra will be those associated with our
physical attributes, since they share with the universal the attribute that we
have no control over them.
This is the most crucial attribute, governing who can dominate whom and all of the strategies for dealing with domination.
The second most important attribute, governing our acceptance by our peers and
all of the strategies dealing with both acceptance and rejection on this basis.
The third most significant attribute, governing our importance to our peers.
Controlling our ability to participate in sports and dance, for instance.
Controlling our ability to participate in activities, an important aspect of
which is the manipulation of objects.
The least important of the most important because they are to some extent
controllable by the individual. By emphasis or de emphasis of the attribute,
one can improve or minimize it. They are ordered from the least amenable to
human intervention to the most.
Thinking as an opposing force to feeling is a contribution by Carl Jung. This is a reasonable view since emphasis of one tends to decay the other.
Sensitivity here should be interpreted as referring to sensation. Carl Jung is responsible for opposing it to intuition.
Introversion and extroversion are terms introduced by Carl Jung to label people with a marked disinclination to socialize with their peers and the reverse.
This attribute will make one unfit for certain professions.
An animated person is one that seeks to communicate and emphasizes variation in his communications.
Analysis can only occur where objects are viewed objectively and are capable of organization. This will require one to ignore his relationships and to
abstract himself from the circumstances being analyzed.
Political orientation can affect one's acceptance, particularly if one's views tend to the extreme.
Since leaders are valued and their compensation reflects this value to society, it is an important attribute.
A creative person is one that can think unique thoughts and identify possible solutions to problems.
By holiness, it is meant those sorts of people that seem to have no needs of their own and instead devote their efforts to satisfying the needs of others.
Morality here, is understood to mean sensitivity to the correctness of actions. Actions are defined as correct if, in the long term they succeed in reaching their objectives and do not lead to failures of one sort or another.
By mendacity, it is meant the tendency to lie to manipulate reality into that which is desired. The mendacious come in various versions from the naive to
the sophisticated.
Crucial in our times, since this is a time of change in this area. Our
institutions can be called masculinist and changing to feminist.