
Politics is, of course, the preferred method of implementation of new social rules.


The Problems Adhering to Governance by Law

February 1, 1990
The Daily Mississippian


In response to Ricky Baldwin's column of January 31, 1990 regarding the lumbering industry in this country:
First, I think if Ricky would avoid the use of inflammatory and pejorative phrases in making his points his argument would be more compelling.
Second, his view is one-sided. He concludes that Congress is being paid to show favoritism towards a small group of business men at the expense of the people, so that they can get rich. To reach this conclusion he notes that some businessmen get rich in this business and that congress has passed laws regarding public lands and the trees they contain. To conclude that our representatives are immoral on this kind of evidence truly deserves the epithet sophomoric.
To take a more evenhanded view of the situation, it was concluded at some time in the past that America's best interests lay in supporting industry of whatever kind in order to support job creation. This has been a basic goal of our government for a long time. When we had an apparently endless supply of trees and a need to build many homes, the policy looked good. It is beginning to look bad now that the trees are dwindling.
There are some unfortunate consequences to governance via laws. Laws get old and out of date as do clothes. However, in the case of laws, people will base their livelihoods on the existence of laws and the expectation that they will never change. If people become powerful as a result of laws they will use their power to see that the laws don't change.
Our system includes some mechanisms for changing laws, but we wouldn't like to see it become too easy. If it were, laws would change by the day and we would have no capability of predicting our futures.
So, if you think the laws concerning harvesting of timber on public lands should be changed: use the existing mechanisms for changing them (write your congressman). But don't slander our lawmakers because the times have changed. By the way, the underlying causative factor here is population growth.
Joe Schiller

The Republican Platform

August 10, 1994
National Review
150 East 35th Street
New York, NY 10016


I congratulate George Weigel and William Kristol for their Pro- Life Strategy for Republicans, but...
They fail to recognize that one of the complex set of arguments supporting the Pro-Choice movement is the overpopulation issue. Therefore, difficult as it is, a statement should be included that attempts to clearly define just what the problem is and the proper stance to be adopted by Republicans in response to it.
I propose the following:
* Overpopulation of the globe by humans is recognized by the Republican Party as a current problem that could have the effect of dramatically altering our value system if some solution to it is not identified and a start made towards addressing it. It is recognized that overpopulation is possibly an issue of such complexity, that no political party can expect to deal with it in any comprehensive way. None the less, the GOP also feels that not making an attempt can only be viewed as an abrogation of responsibility on such a grand scale as to tend to make the party appear impotent or worse, meaningless.
* Overpopulation has the general effect of reducing the quality of life of humans. As a problem, it has the potential over time, to destroy the culture if some counter force is not provided for or allowed to occur naturally.
* Programs designed to counter this threat have a tendency to oppose traditional values adhered to by most members of our society from time immemorial.
* There are, however, signs that nature will solve the problem for humans, if allowed to continue and indeed build over time. Two such factors spring to mind: 1) The decline of male potency as recently discovered and described in American medical journals, and 2) The rising incidence and metamorphosis of the AIDS virus, also described in the same journals.
* The platform, therefore, should include language proposing that these and other similar natural tendencies be allowed to run their course without interference by humans. Towards that end, government agencies should be restrained from spending money in any endeavor which would tend to work against the continuation of these natural tendencies.
* This policy runs counter to traditional wisdom, but, if the long view is taken, we believe that it can be seen and communicated to the American people that this is actually a pro-life stance.
* We also recognize that this policy runs counter to the desire of commercial and political interests to increase the number of humans in order to increase the sum total of political power and human exploitation of the natural world, but we believe that these are short sighted goals that are self defeating in the long term.
* Finally, we also recognize that these policies can be interpreted as running counter to certain biblical requirements. We have concluded however, that humans have misinterpreted the Bible in this instance, that the Bible is pre-eminently concerned with survival of the species and since overpopulation, if not dealt with in some fashion, will have the exact opposite effect, we are constrained to attempt to align our policies with that realization.
* * *

Association of cultural problems with population pressure is difficult. Humans are great problem solvers, so they naturally try to solve problems at the source, and this has the effect of masking the genesis of problems as viewed at the policy level. As an example, I reject the notion that something inherent in the black race produces the grand flight of fathers from their filial responsibilities. Instead, I postulate (an unprovable postulation) that black males flee overfeminized wives who refuse conjugal responsibilities.
As population increases, government policy becomes more complex. To test this statement think of the solution to a crime problem in Dodge City, Kansas 100 years ago and the solution to the same problem today. In the one case the solution was to find a good Marshall. Today, due to population increase, the Dodge City problem is related to the same problem in every American city, so it is comprehensive and requires, apparently, a comprehensive solution, which cannot be devised by the federal government due to local variations in the problem.
Passivity in pursuit of governmental policy is an unexplored alternative that used to be greatly admired. It should be re-explored as a means of achieving an end that lacks the disadvantages of activist programs.
Please do not critisize this statement on the grounds that I no less than any other wish to protect myself from the AIDS virus. It is time to discuss the fact that the responsibilities of government are not coincident with those of the individual. Because it is my responsibility to survive at all costs, it does not follow that the responsibility of government is to see that all its citizens survive at all costs. The government is a corporate entity, not an individual, and therefore has different responsibilities. Its view should be to do the greatest good for the greatest number, and in so doing to recognize that the long term is its domain. It is also necessary to recognize that good is ultimately about survival. Morality is about survival, not of the individual but of society.
Of course the problems of democracy are by now all too apparent. They flow from the practise of buying votes. This is wrong because it distorts the government view to that of the individual. The individual must, in a moral society, be left to his own devices, when it comes to his own personal survival. My prescription for the various levels of government would be that they restrict themselves to the relations between entities of their own scope. Thus, national governments should concern themselves with the relations between nations and state governments should negotiate with other states, cities with cities, and so on.
You may feel that these issues are too large, since they amount to reconstituting our governing institutions, but that is what we must do in these momentous times.

Joe Schiller



After reading Mr. Sheets' condemnation of Ross Perot, I am driven to the conclusion that our problems with politicians mainly come from an inability to discern character.
I listen to all the criticism heaped on Mr. Perot from all sides and as time goes on start leaning towards this view, and then he appears on the Today Show and reconvinces me that he is a man of character. We can expect him to be criticized widely, because he is neither a Democrat or Republican and therefore not part of the political establishment. Those committed to the establishment, such as Rush Limbaugh, will not be able to support him.
This is not to say that he is a good politician. Good character doesn't necessarily coincide with good politics, in fact they can work against each other due to the need for politicians to adopt the views of their patrons from time to time.
Character is difficult to discern with confidence. Good actors can feign good character up to a point.
I would say that the following qualities should be looked for when character is wanted:
* Honesty: Watch to see if the spokesman says things that are important to him even though they are not PC. Political ideology is always concerned with creation of a new society and therefore cannot be too concerned with honesty. Ideologues will always emphasize news that strengthens their ideology and ignore news that weakens it.
* Concern for others: Watch to see if he concerns himself with others when there can be no expectation of political gain.
* Wisdom: Watch to see if he endorses Biblical values, or in the negative whether he has acted in an immoral way.
* Family: Look at his family and see if they are genuinely in awe of his fathering/husbanding. This can be difficult, since they will always want to support him.
* Real patriotism: Look at his work life for signs that he has acted to strengthen his country in difficult times.
* Look for acts rather than words: Remember that the cheapest tool available in a political contest is the lie.

Joe Schiller


How Minorities Gain Control of the Political Mechanism

Democracy has a serious defect. The problem is that it is subject to domination by minorities. Democracy is a system wherein the electorate votes on issues, directly or indirectly. A republic, on the other hand, uses representatives of the electorate to vote on issues. The distinction may seem minor but consider how it works in practice.
A large electorate will vote on both sides of any adequately explained issue in approximately even numbers. This is because any issue has an indefinitely large number of positions available to the individual voter. If one could vote on any position relating to a particular issue, the result would be the well known bell curve. At a deeper level, this is because there is no issue that is black and white. The individuals reaction to an issue is a function of the development of the personality of the individual.
A small electorate, however, may well have a particular point of view on any issue, and that will allow it to organize itself into a voting block. Thus, the majority will likely vote the average or middle position on any issue, thereby canceling itself out, while the minority will vote coherently, thus becoming the only electorate of consequence.
In a democracy, therefore, the minorities will decide issues. This is an untenable state of affairs. The majority will only put up with it as long as it doesn't understand what is happening. Our country was established as a republic. We therefore have representatives, but they have been convinced to run on issues, which causes the electorate to vote in terms of issues.
Representatives should run on personality and reputation and vote their own view on issues to reestablish the republic.


The Daily Mississippian


In response to Ms. Benton of The Committee Against Western Aggression: she states, "Imperialism is, in fact, the systematic domination and exploitation of peoples around the globe." (my underline)
One could wish people would refrain from assigning the status of fact to political rhetoric. The above paragraph is an invention of politicians who wish to reduce the power of aggressive states with political institutions based on the concept of royalty. Kings and queens are not inherently bad, there have been and are both bad and good kings. There also have been and are both bad and good democracies. In fact humanity has never been able to identify any completely good entity. Before you object, read Job.
The attribute of most interest about groups like this committee is their apparent interest in reducing the power and effectiveness of their own society. Surely there is a touch of masochism in this?

Joe Schiller


The Daily Mississippian


Today, I was unsurprised to hear an NBC report saying: 20 years after Watergate the special prosecutor says he thinks he may be able to trace Iran/Contra to President Reagan. This statement displays all of the contempt of the national news media for the American people. We know that Watergate and Iran/Contra aren't related. We also know when we are being manipulated.
I find it bizarre that the media seems surprised by the mood of the electorate this year. I would say that I am surprised that it has taken so long to reach the inevitable conclusions driving this election. While the President and Mr. Clinton figuratively spread their hands saying lets remain calm, the electorate is saying the time for calm is past. We know that the endless spending of the various levels of government cannot go on and that a day of reckoning is coming. We don't know precisely what the reckoning will be, but it is coming, and soon. We know that endless pollution of the environment cannot go on without incurring a reaction by nature, probably one that will work against us. We don't know when or what form the reaction will take, but we know it is coming. We know that endless presentation of more and more immoral material in the media will eventually result in the wrath of God falling upon us. We don't know how this will operate or when it will arrive, but it will surely come.

Joe Schiller

It's All Propaganda to Me!

In response to Mr. Herzfeld's column of February 2, and paraphrasing Billy Joel: It's all propaganda to me!
The feminists, driven by compassion, wish to expunge or at least reduce suffering in the world. Well, that has been the common philosophy for many years. It drives the whole medical profession for example. Is it good philosophy? One's first reaction is positive and for most that is the only reaction there is.
All ideas have an up and a down side. Anyone noticed that the world is overpopulated and therefore polluted? This is the direct result of reducing suffering.
Creativity, when applied to human society, uses as its primary tool discrimination. If we wish a society that doesn't resort to murder, we discriminate against murderers. If we didn't, murder would be a much more common device than it now is. This simple idea, much utilized in the past to promote such things as Christianity and science, and to demote such things as single parenthood and drug use, has now become too difficult for us to understand. Therefore we must assume that creativity will no longer be applied, at least to society. But civilization is a result of creative effort applied to society. In the past we have discriminated unmercifully against the uncivilized (we used to call them savages and pagans). One has only to look at the treatment of the American Indian to get the flavor of it. Are we then to discard civilization in the service of compassion? Remember, this means oil!
I have a difficult time convincing myself that academic liberals and American blacks, the force behind feminism, understands this relationship, so I suppose that this is an example of unconscious behavior, so common in the affairs of men.
Joe Schiller

Jonathan Swift

The Mississippian

In response to Ms. Higgins very thoughtful letter of Dec. 3, wondering about my intentions.
First, Jonathan Swift was reacting to a problem, that problem being that in Ireland there was too little food and too many people. Swift had his ideas about the cause of the problem, I have mine. You will never demonstrate the veracity of either. You can only draw your own conclusions.
Second, intellectualism is a tool developed over many a long century, that can under some circumstances provide understanding. So is a telescope.
Third, my letters and columns have suggested that we should look to overpopulation as a causative factor in the area of social and political problems. As an example: at home, I could care less about the racism of an individual if I never come into contact with him. As population density increases however, it becomes ever less possible to avoid contact with more and more people with more and more diverse views. In the middle east, if there were land enough to supply the needs of both the Israelis and the Palestinians, we would be hearing nothing about the problem of sharing.
At one time overpopulation problems could be dealt with through immigration, this outlet no longer exists. It is as if a pot of water on a stove has had its lid sealed.
Joe Schiller


The Tools of the Demagog


In response to the column by Chris Fitter of 16 October: Mr. Fitter uses some common techniques of political activists interested in enhancing the political fortunes of their group at the expense of others.
The first is the technique of extreme representation. With this technique he suggests that if one cannot abide by all injunctions in the Bible, they should give up trying to live by any.
His second technique is to suggest that uncritical acceptance is a true manifestation of love. As most parents know, this is the least of love. One must apply one's critical faculties in order to raise a child who will know what will bring success and what will lead to failure. This will require sanctions to enforce, which will be painful to both parties, but will have a positive result in the end.
Finally, Mr. Fitter uses the crude technique of suggesting a connection between those he dislikes and another group disliked by the majority.
The use of manipulative techniques such as these suggests that Mr. Fitter is intellectually dishonest, at least to us, and perhaps to himself.

Joe Schiller



In response to Mr. Cole's thoughtful letter regarding the Dixie controversy, I would like to congratulate Mr. Cole for actually thinking about the problem and then to criticize him for what I would call mischaracterizations.
First, I don't think any reasonable person could characterize the pre Civil War South as the location of a holocaust, as I understand the term. Also, I don't know where he got his history from, but I don't believe the statement that millions upon millions of black people were murdered, tortured and dehumanized, unless he means that some few were killed, some very few tortured, and millions were maintained in a state of slavery, which some would consider dehumanizing.
Of course, I wasn't there, but my understanding of the South, is that it was made up of a conservative people, many of whom considered honor to be the most important possession that a man could have. The flag and the song, recall to many of us those people.
The issue of slavery is a controversial one, but I would caution against accepting the faddish dismissal of it as unredeemably evil. For most of the period of history we characterize as civilized, slavery has been an accepted institution, most have thought worthwhile. Our founding fathers apparently found it problematic but necessary. Probably even some slaves thought it worthwhile. Again, I don't know, I wasn't there.
The important point raised by Mr. Cole is, should we, as a people, place the pre Civil War South in the same mental category, we have reserved for the Nazi regime? Should we walk around in a state of perpetual guilt, as do liberal Germans, in penance for what are now thought to have been the crimes of our ancestors? I think not.
Joe Schiller

Public Funding

The Daily Mississippian
University, Ms. 38677

In response to Chris Baker's column on funding state universities: The problem is continual failure to get approval from the voters on increasing educational budgets. This problem has existed since Proposition 13 was passed in California about ten years ago. Since then very few bills proposing increases in funding for education have passed and most politicians run on a policy of no new taxes.
This climate has not changed and no lawmakers are going to defy the electorate because it would cost their jobs. So, if you want something done, you have to ask why people refuse to pay for it. It does no good to demand that legislators pass new laws providing more funding when the money is not coming in.
The people aren't talking about why they refuse to allow new funding bills to pass. One of the problems with democracy is interpreting the way people vote. Experts spend their whole lives trying to analyze it and getting very mixed results, but until it is understood, not much can happen.
Complex questions require complex answers, so there will be a number of reasons, some more palatable than others. I would suggest the following:
* The educational system does not teach the values of the parents, they therefore see no reason to support education. This is the big reason I think. It is very hard to spend money for a system that gives implicit support to activities that parents do not approve.
* There has been a gradual decline in real income for Americans over the last 20 years or so, so there is less to give.
* Value received does not match the cost. Education costs keep going up and the value of the service keeps going down. The quality of the education is not what it was, political propaganda has been substituted for the classics as we were told by Bill Bennett just last year. The plant and equipment are decaying because a larger and larger share is going to teachers and a much larger share to administrators. And, worst of all our children aren't as safe as they were.
So, if you had children and this was offered to you at very inflated prices how would you vote?
Joe Schiller


The Mississippian


In response to the recent articles about the Nazis: certainly it is most difficult to disbelieve the many media productions about the treatment of prisoners by the Nazis. However, writing emotional diatribes to try to counter expressions of pro-Nazi sympathy do little to bring about a sense of realism about this episode in our history (the history of humanity). The Nazis certainly incarcerated humans over which they had power and whom they thought were opposed to their (the Nazis) success. This is not new, we did the same, as has every nation at war in the history of the world. The issue is the treatment afforded these prisoners and what standards humanity wishes to impose in these circumstances. This issue is still working itself out.
Historically, humanity has treated prisoners of war, we could also say prisoners of ideology, very harshly. There are many examples as bad as the Nazis: The Russians under Stalin, the Mongols under Ghengis Khan, the Kmer Rouge under Pol Pot, the Jews under Joshua (read the Bible), the U.S. Cavalry against native Americans, the Spaniards against the native South Americans, the South in the Civil War at Andersonville. Why the Jews get special notice in this case is not clear.
Perhaps the time has come for a new world order to provide enforceable standards to try to eradicate this kind of behavior. But if so where does one draw the line. Why are we so outraged when white humans are destroyed in this way and not when humans of other colors are.
Perhaps the outrage comes from the medical experiments performed on the Jews? I have heard the Japanese did the same to the Chinese, and certainly we use animals in this way to this day. What's the difference, do animals feel less pain?
Perhaps the outrage comes from the number of prisoners killed in this case? If so I might point to the number of fetuses we kill every year in this country. And they can claim to innocence as profound as that of Jesus. Or, what about the number of people killed on our highways by drunks?
So, personally I feel the need to vomit at the sight of what the Nazis did, however I feel constrained to avoid pointing my bloody finger at them in hopes that God will forgive me if I forgive them.

Joe Schiller

The Politics of Selfishness

Institutional Compassion

Governor Lamb of Colorado recently said on Public Television that the American economy is locked into a course that will lead to a depression, probably in this decade, due to the corrosiveness of luxury. A corrosion that deprives a culture of the ability to sacrifice. This is a luxurious country. I recently listened to a food stamp applicant in Maryland say that she had left her job as a salesperson in Walmart because it didn't match her personality. She thought she would better like a job as a clerk or secretary. Our poor aren't very hungry or such considerations would not arise.
Looking back on the political movements that trace their birth to the upheaval of the sixties, the black revolution, the feminist movement, and gay rights, one must be struck by the unrelenting demand for "fairness", with no attempt to define that concept. The only attempt to define fairness that comes to mind is the communist contention: "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability." This phrase, while it sounds good must be judged inadequate, from the result witnessed in the last few years. The USSR is currently experiencing what I would describe as a depression, certainly it is far worse than the recessions I have seen in this country, and I agree that we cannot be far behind.
The blacks demanded that they were owed compensation for many years of discrimination that deprived them of their just deserts. An argument hard to deny. The feminists demanded compensation for their centuries of deprivation at the hands of males. All they want is equality. The gay's want only to be treated as equals, to get what their qualities as human beings entitle them to. All want fairness and reparations for past suffering. Seems fair. And as Americans, what are we if not fair?
No political movement, or any other human enterprise, can expect success in the long term unless some sacrifice is tendered at the point of request. This is a law of the cosmos. This is a psychological equivalent to Newton's laws of physics. Especially the one that demands an equal and opposite reaction for every action. This statement is unprovable, but each of us can inspect our lives for corroboration. Have you gotten anything from life on your own without paying a price? Will you get a college degree without sacrifice? Has anyone been clothed without paying for it? How about your daily food? Has someone not paid for it? Try to think of something you got for nothing. It's never happened. Even when you forget your friend's name, you pay. And when you give, you get. This is not cynicism, this is the nature of the mechanism. It's also fair.
Politics in our times suggests that the answer is political power. If you have enough you can get congress to pass a law taxing someone else and giving the proceeds to you. It has worked for some time now, but this cash cow is pretty near to falling over. Where does money come from? Someone must be producing goods that others are willing to pay for. Those of us that don't produce goods are overhead. How much overhead is there now? How many unproductive people are riding on the producers? How many are actually working to produce goods? What are the percentages? We are told that we are becoming a service industrial country. All services are, however, overhead.
Manufacturing produces wealth. All the rest is overhead. Of course efficiency can go far. Machines can compensate for overhead humans up to a point. But how far? In addition one can survive without producing if he specializes in trading to advantage, but we don't seem to be a nation of traders.
The USSR lasted a long time. About 80 years, I think. How is it that it lasted so long without taking into account the need to supply motivation? I would say that they just spent their capital. They had a large population of serfs who knew nothing but labor and they continued to supply it when the politics changed. But, eventually they died out and the younger people saw that in overhead lay a more pleasant life. Besides that, in the early years, fear could be substituted for the capitalist goad of survival. Unhappily, or perhaps not, eventually they became comfortable enough to concern themselves with liberal values. Suffering had to be banished and when it was, no motivation remained. What do they have to look forward to? They will have to wait until a large proportion of the population concludes that work is the only road to survival. It seems very doubtful to me that can happen without a lot of bloodshed.
We have congratulated ourselves on avoiding this simpleminded philosophy. But, have we really? We have not adopted so revolutionary a method of disposing of the wealthy, but we have done it just as effectively, by taxing them out of existence. Now we have arrived at such a state that congress has seriously considered a surtax on athletes. About the only noticeable group in our society to make more than a million a year. This cash cow is about gone. They reckoned they could come up with a billion a year in this way.
We are now staring at the possibility of spending the entire income tax on interest. Surely this is poetic justice. In order to defend our luxury and still eliminate the poor, which we find ourselves too weak to gaze upon, we have borrowed from ourselves to such a point that the money we took to buy off the poor is going to have to be given to our creditors (us) instead. And still the poor keep coming. Could it be that the will to procreate works well, even when the belly is empty? Will the babies always be in number just 5% beyond what we can support?
The trouble with political movements is they never consider what can be done, only what they wish.


At some point in the evolution of man, perhaps at about 20,000 years ago, society was tribal and man wished for power.
Mankind therefore established institutions to provide leadership and a focus for contributions to the general welfare. He named the focus King and the activity of contributing, taxation. Money was invented to provide a convenient method of accounting for the new system.
As might have been predicted, the creation of money worked well but there was always a need for more. To solve this new problem, the delivery of goods and services had to be made more efficient, therefore economics was invented.
The new system was widely admired and soon caught on as a method of organization of society. Eventually, all societies who had heard of the system adopted it. Then the kings became rich and powerful. They used their power and wealth to create armies and wage war so that they could grow and become even more rich and powerful. Successful societies developed written communications as a method of recording economic transactions.
The institution of king led to the institution of royalty and the nobility because a class of people very close to the king would not be the same as ordinary people. They would share in royal perquisites and be first thought of when the king wished some problem to be dealt with, for which he paid from his treasury. This led to a privileged class with different moral codes and manners.
Eventually money tended to accumulate with these people and to be quickly separated from those people not in this group. This created further problems as specialization in manufacturing made it more and more necessary to have money to buy goods.
It also became necessary to develop laws to organize the people and to identify those activities to be proscribed. This created another high class to interpret the laws. This class also found means to accumulate money and the rest of the people became further impoverished.
As economics became more organized, a merchant class developed, many of whom became richer than anyone because of their expertise in the exchange of goods.
Ultimately a lower class resulted with nothing, they were exploited for labor and were therefore the ultimate producers of wealth, though completely dependent on the upper classes for the concepts needed for exploitation of raw materials and labor.
The first great society in the West developed from these ideas was the Egyptian Empire of 10,000 years ago. No known effort was made to deal with the problem of the poor and concentration of wealth in this society. Subsequently, Greek civilization developed to the point of experimentation to try to deal with some of the most glaring problems, but to no avail. Finally, the Romans attempted to deal with these problems in a variety of ways, mainly by conquest and expansion, and during this period a radical solution was proposed.
The solution was introduced by Jesus of Nazareth. His view was that wealth would have to be taken from the rich and given to the poor, and his method was to introduce the notion of compassion for their suffering, and an institution to administer it. We can guess that he knew what the result of this change would be from His statement that, "The meek shall inherit the earth."
The greatest symbol of early civilization is the great pyramids. They were built during the period of expansion of the concepts of politics and economics. They were deserted after the decline of the Egyptian civilization, and they have now become hollow and decayed. Eventually they will collapse into heaps of stones and beyond that will return to sand.
Taking from the rich and giving to the poor was implemented in a very gradual way, such that the political system divided itself into conservatives who attempted to slow the change, and liberals who attempted to speed the change.
In the first instance it was necessary to build a new institution with power enough to challenge royalty. This new institution was made up of the common people and was called the church. Taxes were also paid to this institution and eventually it could not be ignored by the aristocracy, but the result was a merger. This took about 700 years. The church took to itself the role of guardian of the rules upon which the law was built. Unfortunately, after the merger the church lost sight of its roots among the common people, but by now the liberal wing of the body politic was well established and it managed the developing trend of taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor.
Once the church was established, the first order of business was to defeat the upper class. This was largely accomplished by revolution, due to the incapacity of the upper class of realization that they had to go. After that it became clear that the church was among the wealthy, and it became a target of the liberals. The commoners had taken to themselves the power to create law when they overthrew the upper class, so they used it to overcome the church.
Next, it became clear that the male sex had to be defeated, so the law was again used to give the vote to women. This was only partly efficacious however, so other ways were searched for and found. Women in the priesthood would end the moral authority of men. Abortion on demand would give to women control of reproductive customs. Equal pay and easy divorce laws would give them control of wealth.
Since we started this process as a disorganized group of tribes, perhaps we must expect to end the same way.
This is reporting, no judgment is contained herein. If you see any, you have supplied it.

Desperate Times

Perot as Leader

The Daily Mississippian


Desperate times call for desperate measures. To identify the problems and their probable solutions requires leadership. A leader is one who can see through special interests harping from all sides to reality. Once seen, problems suggest their own solutions.
Politicians are mediators and conciliators. They therefore might provide leadership when such abilities are needed, but we should not expect to see them provide insight into root causes. Therefore Bush and Clinton will not succeed as president in identifying root causes and therefore solutions for American internal problems. Perot might.
Are these desperate times?
Violence has become widespread as the accepted solution to intractable problems by individuals. Violence has become the staple content of the entertainment media. Rioting has become a means to draw attention to local problems, in hopes of getting national or world wide coverage. This suggests that riots have followed demonstrations as demonstrations followed establishment political action.
We are now as a country at the mercy of a mountain of economic debt. We have seen, in the case of Russia, what can happen when debt is allowed to grow unrestrained. Of course, in their case the debt was hidden because the currency was not related to foreign currencies. In our case we see it happening, and what political reasons are behind it.
So, it would appear that we need a new vision of the future, something that will allow us, as a culture to aim our energies at a worthwhile and defensible goal.
Perhaps Perot can do that.
Joe Schiller

Drug Legalization

Would Legalization Significantly Alter the Crime Rate?

The Daily Mississippian
University, Ms.

Mr. Broussard's column against drug legalization is unconvincing, to me. None of his fantasies seemed likely to prevail should this step be taken. And that is the trouble, predicting just what the result of legalization would be.
Most seem to agree that a precipitous drop in drug related crime would occur. The FBI just reported a 10% increase in violent crime over 1990. Just how long can we allow this to go on? There are no jail spaces remaining now. And how much of that crime is drug related? If you can believe the police chiefs interviewed on TV, about 80-85%.
The problem seems to lie in just what the government would be teaching by implication if they legalized. We had some experiments in decriminalization of pot. That didn't seem to produce any identifiable trend.
Interestingly, the extreme left and the extreme right seem to approve of legalization, for different reasons, while the great middle seems to oppose. More and more issues turn out this way these days. War has almost become good again. The McCarthy era reborn on campus in the notion of the Politically Correct.
Getting back to Mr. Broussard, legalization of recreational drugs does not imply legalization of advertising of them. It does not suggest the anti-drug educational program has to stop. Penicillin is not advertised. The problems associated with indiscriminate use of this drug are widely publicized, and apparently effective. Of course penicillin does not make one high.
Of course it would help if our leaders could verbalize just what they are against. That's really why we lost the Viet Nam war. Our political leaders could never say convincingly why the war needed to be fought. We all know they don't like many of the manifestations of the drug culture. But those manifestations are the result of the laws against these drugs. What is it we are against when they are legal?
Perhaps we are against people getting high instead of taking care of their families? I understand people are not reliable workers when under the influence. Perhaps it is an affront to one's sensibilities about the sanctity of one's body and the pollution of it with unnatural substances?
My feeling is that drugs are most antithetical to the goals of education. And if education goes away, just where are we headed?
Well, as you see, being a middle of the road person, I reach no well defined conclusion.
Joe Schiller

The Rebel Flag

The Mississippian


In response to Bill Kaul's excellent discussion of the rebel flag issue, which was in response to Anne Wood's response.
Bill expresses some confusion about why students see the flag as a positive symbol. I think this subject should be considered. The confederate flag is associated with the term rebel most closely. This is because the South rebelled against the wishes of the federal government. They did so because they wished to continue a life style that they considered valuable, even though it included slavery. The values of interest are honor (the notion that a man's word should be binding, even when it is unenforceable) and the chivalric view of women as pure and chaste, and requiring the protection of males against the unscrupulous due to the naiveté that accompanies this role.
Rebellion in this case is seen as positive. It can become negative, as for instance when it is simply a means of destruction for selfish goals. Say, when a political group wishes to gain power because of a desire to have power. This was not the general case here and perhaps is never the case in the beginning. Usually it becomes the case in the end because of the corrupting effects of power. If the South had won, it might have turned negative but it lost and therefore its idealism has lasted as an inspiration to the children of the fighters and to those who have studied the war, or even those who have felt only the reflection of those ideals in a work like Gone With the Wind.
In any case rebellion is natural to humans. Every son wishes to defeat his father and thereby gain what his father has. Sometimes this rebellion is strictly selfish in nature, but many times it is a competition that results in the development of talent to a very high pitch, as in the arts, for instance.
In our case at Ole Miss, no doubt some of the flag wavers wish to bring back white dominance over blacks as a given, but I prefer to believe that most are expressing their sorrow at the loss of a high ideal.
Joe Schiller

Ladies and Gentlemen

The Daily Mississippian

Following up on my recent letter regarding the concepts lady and gentleman: I would like to point out that the primary function of the Fraternity and Sorority system in times past was to pass on these ideals from generation to generation. Having given up that responsibility, it is no longer clear what their function, beyond hedonistic experimentation, is.
Secondly, all environmental problems we know of flow from one cause, population pressure. It should be clear that in an overpopulated world, one way to enhance the quality of life and reduce pollution is to emphasize the qualities embodied in these concepts.
Thirdly, in case no one remembers what the terms lady and gentleman meant, the following is submitted:
* A lady or gentleman values chastity.
* A lady or gentleman admires humility and despises arrogance.
* A lady or gentleman considers that his or her word has a religious quality and that he or she would rather die than defile it.
* A lady or gentleman is ready to sacrifice his or her life in defense of the concepts lady and gentleman.
Finally, one of the distinctions between the North and the South, and the one that was most important to many, and the one that many considered the distinction of this University, was the high value placed on these concepts.
So, maybe the time has come to consider the proposition that carrying the concept of democracy to the extreme of destroying these concepts may be carrying it too far.
Joe Schiller

The Last Temptation of Christ

February 1, 1989
Editor, The Mississippian
University, Ms.


In response to Mr. Gilmore's review of The Last Temptation of Christ, I find myself asking why he is so well instructed on American constitutional freedoms, and so poorly instructed in religion? My feeling is that this is commonly true in our society. We have reached the unwarranted and egoistic conclusion that our constitution, remarkable document that it is, is superior in wisdom to a document designed to transmit that most elusive subset of knowledge, and honed to perfection over millennia.

Joe Schiller

Liberal Feelings

The Mississippian

In response to Tyer & Norton: The thing that always puzzles me about liberals is the feelings from which they operate. Of course we all attempt to devise stratagems to deal with our feelings and, if necessary rationalize them through thought. I think this is the basic mechanism at work here, but what could those feelings be?
They say they are motivated by altruism, but historically, the number of famous people motivated by altruism can be counted on one hand. Perhaps Florence Nightingale or Joan of Arc or Mother Therese? Also this group seems to be completely female.
Masochism is a possibility, but surely there could not be that many masochists in the world?
Greed and envy are possibilities. Liberals are usually young and have little power or money. I mean compared to an Armand Hammer, say. Then one could postulate that they wish to bring down the establishment so that when everything is up for grabs they can grab some.
Another possibility that recommends itself is guilt. Perhaps they feel they don't deserve their high station in life especially when confronted by the poor, who seem to blame them. Most are college educated.
Of course the young always wish to be part of a group, and liberalism has been very popular on campus in recent years.
Well, it's probably all of the above.
Joe Schiller

Liverpool Toddler

The Daily Mississippian


The Liverpool England incident (toddler killed by children) recently leads me to reflect on the changes in society over the last 30 years, (since the sexual revolution) that have led to these kinds of events.
The most important change relating to this event has been the empowerment of children. We, in our liberal desire to egalitarianize our world, have moved toward the enfranchisement of children. We have moved the voting age down to 18, passed laws disallowing child labor, and worst of all, encouraged children to hold their elders in disrespect. We have done that by ridiculing men, especially white men, at every opportunity (The Dagwood Bumstead syndrome).
The result is that children are a bad deal. They contribute nothing to the family and in fact, drain it of resources. In the distant past, they worked and contributed materially to the family life. After that they at least made their elders feel good by sitting respectfully and listening to what they had to say. But now? The liberals tell us we should value them as God's gift, and some of us do. But plenty of us are of a more practical mood. The result is that the children are neglected. They contribute nothing so they get nothing or as close to nothing as can be gotten away with.
Naturally, the children run loose and form their own societies where such decisions as that in Liverpool are made.
We liberals would do well to consider the nature of causality. In the psychological realm too, there is a reaction for every action.

Joe Schiller

The Marriage Model

Sep. 30, 1991
The Mississippian

I would like to suggest that the U.S. government is modeled on the institution of marriage.
First, the President bears a striking resemblance to the father. He makes policy for the country just as the father traditionally makes it for the family. In addition, he is male and there is resistance to the idea of a female candidate for the job. His is the first family, therefore he is the first citizen, as the father is considered first in the family and provides his name for it.
Second, the congress fulfills the role of mother of the country. While the father makes policy, the mother implements it as does congress by funding it or not. The mother supports her husband or not via sex. That is, she provides sexual satisfaction if she approves his leadership or withholds it if she doesn't. Congress does the same with money. We can therefore conclude there is a connection between money and sex. No great surprise. Both are used to produce a sense of material well being.
Third, the judiciary plays the role of arbitrator by interpreting the rules whereby the relationship is defined. This is equivalent to the social arbiters that regulate marriage (social morays, the church, the legal system).
There is a constant tension because of the desire of each side to gain some of the other's power. Congress therefore is constantly on the lookout for some scheme whereby it can define some aspect of foreign policy, and in the same way women are constantly criticizing men, usually for their lack of compassion, in an attempt to gain more power in the marriage relationship. Men have tried for long to find some way to break the female's hold on them via sex. For a long time sex in marriage was minimized and sex for psychological equanimity was sought outside of the marriage relationship. In modern times, however, women have used the equality issue as a threat to put a stop to this practice.
Joe Schiller


"Tradition is unfair and religion is intolerant." Thus Mr. Etzioni rejects the two necessary bases of any moral order. Philosophers, statesmen, and common folk have all recognized through the ages, that we must look outside ourselves to nature and to God if we are to discover the rules by which we must live. Societies differ on many specifics of religious worship and proper conduct. But, by whatever name they are called in a given society, the religious precepts embodied in such Biblical texts as the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule constitute the bases of civilization. Civilization is impossible without such rules, and without the fundamental character-forming institutions of family, worship, and local association they promote. From the National Review, May 10, 1993.

The above excerpt is undoubtedly true but, while we are edified by the need for religion and tradition, we would like to know why they are unfair and intolerant. To answer this question we need go no further than describing appropriately the goals of tradition and religion. Tradition seeks to identify a path into the future that enhances the prospects for success of the human race. Success means long life. Long life is promoted by long life of the individual, since he can procreate longer and therefore produce more children. Long life was enhanced by greater numbers of individuals. Good, therefore is enhancement of the prospects for survival of humans and bad, the opposite.
So, tradition and religion are not concerned with fairness and tolerance, in fact they are actively opposed to it because if we have to be fair to one who practices that which promotes death for humans we, as promoters of life, are rendered meaningless. However, this logic assumes that promoting long life will promote survival for the species. Once a truism. Now, not so sure, since the planet seems to be overpopulated and therefore adding to the population would have the reverse effect to that desired.

George Will

The Daily Mississippian


In response to the Will column on Perot, Mr. Will seems to be as outraged by his candidacy as the Democrats and Republicans. Are these the bleats of the establishment under threat of ouster?
Mr. Perot may be a vast gamble on the part of the American people, but considering where the Democrats and Republicans have landed us after their long stewardship, I think it fair to say that we are surely doomed if we stay the course with them.
Of course, we don't know exactly where Perot stands on many issues, but surely what we want is a man of high moral and ethical standards with a proven record of leadership. Stating one's position on the issues of the day ensures the alienation of 50% of the electorate and obscures the values of the candidate. I don't approve of Mr. Perot's position on choice, but I seem to see a strong and highly moral person. What else should I want?
Perhaps Clinton is strong and moral. Thus far it hasn't shown. No doubt Bush is a very moral person, but his strength is questionable. No leader is going to keep us from the experience of national failure. It is growing out of forces much larger than any individual, but, some leaders may be able to guide us with a sure hand because of unshakable values.
Joe Schiller

George Will II

George Will
The Washington Post
Washington, DC.

In response to your column on the importance of the Clinton administration: I think you are rationalizing to evade the importance of the fact that you, along with Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Perot, are primarily responsible for giving the executive back to the Democrats. I'm sure that at the time you decided to cast those spears at President Bush, you thought the Dems had no chance, but there you are.
In fact, I would say that the '92 election is the most important since FDR and Reagan, and likely more important than that. The Clintons are going to push feminism to the limit, thereby inducing a violent reaction, especially in the areas of abortion and homosexuality. The best scenario will be that Clinton serves to discredit liberal government for a very long time, but more likely he will induce an American economic crisis that the world economy will not be able to handle and whatever flows from that.
I would say that Mr. Clinton is the significant change that led to the abortionist's death in Florida and this will be a harbinger of things to come because of the feeling of powerlessness that will afflict the RTL movement.
Personally, I have adopted a new creed along the lines of affirmation of my race, sex, and heterosexuality and involving the recognition that denial of violence has failed as an effort to redefine manhood.
Joe Schiller


The anti-smoking lobby becomes more irrational and difficult to believe with each passing day. The idea that the used smoke in the atmosphere can harm anyone in any detectable way is ludicrous on its face. Therefore this idea is a tool devised by the anti-smokers to confuse and weaken their opposition. What is their real motive?
The anti-gun lobby has passed several initiatives recently that, by all rational analysis can have no useful effect against the elements of society supposedly being targeted. Why then do these people want the laws passed?
Why do these people refuse to see that legalizing drugs will instantly dispose of the largest and most violent criminal activity currently in progress in the United States?
Why did these same people foist prohibition on us fifty years ago, thereby unleashing the greatest wave of violent crime seen up until that time?
The answer to all these questions is the same. The people behind these measures are in all cases liberals who also favor feminism. All of these prohibitions have and will have the same effect, the creation of a black market with its attendant violence and disrespect for the forces of law enforcement. That is to say they will have a destructive effect, further weakening an already weak social structure. Since it has that effect, one should ask if the effect is intended. This question is hard to answer. I am not a conspiracist, but I do believe in unconscious motivations.
Feminism wishes to alter or replace existing institutions with others that are more appealing to it. This is one of the schemes designed to bring that about. Besides raising the level of crime in this country, it is also a means whereby the damage done can be portrayed as societal and best dealt with via federal programs, in a word, healthcare, thereby making the populace more dependent on government and therefore individually weaker.
From the previous point, other explanations emanate, the best is that drugs tend to strengthen or weaken one's inclination towards feminism/masculinism. We can therefore expect that nicotine is a masculine drug and marijuana, for example, is a feminist drug. This is because of the effect they have on the ego or conscious complex.

The "PC" Movement

In a column by Peter A. Brown of Scripps Howard, in The Commercial Appeal of April 7, 1991, Mr. Brown describes a political movement within academia in this country. "PC" stands for politically correct. The proponents of the PC group, according to Professor Jan Blits of the University of Delaware, contend that "There is an oppressor class consisting of white males and there is an oppressed class which consists of everybody else. The oppressor class can be ridiculed and cannot respond. The victims can say whatever they want."
To expand their followers, this group has attempted (with some success as we saw last year when Stanford altered their view of those books traditionally described as "The Classics") to devalue traditional academic studies and replace them with courses describing the political trials of minorities, women, and homosexuals.
According to The London Times, this group is known as "The Deconstructionists" there. They say such things as, "The choice between Shakespeare and a comic book is exactly the same as the choice between a hoagie and a pizza."
One is struck by the similarity of approach offered by this group and that of the government in Orwell's "1984". And, when you consider that Orwell was afraid of the excesses of the conservatives and viewed the liberals as those anointed to save us from this horrible fate, it is a wonderment.
The writer of the above mentioned article suggested there is no small similarity between this group and the McCarthyites of the 1950's, long used by the liberals as an object lesson in why one should distrust conservatives.
In fact one is pushed to the conclusion that just as McCarthy was a reaction to the extreme liberalism of his period, this group is a reaction to the rise of conservatism in ours. Consider, the liberals had control of all three branches of government in the 50's and continued to do so until the death of Kennedy. One suspects that the Kennedy assassination, which was described at the time as the end of the modern equivalent of the Arthurian era in English legend, was exactly that. In any case, two thirds of the national government can now be described as conservative, while, with the success of Desert Storm, many think the other branch cannot long survive in its current ideological orientation. Desperate times bring on desperate measures.
Liberalism is the politics of change. Extreme liberals apparently feel that change is good in and of itself. Thus, any championship football team should wish for nothing more than to be unsuccessful in future. Or, that America, having ridden a marvelously successful political ideology to economic dominance should now pursue policies aimed at relegating it to the ranks of the also rans. And liberalism has changed us in this century. It has changed us from a culture based on the traditional notions of family structure where divorce was an extreme remedy, and in which sexual relationships were considered by the overwhelming majority to be best confined to marriage, to one in which divorce is used to solve every marital problem and in which sexual morality is viewed as archaic. The result has been epidemics of every kind. From AIDS to teenage pregnancy to a state in which fatherless families are the norm in some sectors. And, can we doubt, it also brought us the drug culture.
I think we can reasonably draw the conclusion from these uncontested facts that ideological change is something to be avoided except in the most extreme kinds of circumstances.
Finally, the above mentioned PC group reminds one of the concept of political relativism. Just as, in Einsteinian physics, since space is curved, one would expect when headed west for a long enough time to wind up in the east, so in politics, heading leftwards will eventually place one on the right.

The Presidency

October 20, 1988
The Mississippian
The University of Mississippi


From the letter of October 20th from Mr. Gandhi, I see that he (perhaps not surprisingly) is somewhat confused by the presidential campaign. The following answers to his questions I believe to be realistic.
The President of The United States is not envisioned as an autocrat by the constitution, nor however is he envisioned to be a committee chairman. The presidency is conceived of as one third of the government, and the president as the commander and policy maker for that institution. It is therefore perfectly reasonable for the presidential candidate to be questioned on policy issues relating to taxation. It is not necessarily true that his policies will be implemented, if congress disagrees with them.
The question on liberalism is an interesting one. Historically, the United States government was converted to liberalism by Franklin D. Roosevelt by virtue of his long tenure and therefore his ability to replace every bureaucrat and judge in the federal government. After years of effort, the Republicans have managed to reverse that trend, and in the process, point to the errors and excesses of unremitting liberalism for so many years. This has resulted in the remarkable circumstance that the conservatives have succeeded in identifying liberalism with the results of too liberal interpretations of the constitution. Those results being: dramatic increases in crime, drug use, a reliance on pornography by the advertising industry, and a decay in the values of self-reliance and fairness in the conduct of one's personal business.
Finally, America (as opposed to The United States) is not committed to democracy as an article of faith. It is an experiment, as has been well documented over the years. It has shown promise in the past, but given the problems of recent decades, I would say it is unlikely to prove the final word in human government.
Joe Schiller

Jerry Brown

The Daily Mississippian

In response to the column by Robert Cummings on Jerry Brown. I sympathize with his desire to replace the current crop of politicians with a new set in hopes of getting something better, but, one has to ask why the people from whom we select politicians are different from those which produced the politicians of old. The answer is, in bygone days we had a standard known as gentleman (and lady). This standard required that one treat his fellow man with courtesy and to abstain from cheating him. Unfortunately, this standard is anti-democratic, since the gentleman will discriminate against the non-gentleman. Therefore, we have discarded it.
With that in mind, we can be assured that were we to replace the current residents of Washington, DC., we would almost certainly get a worse group.
Joe Schiller

Conservatism and Liberalism

The Cause of the Political Spectrum

Recently Rob Waters wrote a column criticizing the Ole Miss faculty for its overly liberal orientation. I think Rob is correct in his evaluation of the political orientation of the faculty, but I think he is incorrect in assuming that preferences of those doing the hiring is the only factor at work. I think it indisputable that the vast majority of academic faculties everywhere in the world are liberal in their orientation, and have been since the institution was established. I think one could say the same for the media. So perhaps, to explain this one should look at the type of personality attracted by these vocations.
First though, it is important to decide what is meant by the terms liberal and conservative. In this country, liberals favor civil rights, feminism, gay rights, recycling, protection of the environment, the first amendment, abortion, higher taxes for the rich, subsidizing the poor, free health care. They don't favor capital punishment, favoritism for the successful. Conservatives favor individual responsibility, Christianity, honor, discipline. They don't favor pornography.
These are not exhaustive lists, but clarity will be lost if items are mentioned that are favored or disfavored in degree only. In the Soviet Union, liberals favor free market economics, while conservatives favor the retention of state ownership of all means of production. The relativism of these lists is made clear by the fact that liberals favor saving the environment which can be paraphrased as conservation which comes from the verb to conserve which is the root word in conservatism. It would be better to come up with a general term to describe the tendencies of these groups. That generalization should be that conservatives don't in general favor change, while liberals do. Conservatives have an innate sense that they will lose more than they gain through change. Easily understood in the wealthy and the older segment of the population. Liberals feel they have more to gain than lose. Easily understood in the poor and young.
So, perhaps it is valid to conclude that academics and media people favor change. That is, those who wish the world were different than it is tend to find their places in the arts and academics. Assuming the general truth of this conclusion, why should it be so? I guess that it goes back to the idea prevalent in the West up until 1900 or so that the family inheritance should go to the eldest son. This left a big problem among the younger sons in finding a way to support themselves and no doubt a deep feeling of the unfairness of the system. Trollope's novels are encrusted with the problems flowing from this situation and it plays a prominent role in the books of all other prominent writers of this period concerning themselves with the upper class. Which is to say most of them. Parenthetically, what does it cost us as a culture, not having an upper class to write about anymore?
One could guess that this system (primogeniture) would activate rebellious feelings among a group that, being from the upper class, would not favor violence and would be particularly attracted to the notion that the pen could be mightier than the sword. Visualize a bookish younger son, contemplating being cut off without a cent and casting about for a way to both support himself and right a perceived wrong.
Of course the primogeniture system no longer prevails, but still, the way to success lies along two paths. One is to try to make oneself valuable to the current holders of power and thereby share in it, while the other is to attack the holders of power and try to wrest it from them. Those who choose the second path are in favor of change. Changing the old guard for the new, themselves. To do this they must find some way to attack that will hold some promise of eventual success. That method would seem to be to identify some excess in the old system and to expose it through the printed word, then to identify a solution and to associate oneself with the solution by advertising. This method has been applied endlessly and continues to be applied, with academia supplying solutions (technology and social programs) and the media advertising them.
It should also be pointed out that overly conservative cultures will not adapt to new conditions and will eventually become maladapted and so die out. Overly liberal cultures will change faster than their environment and suffer the same fate.
From this one can conclude that faculties and the media are inherently liberal. This is of course not comprehensively explanatory (nothing is), since it doesn't seem to explain Rob Waters.

Rush Limbaugh I

The Daily Mississippian


In response to the Rush Limbaugh columns: how can you expect to reach any conclusion when you don't understand the nature of the debate?
On the one hand you have masculinism, spirit, God, creativity. On the other hand you have feminism, nature, weeds, passivity.
Why is there a debate? Because it has become clear that creativity, in the hands of a species of limited understanding, leads to pollution of such magnitude that it threatens not only the polluting species but every other living thing.
On the other hand, we are considering giving up civilization, which means oil and plumbing.
Spare us your vitriolic hatred towards people on the other side of the debate. It is about life and death and nobody knows for certain which is the side of life and which the side of death.
Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh II

Rush Limbaugh
515 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

Your shows, both TV and radio have recently penetrated Mississippi, and I have, therefore, carefully listened to your views. I agree with you about 90% of the time, which is more than I do with Buchannon or Will. Isn't it amazing that with about a zillion liberal columnists, after three we have exhausted the conservative wing of the media?
First, you don't completely understand feminism. Please announce that masculinism, opposite of feminism, is the proper name for the philosophy underlying our culture and including both Judaism and Christianity. People aren't told this and they therefore labor under the misconception that possibly feminism can coexist with the traditional values of our culture. No chance. Feminism is a dagger aimed at the heart of western culture.
Second, you haven't completely thought out environmentalism. I agree that it has been coopted by the feminists and has a natural connection to it, but, please look at the population curve. This is the unarguable basis of all scare talk about the environment. Humans produce that which threatens the environmentalists and produce more of it with each passing hour. The fact is we have solved problems with immigration for a long time and that solution is no longer available. We therefore live in a pressure cooker which will explode from time to time. Events like that at Waco and in Bosnia will occur.
Third, you haven't bothered to look very deeply at Bosnia. First, the basis of the war is a conflict between democracy and private ownership. Second, why should we go to the aid of the Muslims? Because they are losing? You have sucked up the description of events produced by the liberal press as readily as the most naive reader. Surely you are the last person to do this. Weren't you tipped off when Biden came back from Bosnia and starting spouting the Muslim point of view?
Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh III

Rush Limbaugh
515 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019


I just completed your chapter on environmentalism and feel constrained to protest slightly. Of course they are wackos and of course we can't destroy the earth, but that isn't the point. If you would look at the population curve, you would see it is exponential as are most growth functions in this world. Out of control growth will eventually call into being that which will bring it back into balance with the rest of nature. And so it has happened, those wackos are nature's attempt to deal with a species that has hit upon too effective a method of self protection. Of course they can't destroy the earth but they can destroy a culture, which amounts to the same thing for us. And where did they come from? They saw the all too apparent garbage littering the earth, nothing mysterious.
In fact if you think about it a little more, you will see that humanity has always dealt with population pressure, which manifests itself through culture clash, by immigration. This method no longer exists, since our culture can't survive in the remaining uninhabited places.
Finally, when cultures clash, both are right. Their tactics are wrong, but the bottom line is right. Of course traditional values are the only way we wish to live, but they have produced overpopulation which kills the possibility of retaining them. Hollywood has to be restrained, but they are just exploiting the freedoms given to them by the founding fathers.
The solution to the trashing of the earth is to cause the population to view the earth as a deity. Unfortunately, that will kill the culture.
All real problems, have no apparent solution.

Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh IV

Rush Limbaugh
515 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019


Yesterday, Memorial day, on your radio show, a repeat, you reviewed the article, very profoundly, "Dan Quayle was right!". You outlined the ideas presented and wound up with the thought, "...and the liberals, for some unknown reason, press on with this obviously destructive behavior, encouraging the breakup of the family by selfishly making decisions in their personal best interest instead of the family's."
It is critical that the unknown reason become known. As you said, "Why do we need a study to find out what is patently obvious, two parent families are far superior to all other forms." So, in casting about for suitable reasons, the following occur:
1. Selfishness, as you suggested certainly plays a role. This selfishness is released by experts who suggest it is also important for the mother to fulfill herself, and that remaining together may be more destructive than breaking up.
2. So, more to the point is our failure to discriminate against those who opt for destructive alternatives.
3. We don't discriminate against those experimenting with counter culture lifestyles to avoid being discriminated against.
4. We were unable to defend our culture against the attacks against it beginning in the 60's. That was most obvious in the criticism of the war. We could not demonstrate just what the threat was that communism represented. As a result, we had to accept the demonstrators into our culture, and they continue to criticize us.
5. We, in other words, take advantage of a culture that we have lost the ability to understand and therefore cannot defend.
6. The real issue is, "Why is masculinism superior to feminism as an organizing principle for society?"
7. We can't answer this question because we have forgotten how. The answer revolves around the issue of the appropriate use of order and compassion, order being the basis of masculinism.

Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh V

Rush Limbaugh
515 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
I note you are confusing the words liberal and feminist. No doubt an oversight due to the fact that they overlap in this country in this time, but it is confusing for your listeners I am sure. Keep in mind that the feminists in Russia are considered conservatives since they were members of the Communist Party.
To be liberal is to favor change while to be conservative is to resist change. Both are necessary to the proper functioning of society, both may be a problem for the proper functioning of society. On the other hand, we are a masculinist society, based on a masculinist philosophy, first expounded by Moses. Masculinists hold power in this country, though to a lesser and lesser extent each day.
Feminists wish to wrest power away from the masculinists as is natural for the out of power. Of course feminism means philosophies vastly different from those we are used to, in fact, since the cosmos is a collection of opposites, we must expect that extreme feminism will be diametrically opposed to the values of masculinism, that is to say Judeo-Christian values.
For example, feminists will eventually reject the masculinist monotheism in favor of polytheism, as is universally the case in all feminist societies in the world currently or at any time in the past. Feminism is nothing new. It is the natural system of ideology, that is to say, if you arrive in this world without an ideology, you will practice feminism.
Of course, the brand of feminism we see now is only transitional and won't survive. It is far too selfish. But, how would you sell a new ideology, one that would require that people give up all that they have worked so hard for millennia to acquire, both spiritually and materially? Of course it is difficult and perhaps requires that one appeal to baser motivations, such as greed, to achieve.
The big question though, is whether or not a compelling need exists for us to move to that side of the street. On this question, I am unsure.
Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh VI

Rush Limbaugh
EIB Network
515 W. 57th Street
New York, NY 10019


I feel compelled once again to chastise you on your political naiveté. Strange, I agree, since your politics would normally not be described this way. Normally this adjective is reserved for liberals. But it is, none the less, accurate. Consider the following:
Conservatives chastise the liberals constantly for not realizing that life is more complicated than they realize, and therefore nothing so direct as taxation can improve funding for the federal government. Conservatives on the other hand, realize indirect methods are superior. Now, concentrate on the graph below:

Now, think about what Perot talks about: abortion? Never mentions it. Prayer in schools. No. Homosexuals, hardly mentions them. What does he talk about? The budget. From this we can conclude that Perot thinks that the proper role of the federal government is to manage the economy, and provide for the common defense.
I'm sympathetic to the Republican right, but I don't think the past can be brought back. We left it, as a culture, at great personal cost, (immigration to the New World), and we did that because we had concluded that, as it was practiced in the Old World, it was inappropriate. So, something new will have to replace it.
Your blanket condemnation of the environmentalists is also suspect. After all, humans want to believe that they can continue to drive cars indefinitely. So the attitude is self serving. It also ignores the population curve:

Whichever projection you favor, it is soon to be upon us, and all of them imply chaos of an unimaginable magnitude. The most likely projection is the bottom one, because it starts at about 2000, the end of the age, and requires nothing different from what we know today. One could conduct his own population study. I believe there was a case of an island with an overpopulation of deer and no predator off North Carolina. The result is obvious. The only escape for humans imaginable is their imagination. But surely this one is too big for that.
The leveling off is the least likely, since the natural thing to do is solve problems for as long as possible, therefore the population would increase way beyond the natural limit before all ideas would be exhausted. I agree with you of course, that the circumstances surrounding this event in human history are far too complicated to predict. But the general outline of what awaits us is inescapable. I would tend towards the theory that the weakest link in our survival policy is the world economy. Therefore that is likely where the failure will come. Of course when people start starving, the natural expectation is war and disease which will quickly bring about the expected reduction in population. The normal result in such a circumstance would be that the population would fall well below the natural limit before starting to recover.
Joe Schiller

Rush Limbaugh VII

This letter is from an unabashed "dittohead", or for the unknowing, if there are any left, an enthusiastic Rush Limbaugh supporter.
The question I propose to raise is, What is unique about Rush? What is fresh, new, and different about him, that would explain the following he has achieved in the five years or so of his crusade? Many no doubt dismiss him as just another fad, a different personality that many reactionaries like to identify with. Others will dismiss him as simply a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. Still others will see him as a Reagan disciple, trying to keep a legend alive.
All probably partially correct, but as far as I can remember, this is the only person of national stature that has publicly opposed and pointed out with humor the ridiculous extremes of feminism. This is a remarkable fact. I can think of no political movement that has been allowed to dominate conversation for twenty years in a row with no opposition of significance. Why is this true? Any controversy can be expected to have a large opposition group, but feminism is only attacked on specific issues, like abortion, never as a movement.
What have we got to thank feminism for? Drug use, record crime and rising, general self absorption, children having children, hysterical pursuit of child abusers, hysterical assumption that smokers damage society in some profound way, dismissal of 10,000 year old moral values, divorce on a massive scale, etc. What about the supposed positive side? Women get to work and keep house instead of just keeping house. A few get high government and industrial jobs.
How can I blame all this on feminism? Before the feminist movement started in the '60's, all of these problems were far less severe.
In general, we are discussing a decline in ethics within our society. Why should this concern us? Consider the trend towards buying votes in our political system. This is particularly true with Democrats. It is possible to pass laws that give government money to particular minorities and this usually means you get their votes. In addition there are PAC's. Beyond that, the Dems have discovered that if you enfranchise someone, he will likely vote for you. Thus the ever expanding enfranchisement of Americans. So now, every American above the age of 18 can vote and the numerically superior lower end of the scale outweighs the higher end. This suggests to me that democracy has a birth defect, vote buying, and in the end this will kill it.
Surely, no one but an idiot would conclude that living in no way refines one's judgment. Apparently, however, the feminists have concluded just that. How else to explain the rush to make youth coequal partners in the development of social values. Either that or they have an ulterior motive.

Joe Schiller

The Coming Depression

The suggestion was made on Charles Kuralt's Sunday program, that a resurgence in the popularity of the Hooverball, a medicine ball made popular by Herbert Hoover just prior to The Great Depression, may be a sign that a new depression is approaching. I think it was something of a tongue-in-cheek suggestion.
One's first reaction to such a suggestion is the same as that which arises when the sighting of a three legged frog is used to support some ridiculous claim. But, my second consideration of this idea, has led me to a more serious reaction; one of the more noticeable preoccupation's in our times, is the devotion to physical fitness. It is impossible to drive to the campus without encountering coeds running back and forth, the 10K runs are impossible to avoid on the news, and everybody wears running shoes everywhere. It has seemed a harmless preoccupation, but it probably arises only in a nation wealthy enough to concentrate on physical fitness because of the remoteness of the threat of unemployment and hunger. That is to say, physical fitness would never be a big item in the third world because there are too many more threatening problems occupying one's mind. And it seems reasonable to expect that, as one becomes more aware of the problems militating against a healthy life style, a rejection of some forms of employment perceived as injurious to one's health, would begin to be noticeable. That is to say, a tendency to avoid stressful jobs and those that involve handling of hazardous materials. This seems true in our case, think of the lead and asbestos controversies. And all the dropouts and the returnees to nature, etc.
It is certainly unavoidable and demonstrable in our own lives, that when one problem is successfully dealt with another soon arises to take its place. That is to say, when more pressing problems fade into the background due to a successful strategy, less obvious problems, ignored in difficult times, spring forward to claim our attention. There is an endless supply of problems, it is only a question of priorities.
But, it may be possible that this repugnance for dangerous jobs, deals a devastating blow to an economy already crippled by excessive government spending and corruption of such grand proportions as to have never before been seen in the history of the world. I refer of course to that which has turned up in the banking industry.
In any case, should the hooverball be a valid sign, since the depression started in the Hoover (Republican) administration, perhaps we should look for one in the Bush administration.

The Religious Right

The Mississippian

I believe the electorate is being misread by the pundits trying to fathom the meaning of the election (A concise primer on what Bill Clinton stands for by Terence Hunt (AP), Nov. 6, 1992.)
The Republicans demonstrated at their convention that the Religious Right has gained a degree of control over the party and can be expected, in future, to attempt to adjust the social values of our country, as expressed by the pro-choice feminists, homosexual rights activists, and the media (especially TV and the movies) towards the Biblical view.
The Perotists had no interest in the moral climate, but did offer to adjust the fiscal climate in our country toward the pay-as-you-go ideal.
The Democrats were rightly interpreted by the electorate to offer a continuation of the status quo, along with an effort to increase jobs, reduce the deficit, and increase medical coverage.
If the Democrats accept the notion that they have a mandate to impose radical social change on the American People, they will be confounded by a profound reaction against them that will lead to reinstatement of the Republican Party in four years. Or sooner if they are sufficiently radical.

Joe Schiller

The '92 Election

Dear Mother,
Today I realized the significance of the last election so thought I would clarify my own thoughts by writing you.
The post WWII world was America's and it was quickly perceived as the land of milk and honey by the rest of the world. A state of affairs that is at least unusual in the history of the world, perhaps unprecedented. And Americans chose that moment to produce the largest group of babies in their history.
The baby boom had a unique childhood, nearly free of poverty and with the general impression that the American dream had been realized. They could aspire to any life they wished. I was almost in their group, but not quite, I was born before the war started. I was born in '36, they, 10 years later.
It wasn't clear what they were like for many years of course. I think the first tip was James Dean (Rebel Without A Cause), and if you missed that, it was hard to miss Elvis.
They went to college and decided there that they favored marijuana and free sex. Interestingly, their philosopher, Hugh Hefner, was much older. Well they needed someone more verbal than they. I think their philosophy is epitomized by no-fault insurance. Its not that what they do is right, but that they shouldn't be blamed.
Anyway, they graduated from college and went into business. I think their group at that time was epitomized by Michael Milkin, the junk bond king. They felt it was their chance to get rich and they plundered the markets and aged corporations. They also legitimized cocaine use in the middle class. In fact they made it fashionable until the price started rolling in.
Now, their time to run politics has arrived and their leader, Bill Clinton, has taken over the Democratic Party as the logical vehicle to implement their solutions.
So, time goes by and the young ascend. It is the nature of things and inevitable. If Bush had won, Clinton would have been there next time, or another of that generation.
To me, this means that I now join you as the older generation, since I can't subscribe to soft morality as a guiding philosophy.
They have the wheel, and the majority. The Republicans were held up to ridicule this morning on the TODAY show for antigay and antiblack jokes. Ollie North said he couldn't get through on the phone to the White House until he adopted a lisp and someone else said that the bridge in Washington between the Capital and the black community was called the Soul Brother's Causeway, or something like that. Then some mealy mouthed Republican got on and said they hadn't meant to offend anyone. The Governor of Virginia then gave us a lecture on jokes and insensitivity. So PC is still riding hard and will, I suppose, bring us to the Brave New World that the liberals have warned us against for so long.
I think Perot is still there as a wild card and he may save us from the worst of the devastation. If he can force a balanced budget amendment and line item veto, that could save the day. Otherwise socialism will be upon us in a trice and the economy will go the way of Russia's.
Of course in the long run it is inevitable. The only solution to the bomb is to forget the technology and the only way to do that is for the economics of nuclear technology to go away. So, it will happen.
Humans of this century pass belief. They concluded in Russia in the early part of the century that they would change society and did, there. They now have concluded they will change the world. They have concluded that the problem is WASP men, and they are at war against us. We are now accused by them of paranoia, in an effort to defuse the rising alarm epitomized, I guess, by a recent movie depicting one finally fed up and resorting to the gun to express his indignation. Some feminist recently wrote in the Post that the time had come for medical intervention. That female hormone treatments for WASP males was called for. That this is the only answer to the inherently violent nature we display. Now another in Florida suggests that a male lesbian is a lesbian trapped in a male body.
Of course most of us dismiss this kind of talk as irrational and non threatening, but it was only a couple of years ago that political correctness was dismissed only to find now that distasteful as it is, it is the reality in some circles, such as academia and the government.
On another subject, I have finally figured out what is going on in Bosnia. Over the last several hundred years Muslims have been leaking into Bosnia, and occupying the lower class as all immigrants do, until during the communist years they became the majority and at some time succeeded in getting one of their own installed as president. At the time of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the Muslims saw their chance to become independent of Serbia and therefore cause their Serb population to lose political power and we must assume then to lose their 60% of land ownership. The Serbs saw this coming and didn't want any part of it. What is still not clear to me is why the feminists have been supporting them, except out of compassion for the lower class (Muslims have no interest in feminism, and are in fact antagonistic to it). Interestingly, one of the most consistent publishers of feminist political doctrine here has come out against the American establishment for using selective truth telling in support of the Muslims.
Love Joe

PS: On further thought I conclude the feminists view Sarajavo as a multi-cultural experiment and are loathe to admit defeat.

The Third World

Is Democracy for Them?

The question of why democracy doesn't work well in many third world countries seems to puzzle most. I would like to suggest that the answer is not too difficult to find once feminism is understood correctly.
The masculinist countries of the world are also the industrialized countries of the world. The feminist countries are without exception under-developed, and the borderline countries are Muslim.
The exceptions to this generalization are instructive. Japan is the most notable. It should be feminist but is industrialized and an economic superpower. Other examples abound in this area of the world: Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan. On the other hand the Philippines are unsuccessful, China is making progress. The Western influence is unmistakable, though as can be seen in the case of the Philippines, not a magic bullet.
Why then are feminist countries not economically successful? The answer is what we would call government corruption. These countries, the most unsuccessful, invariably suffer from endemic government corruption. However, when one discusses it with them, they nod their heads ruefully, but do not condemn the bureaucrats. So what is going on here?
The answer is that feminism is not governed by rules as is masculinism. Feminism, being guided primarily by compassion, accepts rule breaking because many things, in its view are more important than rules. Reducing human suffering for instance. Masculinism, on the other hand, accepts human suffering created by rules, because it projects that, in the longer term, the society as a whole will be happier if rules are followed.
So really, the issue is whether to be happy now and unhappy later or happy later and unhappy now. Masculinists will tend towards the latter, while feminists towards the former. Which is better? Neither, they are just different. But, if you want to have a democracy, you had better be masculinist.


Democracy for Everyone is a Conceit

Perhaps the time has come to view state governments of the world in a more pragmatic way. We have been wont to view governments in ideological terms for a very long time now and this has led to deep regrets for past actions, for example central Europe, central America, southeast Asia, etc. We have tended to the point of view that extreme left wing governments (communist) and extreme right wing governments (military dictators) are both odious because of their tendency to maintain themselves in power through violence against the people they govern, and that democracy along with a market economy holds the best promise for fairness by the government towards the governed.
There is another point of view. That is the pragmatic view. One could hold that the test of a government lies in stability. That if its population is calm, if only judicial violence against real criminals is required, then this is a good government because it is a stable government acceptable to the governed.
By this measure, many governments, both royal and military must be judged to be good governments, e.g. Saudi Arabia, perhaps North Korea (though in this case the government is so repressive it is not clear whether or not there is dissatisfaction), Libya, etc.
It may be said that the US is generally pragmatic in its foreign policy, but this view is unacceptable. Surely it is true that the US. has conducted a cold war against a government for 50 years that has been, bye and large, acceptable to the governed. In this case the government was not acceptable to a small number of intellectuals whom we have been prone to identify with, but this view has not been in accord with the vast majority of the population from the view we are now given.
This is also true in China. The intellectual community is offended by the methods of the government and therefore wishes it brought to an end or transformed to bring it more in line with western democracies. But, it is not at all clear that this view is shared by the vast majority of the population, which tends to be agrarian in nature and far from the views of the city dwelling intelligentsia.
It may well be that certain forms of government are appropriate for certain classes of societies based on a variety of circumstances having nothing to do with ideology. For example, no government at all may be appropriate for a society of a few thousands where all are more or less related. As population density increases perhaps a judgelike person to adjudicate disputes among each hundred or so souls may suffice.
When a society becomes so large that relationships with other societies are required perhaps a king is called for to formulate a foreign policy. In a still more complex stage of development perhaps a council with individual members representing all of a large number of viewpoints will be required.
Perhaps questions of awareness of the general population of political ideology is a critical question bearing on the choice of a form of government, such that if the vast majority of the people lead a primitive life style and require personal contact with the head of government, a representative form would not suffice.
Possibly, the question of tendency to corruption of government officials is a critical question. It may be that a democratic form of government cannot work in a society where bribery of officials is an accepted way of doing business. That trust in the legitimacy of the government is a basic requirement not possible in a society that takes it for granted that the government is mainly interested in the prospects for extracting wealth from the governed.

The Standard Curve

June 22, 1993
PO Box 6
Dallas, Tx 75221


I hope you will meditate on the significance of the above graph. I have reached the conclusion that it represents the only realistic hope of overcoming political polarization in this country.

Joe Schiller

The Problem of Oliver North

When Honor and the Law Conflict

It occurs to me that a problem exists with Oliver North. How is it that conservatives are generally strongly in support of observance of the law, but choose to support North, even while he admits that he failed to observe the law in the execution of his duties.
The answer to this conundrum lies, I think, in the definition of character or perhaps the law. One definition of the law could be a list of rules normally followed by one who has good character. However, since we humans can't represent any ideas completely accurately in written form, due to the limitations of language, we must expect that those who actually have character will find it necessary under certain unusual conditions to deviate from the written law.
One might say that this would be an insuperable problem for the law, leading all to reject it after seeing a man of character in these circumstances. Not so however, since those of lesser character cannot understand the motivations of those with superior character in extremis.
Of course these reflections lead to the inescapable conclusion that those of us with average character will not be able to distinguish between those with excellent character and some of those with inferior character. Unhappily true. Our only consolation is that, over time, the truth will become obvious.

Salmon Rushdie

March 3, 1989
Editor, The Mississippian
University, Ms.

Dear Editor,

The controversy concerning Mr. Rushdie is most enlightening. Perhaps we finally are going to get the chance to evaluate the concept of freedom of expression without the confusion of the sanctity of the constitution getting in the way.
Will it always be true that in conflicts involving expression, the freedom of the individual will prevail? What kinds of expression are covered? What will happen if the ACLU brings a suit to protect a rapist on the grounds of freedom of expression? Are we willing to accept any limitation? Does this freedom belong to the media only? Is nude swimming covered? What about in a foreign country?
Mr. Jones applauds the media exploitation of falsehood for personal gain as an expression of our freedom. What about if one of them printed the contention that he (Mr. Jones) is a drug dealer? I suppose that he would rely on the laws of slander. But what if he lacks the money to pursue legal remedies? And even if he wins in the relative obscurity of the courtroom, will this repair his reputation?
I fear that we have succumbed to the temptation to use freedom of expression as a license to amuse ourselves at the expense of others. I doubt that the framers of this amendment had any such thing in mind.

Joe Schiller

School Funding

The Daily Mississippian


With regard to the funding brouhaha since the election, my view is that, until the schools of the state dispense with all of the politically motivated departments and return to fields of study generally and historically regarded as valid, they need not expect improvements in the funding situation. My suggestions in cutting priority:

1. Women's Studies
2. Black Studies
3. Psychology
4. Political Science
5. Anthropology

These pseudo-sciences are fields of interest to feminists only and lacking in any means of separating fact from fiction in support of their political goals. They should, therefore, be funded privately if at all.

This will not, of course, fix all of the problems that have grown up as a result of the questionable idea of universal education but they will certainly start us upon a course of reform leading in the proper direction.

Joe Schiller

The Media

The Oxford Eagle

It looks as if the time for an attack on the media has finally arrived.
The media protects itself from restrictive legislation by pointing to the first amendment to the constitution and pontificating on the great value to society that it represents. Suggesting that such episodes as Watergate featuring the ubiquitous Deep Throat are a direct result.
They don't however talk much about Hugh Hefner and the discovery that the first amendment could be used to exploit sex for economic gain. They never suggest that Hollywood learned this lesson from Mr. Hefner and applied it assiduously, mining society for every penny it could get by exploiting every negative and destructive quality the human animal contains, for profit.
I think we can say now that however valuable the guarantee of freedom to express political opinion is, the price has proven too high. The destructive effects on the social fabric, the ever present malignant effect of a media totally corrupted by the pursuit of money is intolerable.
Of course, you can count on the media to respond that there is no proof that a connection exists between an amoral entertainment industry and such things as a 50% divorce rate, 75% fatherless children in the inner city, gang warfare on the streets, and a drug culture that promotes the most immoral values ever seen in western culture. They are right. It cannot be proven. But, it is intuitively obvious and this statement is only a statement regarding the inadequacy of science.
What we can say is that Mr. Hefner's discovery and the moral decline of our culture have coincided.
Joe Schiller

The State of American Politics, 1993


It would be well for Americans to evaluate the state of our political system today from an historical perspective, in order to conclude how best it might evolve in the future. This is a particularly crucial need if, as the author thinks, we are at an unusually profound moment in the history of our country and indeed in the history of civilization.
At this moment, we can conclude that the Democratic party is controlled in large part by feminists and is oriented towards the extension, as far as possible, of the American commitment to feminist values. This is apparent in the Clinton administration as one looks over its appointments thus far. It is clear that priority is going to maximizing the number of women and particularly black women in policy making positions. Beyond that, America's attitudes toward homosexuals have been altered and federal rules loosening up abortion access have been adopted. These are the three most important policy areas for feminists.
On the other side, from the Republican convention last year we can conclude that the religious right is gaining control of the party. This can be taken to imply that, for most Americans, feminism is the opposite of traditional religion in America and is best dealt with as a religious alternative. Religion's most important contribution to the life of a culture lies in the values against which its members measure themselves. On that basis it seems feminism is best considered in this light. Traditional religion is a system of rules oriented towards maximizing the life time of members. Feminism measures its effectiveness by the degree to which it deals with the environment in a compassionate way.
With two such different measures of good and ill, it can be no surprise that different conclusions are reached. For instance, it is clear that the most compassion is administered when the mother gets advantage over the fetus, since the fetus presumably is incapable of recognizing compassion.
Since both major parties have become committed to religions, we would seem to be in a position to turn away from both and thereby adhere to the separation of church and state provision of the constitution in word and spirit. By good fortune a viable alternative is available to us. Perot's United We Stand America seems the ideal choice. Mr. Perot hasn't said a noticeable word about any of the high profile issues of either the feminists or the religious right. I remember nothing, or next to nothing about abortion, homosexuals, condoms, AIDS, or prayer in schools from Mr. Perot. In fact he seems to discuss mainly the economy and budget or peripheral features of the economy like NAFTA. After that he seems most interested in minimizing the influence of lobbyists.
This realization suggests that, if we are to move away from ideological confrontation, the way to go is with Ross Perot! The next question is: can UWSA present a credible challenge to the older parties? I think that many go to church on Sunday but few count themselves among the Religious Right. In the same way many endorse mundane goals of feminism like equality of the sexes but don't go so far as to promote abortion and homosexuality. If these groups rally to UWSA it would become the majority party leaving the Republicans and Democrats to the wings. In that case UWSA might aspire to control of the main political institutions in the country.
This we must devoutly hope for. Surely it is clear that the difference between the US and Ireland, Bosnia, Lebanon, and Azerbaijan is that religious affiliation is not critical to satisfaction of one's material needs. If we continue along the path we have followed since the '60s, our fate will be the same as theirs.


The Daily Mississippian
University, Ms.
March 20, 1991

In response to Michael Crouther's column defending Mr. Mandela and the ANC:
In order to offer Mr. Crouther a life raft with which he may be able to escape from the worst of the pains associated with buying into someone else's ideology, the following is offered:

1) Humans are incapable of complete understanding of any idea.
2) All ideologies are intended to shift political power and wealth from one group to another.
3) Compassion serves as a useful weapon in the war for men's minds.
4) No political group has any corner on human suffering.
5) All humans suffer and cause suffering.
6) Whether or not increased wealth and political power leads to more happiness or less suffering is highly problematical.
7) The idea that your suffering is preferable to some other kind is equally questionable.
Joe Schiller


Can the Stain of Guilt be Erased?

In response to Mr. Davis's "Blush" column: We should try to remember the motives behind the liberal movement that has so dominated this country's ideology for 50 years or longer. The problem has always been the same, what to do about the blacks, here through no fault of their own and always getting a smaller piece of the pie. The liberal goal has been to redress that grievance. First, Mr. Lincoln freed them, then Mr. King got them integrated, then Mr. Johnson tried to raise them out of poverty, then the intelligentsia tried to educate them. In between, countless individuals tried to do what they could to turn them into whites.
Now, we seem to have concluded that, if they can't be made white, perhaps we can be made black. Perhaps if we adopt their values and discard ours we can finally wipe this stain of guilt from our psyches. Nowhere in history can we find such an example. Many stories exist about the lower class attempting to join the upper, An American Tragedy comes to mind, or Pygmalion (My Fair Lady). But, an attempt by the liberal academic community to induce the entire white culture to join the blacks is not to have been imagined. And, will it work? Very doubtful. What it will do, as Mr. Davis pointed out is to drive the populace to the ideological extremes. The lower class and the liberal middle class in one camp, with the tattered remnants of the upper class along with the religious community and the fascists in the other.
The freedoms codified into our legal system will have to be discarded because of their conversion into political tools. Hollywood will force the repeal of the first amendment because, having started down the path of cultural destruction, like an addict they can't stop. Where would the profits come from? Can anything more venal be imagined than selling one's culture for gold? Talk about Judas!
Discrimination is cultural creativity. How does one create a culture? Abstain from some activities and habitually indulge in others. Having passed laws against cultural creativity, we can do none other than watch as our culture decays and descends into the sink drain of history, at an ever faster rate.
Joe Schiller


The Cult of The Common Man

The Daily Mississippian


Yesterday I was discussing the word cool with a foreign student and discovered with him that this word is very important in understanding the state of American culture.
He was wondering about it since his child (second grade) had rejected a pair of shorts as being uncool, and guessed that while he couldn't define it he thought that cool was to mundane behavior as romance is to love, that is a sort of theatrical parody of it.
This prompted me to attempt to remember the genesis of the word in its current meaning and I believe that the first representations of it on the screen were Marlon Brando in The Wild One and James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause. Remembering still further into the past, and noting the connection between coolness and ragged clothing, I guess that Jack Karouac and The Beatniks introduced this concept into the culture, and it was expanded upon by the drug culture of the '60s. The clothing suggests an anti-elitist attitude and an idealization of the concept of democracy. It further suggests that any mannerism that separates one from the common man is uncool. Thus conversation has absorbed slang and what used to be known as bad language into the mainstream and good taste has in general fallen into disfavor.
This interests me because of my recent preoccupation with the gentleman concept and leads me to the conclusion that the loss of the gentleman concept is permanent since unconscious identification with a lifestyle is unlikely to be altered by conscious criticism.
Joe Schiller

Civil Liberties

The Abuse of Compassion in Our Culture

November 1, 1989
Editor, The Mississippian
University, Ms.


I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Oglesby's column lamenting the passing of civil liberties. I agree with him about their loss but I don't think he has fully analyzed the problem.
Civil liberties will decline because the possibility of exercise of them varies inversely with population density. Everyone doing their own thing is OK when each person has a few acres to do it in, but when we are all crammed into the hold of a ship and someone decides to have a party, problems ensue.
Secondly, civil liberties will succumb to compassion. Compassion is used to justify any and all affronts to the values of the settlers of this country, and as a political tool it is near perfect. One cannot even disagree with a proposal identified as compassionate without suffering attacks along the lines of cold, unfeeling, inconsiderate, etc.
Actually, compassion is a gift of God that when acted upon has the reverse of the desired effect. Compassion is the ability to share in another's misfortune. Acting on that feeling is the attempt to deprive others of meaning in their lives. Compassion is the holy grail of politics. One can ride compassion to undreamed of political successes, abusing the feeling all the way and destroying one's soul in the process.
Where, in our society do we abuse this feeling? Doctors use it to justify enriching themselves at the expense of the environment, by prolonging human life on a dollars per minute basis. Lawyers use it to justify enriching themselves in personal injury lawsuits. Indian chiefs use it to justify payments for the selfishness of our ancestors, Japanese Americans use it to glean a lump sum payment from the Federal government on the same grounds. Jews use it unmercifully, to justify their actions in the middle east, Blacks use it to get a larger share of the public pie. Churches use it to increase the weight of the collection plate, governments use it to justify their own growth and power, corporations use it to justify their lust for profits, universities use it to justify their desire for higher wages.
Joe Schiller


The Daily Mississippian
Feb. 15, 1991

In response to Bob Yarbrough's column on the foreign ballplayer who refused to display the flag. This is a very difficult question to understand. You think you understand the motives of all involved, but I doubt that. Viewing this event in light of other reports in the media about people's reactions to the war makes me wonder. Perhaps the feelings of the people involved and many others around the country, including myself, are that we adopted the liberal attitudes about war suggested to us by the academic community during the Vietnam war and look what it got us. A large number of casualties, a loss of a war that produced exactly the result we were warned it would by the various administrations that attempted to deal with it, and finally disgrace for our fighting men. I would like very much for those things not to happen again. Perhaps a more conventional attitude towards the war (patriotism) would work better.
I am of the view that the callers in this case went too far, but that is only opinion. How much anti-war activity can be allowed before we end up where we did with Vietnam? And, if anti-war sentiments are to be suppressed, the government can't constitutionally do it.
Finally, the notion that all war is bad is naive at best. If two humans require to occupy the same plot of land at the same time to survive and if that is not possible, either one has to retire and starve to death or they have to fight. I think, since no one can say with precision just what events lead to any particular war, it is proper to say that God starts wars and humans try to stop them. It would appear that the quickest way to stop a war is to attack massively.
Anti-war sentiments are just that, sentiments. One's compassion leads one to wish that life could be less messy. I don't think the pursuit of wishes whose implications are not understood generally produces any good result. And a species that allows itself unbounded reproduction must be profoundly lacking in understanding.
Joe Schiller

Bill Clinton

The Prospects for Success for the Clinton Campaign

The Daily Mississippian


In response to Mr. Herzfield's column of June 22: Bill Clinton will only be our next president if the liberals can convince the public that adultery is unimportant and says nothing about a man's character. Call me idealistic, but I don't think that idea will sell in this case. Of course the liberals think it to be true, in fact, they seem to think that morality can best be forgotten about. As they say, tell us about the issues.
I would say, tell us things that reflect your character. If you have good character, I am not concerned with your position on the issues. If I don't trust you I want to know where you stand on every issue. Of course there are too many issues and too many positions for this approach to work. Better we find someone we can trust.
Bush, we can trust. Unfortunately, he is a bureaucrat when we need a leader. Clinton, we can't trust. That leaves Perot. Maybe we can trust him. I hope so.
Joe Schiller

Clinton's Lead

The most compelling question of these days is:
Why does Bill Clinton hold a twenty point lead over Bob Dole three months after Dole won the nomination?
The obvious answer, suitable for many, is that Clinton is the incumbent and has done a pretty good job.
This answer ignores the number and nature of the scandals attaching to the President.
The next thing we notice is that there is a gender flavor to this lead. Women select Clinton two to one, while among men, the race is about even.
Rush Limbaugh notes that the Annenburg School for Media Research, after much study has found that his audience lies largely among the more intelligent, educated, and analytical segment of the population. I agree, since I listen to him frequently and view myself as part of that population.
I would go on to note that, since the intellect is inherently masculine (to understand this statement you will have to read my book), men identify with their personalities (egos), while women will view that part of themselves as a tool, in the same sense that one's hand is a tool.
From here we go on to note that Clinton bases his campaign on emotional appeal, "I feel your pain", while Dole bases his campaign on analysis, (We need more jobs, high taxes depress the job market, thus the answer is to reduce taxes). To which Clinton responds, Dole will have to cut the budget to cut taxes and that means Medicare (I feel your pain).
To endorse this analysis, we will have to explain why this approach worked for Reagan. The answer is that Reagan had both an analytic and an emotional appeal. He was a wonderful father figure and talked in soft, warm tones.
The next question, then, is: In a Democracy, is a vote based on analysis superior to one based on feelings?
I think not. I think all human decisions are based on feelings when a question is first encountered, at least, simply because there usually isn't time to analyze it. So, the response to the question: Why did you do that? is a rationalization. Some are better at rationalization than others, but everyone's feelings are equally valid.
In fact, I would say that, since feelings are based on all we are, including what we know and don't know (to understand this you need to read Carl Jung), they are much more likely to be valid behavior producers than analysis, though they may suggest behavior that is unpopular or illegal.
The real question of this election cycle is whether or not we wish to continue the feminist policies dating back to the flower children in the sixties. Minorities and women will, by and large respond yes, since they, being discriminated against by the white male establishment, see it as an improvement. All others will respond, no. However, minorities and women certainly constitute a majority, so that, Dole will have to try to make inroads into this block, to the extent he can, and then hope that they won't bother to vote in great percentages, while his base, middle and upper class WASP males, do. The feminist policies will continue, in any case, Dole could only slow the rate of change.
This might be a good time to ask, "Where did the flower children come from?"
My belief is that they came from the Pacific theater of the Second World War in the following way. The source for what I say here is Michener's South Pacific. Not the musical, but the book. The most important character in this book is Bloody Mary. She chewed Betel nuts all the time, to the point of blackening her teeth, for the chemical high that they provided.
I would say that large numbers of service men, at a very impressionable age, were sent from a masculinist culture to something they had never imagined existed, a feminist culture. This resulted in a confrontation between their values and those of feminism. From feminism's point of view the war was destroying a great many relationships in order to eliminate an abstraction of little importance, Japanese imperialism. This contradiction stayed with these men after they returned home and produced babies. It didn't trouble them so much that they had to alter their basic belief system or the life style they had been born into, but it did bother them enough to express their confusion to their children and to try to raise them in such a way as to eliminate the conflict. That is, to evaluate relationships more highly than heretofore.
When these children grew up and went to college and were confronted by another war devoted to the maintenance of an abstraction, anti communism, they rebelled. This resulted in a widespread discussion of the reasons for opposing the masculinism of the past and led to the development of what we now call the feminist movement.
It would be proper to visualize this change in terms of casting a bag of red dye into a stream. As one walks downstream, more and more of it is red. The stream is Western culture and the dye is feminism. I would say that the election of Clinton gives us a good fix on the percentage of the stream that is now red.

The 1996 Conventions

* The Hutchinson attack on the Clinton administration.
* The Nancy Reagan remembrance of her husband.
* The Powell summation speech in which he identified himself as a Republican.
* The J. C. Watts (black congressman from Oklahoma) speech emphasizing family values and the opportunity offered by the U.S. to minorities.
* The Molinari keynote (dull but notable because of the deliverer).
* The Elizabeth Dole description of her husband's efforts to help people, e.g. his establishment of an institution to supply help for physically challenged individuals.
* The McCain nominating speech emphasizing Dole's concern for POW's and the identification of the fact that Dole had worn McCain's commemorative bracelet.
* The Kemp Acceptance Speech (dull but notable because of the deliverer).
* The Dole Acceptance Speech (inspirational).

Highlights of the Dole Speech

1. The times are perilous for American culture and the past was much better. If you wish a return, follow me.
2. A missile defense system is crucial.
3. A 15% across the board tax cut and a 50% reduction in capitol gains are necessary to rejuvenate the economy.
4. The Republican party is inclusive and any member who does not support that position should depart.
5. Saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is to emphasize collective responsibility and therefore to minimize the significance of the family.
6. The teacher's unions are the source of the problem in declining performance of public schools.
7. The US should avoid subordination to the UN.
8. The Clinton performance relative to the trade deficit has been poor. The US should avoid trade regimes that cause loss of domestic jobs.
9. A Dole administration would avoid diminishment of Social Security and Medicare programs.
10. The Federal Government should view itself as the servant of the people instead of the reverse.
11. The IRS should be redesigned and eliminated in its current form.
12. A revitalization of the military is necessary due to the excessive cutting done by the Clinton administration.
13. Mr. Dole describes himself as a great optimist and reiterated his belief that America's greatest days are in the future.
14. Mr. Dole said, "Age has advantages. I remember when American life was better."
15. The US should do everything to stop illegal immigration while at the same time giving every assistance to legal immigrants.
16. Mr. Dole also said, "If elected, criminals will return to hell."

My analysis:

It is courageous of Mr. Dole to suggest that American culture has so declined that we should entertain a return to the past, because the authors of the present, feminists, aren't likely to be happy to hear their handiwork described in this way. This means that Mr. Dole does not understand the forces that have put us in this position. This is no criticism, since hardly anyone does, but, for those that do, an evaluation in light of this understanding, regarding the possibility of a return to the past is available. Those forces producing our march towards feminism emanate from population pressure and will continue to assert themselves. None the less, it is probably advantageous for a president to adopt this view, since it may have the effect of minimizing the damage from forces we cannot control, for a while, at least.

The Democratic Party

Continue the current policies of:

1. Emphasis on multiculturalism as the natural solution to ethnic conflict.
2. Move U.S. institutions towards acceptance of World Government headed by the U.N. and with the U.S. playing a dominant role.
3. Emphasis on feminist values by placing feminists in government positions as frequently as possible.
4. Support in every way possible for the core feminist strategic political positions, pro-choice in reproductive rights (this is the precise issue on which Abraham based his creation of the Judeo/Christian ideology), and homo-sexual equality.

The Reform Party

1. All government programs should undergo systems analysis, solutions proposal, debate, testing and debugging before reinstallation.
2. Taxes should be simplified and adjusted so that expenditures match revenues or fall slightly short of them.
3. Illegal immigration should be ended and dealt with by deportation.
4. PAC's should be outlawed.
5. Foreign lobbyists should be disallowed.
6. The welfare system should be ended. The American Indians are a test case demonstrating that the system of federal support, since it deprives the individual of self respect, is counter productive. The only workable system is private efforts of individuals or through churches.
7. Richard Lamb pointed out that there is no difference between immigration and export of jobs, thus identifying the real problem as overpopulation.

This party is unduly preoccupied with financial issues, which may lead to disaster, but until now have not, and don't appear to be closely related to the most compelling problems of the culture.


1. Dramatically reduce the size of the central government and leave the problems to be dealt with by the states.
2. Discontinue restrictions against activities, such as drug use, that would generally be labeled as victimless crimes.
3. The central government should be confined to its original role as the maintainer of the nation's defense and the institution responsible for foreign relations.
4. The central government should be required to rely on revenues from import duties.

The Natural Law Party

1. Redevelop government policy in accord with current understanding of natural law.
2. Emphasize traditional environmental or green policies.
3. Use transcendentalism as a means of overcoming anti-social behavior.

The candidates of this party are members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founded Maharishi University in Fairfield Iowa. It is, apparently, a fully accredited university with a wide range of programs, but with a founder like the Maharishi, it cannot fail to emphasize Indian, which is to say feminist values. This is immediately detectable in the movement of emphasis from the object to the subject in the Maharishi's opening statement on the University's home page.
The Maharishi is a Vedic scholar, which is to say, Hindu.
The idea of returning to natural law must be questioned regarding its meaning. A fruitful way of doing this would be to look at cultures that exist in this state. The most basic feature of this state of being would be avoidance of the non natural. I would point to the American Indian before the arrival of Europeans as the best example of this exemplary life style, but to imagine a return to primitivism now must include acceptance of a great die off of humans. This whole idea is basically contradictory, since it envisions a marriage of feminism and masculinism, ideologies that are basically contradictory in their current state of development, and which cannot be imagined as achieving compatibility except through undevelopment or declining consciousness. This statement is also contradictory to the Maharishi's notions.

Overall Evaluation

If one compares these platforms with a prioritized list of problems, thus:

1. Crime/Cocaine distribution
2. Illegitimacy
3. Education
4. Immigration/Overpopulation

It is clear that there is no comprehensive solution proposed by anyone, though it could possibly lie in Natural Law.
The Republicans suggest that racheting up the war on drugs is the answer to the first problem, in spite of the failure of many efforts along the same lines. The source of the second problem to the extent they define it at all is suggested to be welfare. Undoubtedly related in a peripheral way but surely unrestrained sexual contact is the real cause. The third problem they lay at the door of the NEA and similar organizations. Probably correctly. The only solution offered by Dole was to ignore their power, while the Democrats endorse them without restraint. The solution offered on the fourth problem was to ignore the overpopulation question and demand border enforcement. Since, in addition to immigration, overpopulation is a function of procreation and the long standing war against anything that threatens the life of individuals, we can't expect much from the candidates here.
The Libertarians address the problem of crime by minimizing its definition. This will have the effect of taking the profit out of those activities no longer proscribed and therefore will be effective in dealing with crime. The effects on the culture of widespread legalization of destructive activities of individuals can't be predicted with any assurance, but, one would guess that America would not react dissimilarly to other countries with weak law enforcement, say Nigeria, or Mexico, or Russia.
The Reform Party is suggesting that, the only area that can be dealt with effectively in these times is the budget and this is a big enough problem to preoccupy anyone. That putting one's financial house in order will have benefits throughout the culture.
The minor parties, not surprisingly, are more honest about the problems and the prospects for solution.
Since there is no debate on what feminism actually is and what features of life it touches, there can be no expectation of actually reaching realistic conclusions, so that the expectation should be that the Democrats will proceed towards their vision of multiculturalism and one world with the U.N. as the mediator. Thus we can expect no or minimal progress on any of the four main problems. The Republicans will gradually decentralize the central government in order to rid itself of social programs it can no longer fund. It will identify feminist based problems but will not be able to alter them in any significant way due to the need to include feminists in its party. The Democrats will increase taxes and social welfare and the Republicans will do the reverse.
The minor parties would dramatically alter the course of the country. The Reform party less so than the Libertarians, but, profoundly, none the less. The Reform party, would effectively require a balanced budget amendment and an end to large political contributions. These steps would have profound consequences of an unknown variety. Since Perot is aiming at legal solutions for moral problems, (selling votes), and since those moral problems have arisen concurrently with other feminist inspired problems, and since, in general feminism favors chaos over order, we can safely conclude that such immorality as afflicts lawmakers has more to do with the rise of feminism than other factors and therefore may not be accessible by laws. That is to say that, if laws are passed eliminating large scale contributions in public, they will move underground.
Decentralization of the sort envisioned by the Libertarians is currently being accomplished in Russia. Perhaps it would be neater here, who knows?
The one party to offer potentially comprehensive solutions is the Natural Law Party, but their positions and orientation are so foreign to common thought in this country that it cannot be imagined that they will begin to have serious impact for several more years, yet.
One supposes that the function of political seasons is to rejuvenate the problem solving spirit among the participants. To talk inspirationally about the prospects for reducing problems by reversing the policies of one's opponents and by providing a forum in which chauvinism is allowed to provide its warm glow of comradeship.

So, to review, the Republicans are proposing a return to masculinism while the Democrats propose continued development of feminism. The Reform Party suggests that basic management skills need to be emphasized, while the Libertarians suggest dissolution of the central government. Finally, the Natural Law Party proposes transcendental meditation as a solution.

The '96 Olympics Bomber

Reflections on the reasons for and implications of the Atlanta bomb.

I will assume, for the purposes of this review, that the perpetrator is in this case, a fringe member of the militia movement in America.
The first point to be made here must be to criticize the President's characterization of the perpetrator as a cowardly murderer. I believe this characterization to be incorrect on both counts. Mischaracterization cannot aid us in attempting to understand what is afoot here. This person must be viewed as a politician making a political statement and, in desperation using death to underline what he has to say. We also use death in our political statements, when we feel sufficiently threatened. So, calling this man a murderer for doing no less than we ourselves do must be denounced as demagogic.
I believe the crucial issue that now threatens us is our failure to pay sufficient attention in these feminist times to the demands of manhood. The Bible points out that we were created in our creator's image. One of the more difficult statements in the Bible, to comprehend. What it attempts to point out is that the creator is, in the first instance, creative, and, in the second, masculine. Thus, we are given to understand that, masculinity will, in an instinctive way, demand to be creative.
With the rise of population density, one thing that has been lost, in large degree, is the opportunity for males to express their creativity. Consider the life of the frontiers person as compared to the wage earner in modern America. Next, consider the impact of feminism on this aspect of masculinity in recent years. For the least among us, the prospect is for a domineering foreman instructing our every activity at work and a domineering wife doing the same at home.
Thus there is no opportunity, for many among us, to express the most basic feature of their being. It is like reducing the possibilities of women to give birth and to raise families. These features of sexuality are so basic, they must occur, or the humans who find themselves frustrated will question their right to continued existence. An identity crisis will ensue.
Now, we come to the Olympics Bomber. I suggest that he is just such a one. He has looked about for somewhere to express his creativity and in so doing has considered two ideas. First, that a man likes to be a hero, and second, that some evil entity must be responsible for the meaninglessness of his life. On pondering those two notions for some time he has concluded that the evil entity responsible for his pain is the central government, no doubt because of its support for affirmative action which may well have put him at odds with a female boss and under the thumb of his wife.
So, now he has identified an evil influence and has the opportunity of acting in an heroic manner by attacking it in some creative way that can do significant harm to it. He is not so irrational as to think that he alone can seriously threaten it but he can do what one man can do and, if it is noticed and taken up by others, might well triumph in time.
From this analysis, I think it prudent for Washington to consider its position and reflect on what can be done to bring it back into favor with its constituents. There is no essential difference between the Atlanta Bomber and the United 800 bomber, which I will take to be, for the purposes of this exposition, a Palestinian or sympathizer. He also is attacking what he has identified as a focus of evil in the world, for the same reasons.