The King, A Fable

There once was a man who, on arrival in a new land, discovered that he was bigger and stronger than the current inhabitants. He therefore demanded that the inhabitants make him king, and they, being afraid of what he might do, agreed.
In the beginning things went well enough, though the king was inclined to demand that the other inhabitants be his servants and that they entertain him. He liked for them to dress in costumes so that they would look more like him, or really a caricature of him, and then do dumb things, like fall down, which he liked to laugh at.
But soon the king, who had had a wife brought to him from his previous home, began to build up a large family. And then they set up their own homes and started their own families and they all acted towards the former inhabitants of the land as did the king. That is they also wanted servants and to be entertained.
Eventually the land began to fill up and there was less and less room for the original inhabitants. And the king's people began to build larger and larger houses with gardens and lawns and paths and roads between them. And there was less and less room for the former inhabitants. Then the king's family began killing the former inhabitants so that they wouldn't take up so much room and there would be more room for the king's family. They also began to eat the former inhabitants.
The king decided it would be more efficient if he built fences to keep the former inhabitants in, so that they would be easy to catch when he wanted to eat one of them. Some of the former inhabitants concluded that there was no living with the king and he was too powerful to oppose so they just immigrated to another land. Many couldn't do that though, so they just stayed and hoped that the king would regain his senses, so that they could all be happy once again.
Then, one of the great grandchildren of the king decided he would make a better king, so he gathered up lots of followers from among the many families that had grown up and they began to fire missiles into the old king's compound. The old king then gathered around the families close to him and they began to fire missiles back at the pretender. Eventually the fight was over, but in the meantime a large wood had been burned down and many lives were lost.
But that turned out to be only the beginning. Soon many decided they would make better kings and battles were a more or less constant thing, and the original inhabitants continued to dwindle. And still the king's family grew.
By and bye there were so many of the king's people and they were so often fighting one another that they decided they would have to strike out and find somewhere else to live, and many of them disappeared forever, though the king continued to expand his family so that no reduction in crowding resulted.
Eventually, all of the former inhabitants still inhabiting the area were fenced in and the king's people started to plant things in the land so that they would have a ready supply of fruits and vegetables. Then some of the king's people found they hadn't enough to eat, so they began to steal from those that had plenty and sometimes to organize for fighting. It didn't seem to do any good though, in fact things seemed to get worse. A few of the king's people had plenty of food and nice houses while a lot were always hungry and had only the poorest kinds of shelters.
So, after much study the king decided to make special plant food so that the plants would grow faster and produce more. But it didn't work. The plants grew faster and produced more but that only speeded up the growth of the kings family, so that the hunger problem never seemed to improve.
And then one of the king's family discovered a potion that, when drunk, protected the king's people from some kinds of disease. The king, in gratitude, made the discoverer of the potion a hero of the people forever.
Then the king decided that there really were too many in his family, so that he decreed that any of his family members that had too many children would have to kill them. And then he thought that they could use the baby corpses to cure illnesses in the adult population so that the babies wouldn't go to waste.
But the population still grew and more and more of the poor people turned to crime to survive and they began to kill their victims so that they couldn't be identified as thieves.
Finally one of the younger members of the family began to say that the king was too old to run the land and that he should be the new king so that he could solve the problems that had grown up.
When he finally succeeded in deposing the old king, the new younger king suggested that the real problem was that too many family members lived too long and that there should be a limit. This idea was accepted and the limit was set at 100 years and everyone older was killed. This didn't solve the problem though and soon the limit was reduced to 90 and then 80 and then 70 and so on until finally it reached 30 and still the population grew. So, they started killing all the people that were judged abnormal in any way. Finally the population surge slowed and halted.
Then it started to decline.
The people no longer wanted to spend time raising children. They preferred to watch entertainment's that, by this time, had become very sophisticated. So, the king offered incentives. He gave any couple that agreed to produce and educate children free food and housing, but then the people just sat around and before long became so bored they began getting drunk all the time. And their children starting robbing the other people so that they could get drunk too.
Finally, the king's people concluded that there was no solution to their problems so they built several large boats in the harbor and began sailing away, until finally there were no more left. Then the former inhabitants came back and were happy to see no more of the king's people.

The End