Book One:

The following is an outline of feminism as contrasted with masculinism from a high or superficial perspective, a middle or moderately careful analytic perspective, and a low or historical perspective.

High Level Feminism

Feminism in America, has the general goal of replacing male leadership with female. This is a change of massive proportions since it envisions replacing a culture of several thousands of years duration, back to Abraham, and all of the institutions that have grown up in that time. To justify this claim, I cannot go to feminist organizations and ask them what their goals are, they do not know beyond the moment, themselves. We must look at the programs they favor and what their long term effects will be. Humans seldom work from conscious motives. This would require them to understand what they are about, which is a time consuming process, never completed. Therefore, we all act from our feelings. If it feels right, we do it, and rationalize later. So, it would not aid us to ask the beast why it does what it does.
We cannot judge whether feminism is a good thing or bad. It is something that is happening to us, and we will have to adapt. On the other hand, the implementation of the goals of feminism are being pursued by human institutions and they can be criticized profitably by those who do not agree with their methods. By this I mean to say that whether Republicans or Democrats are in power, we will still move towards feminism. It is instructive to note that the great education debate hasn't produced a clue regarding the reasons for the decline in test scores. Some say more money is required and when the money is forthcoming, the slide continues. Some say a return to basic education is required, but cannot explain why we moved away from it in the first place.
It would be well to reflect that God is male and a spirit. Also that ideas are the creation of the spirit and, initially at least, non- material. Also that feminism's natural deity won't be male. From these facts it should be possible to deduce what is wrong with education. Also that we won't be able to fix it. For those that don't care for deduction we can say that God is primarily the father of the intellect and feminists won't wish to continue the enterprise of building up the ego.
To understand feminism, one must know who the feminists are. To do this one has to be able to identify a feminist when one sees one, even if they do not so identify themselves. So, a feminist is one who believes or feels that the best advice about one's life will be provided by a female or one who lives in the style of a female as opposed to a male. This style results from one's attributes. For example, we cannot expect a monkey to write a sonnet. It's attributes don't allow for such a possibility. For another a lion will not fly. It lacks wings. In the same way, a feminine creature will not fight except as a final resort, it will retreat. This is not the same as saying a female can not fight, because a female can, if she wishes, emphasize her masculinity. Female jackals in Africa have non functional penis's. Creativity is an aggressive act, it alters the status quo, feminism is passive.
So, what are the more important feminine attributes: passivity, absorption, chaos, compassion, a multiplicity of gods. Now, we must define our terms, else you may mean something other than I when we use them. Passivity means tending not to act in the presence of stimuli. In other words it is feminine to allow things to happen. The opposite is active, or aggressive, or creative. To absorb means to allow radiation to enter one and to keep it. The sun radiates, and the earth absorbs. A female absorbs semen and is impregnated by it. Chaos is the absence of order. The feminine is uncreative and therefore has no need of order. One cannot create except by imposing order. Compassion is the desire to share another's feelings. It can result in attempting to eliminate those feelings that are unpleasant. Thus compassion is most active when sharing the feelings of suffering, since it wishes to eliminate them for the comfort of the sufferer. So, a feminine being wishes to share your feelings, because that is how it communicates and relates to another. On the other hand no being likes to suffer, so the feminine will try to eliminate it. This will cause it to try to destroy the source of the suffering, in fact nature is always trying to destroy created things, but the creator is always recreating, so one has a draw. Or a steady state of affairs. Feminism recognizes godliness as a state superior in power to that of humans, but assigns it to myriad's of beings, more and more abstract according to the sophistication of the feminists. Masculinism has one God because one God is a more orderly concept than many.
Another way to describe the difference between a masculinist and a feminist culture is to say that a feminist culture will use masculinity in support of its methods and goals which will be feminist in nature, while the reverse will be true of masculinists. Thus, the feminist acting on the basis of compassion and attempting to eliminate suffering is an example of using the subordinate masculinism in the service of feminist values.
Feminism is the opposite of masculinism, so to understand it more clearly we must also identify the main attributes of masculinism. These are orderliness, radiation, the law, The One God. Order can be defined as an arrangement of entities such that any existing item is known and can be found. Surprise is not an attribute of a masculine object. Radiation is the act of giving of oneself automatically as a feature of being and is seen as aggression from some points of view. The law is the verbalization or description of the universe. It is made up of generalities, therefore categories are established and commonality is recognized. The One God, the God of order is well known in the West. I refer Easterners to The Bible, His Book.
The motivation behind feminism for humans is power. Feminists wish to wrest power from Masculinists, who have held it for several thousand years, as previously pointed out. Naturally Masculinists wish not to give it up. The main institution of masculinism is the church, which has a masculine God. The actual motivation behind feminism cannot be grasped by humans, though one supposes that the existence of masculinism creates an ever growing desire to have what one lacks (feminism) so that eventually this desire grows larger than the original desire to have a masculine society in the first place. Ultimately, we must resort to God's will.


Liberating Women

The Perception of the State of Womanhood

Women have always, in all societies, been viewed as passive and exploitable, even by women. This is because of the tendency to see the female as participating in the nature of femininity, as mother earth. The supra-personal feminine, in nature, has characteristics, as do all things. One of those characteristics is passivity. Humans, can emphasize either their femininity or masculinity, whether male or female, and therefore can be, by training as passive or aggressive as they like. Of course, only those that can see it, can do it.
As women's masculinism was emphasized by sending them to school, eventually, they conceived that they were oppressed, and having seen, determined to do something about it.
This put males in a difficult position, not being oppressed, they had no wish to change their status. Unfortunately, males cannot remain the same if women change.
As can be seen by generalization, there are only two ways to be on any one scale (black/white, up/down, left/right, etc.), less obvious is just how one-sidedness is compensated to maintain balance, but if women become very aggressive, we can take it that men will have no choice but to become passive. This though, will be abnormal, as compared with most species. This is probably because semen builds up, and places a requirement on the male to act. When he does, it is an act of aggression.


The passive, exploited woman is believed by feminists to exist in an unfair state. Their thinking is that fairness is a state of equality, with all members getting and giving the same amounts of the same things. This is a naive idea of fairness. In the economic world, fairness is achieved when items of equal value are matched. Feminism assumes that males and females can be equally capable and that differences in physical and mental states are inconsequential. Masculinism (Christianity) had the distinct advantage of assigning roles in accord with the attributes of the sexes. Men were assigned the more physical and intellectual roles and women the responsibility for establishing and maintaining relationships. All changes are caused by something, in this case we can be relatively confident population pressure is the culprit. Humans establish related groups, and thereby create political power. Population growth magnifies political power. This creates desire on the part of women to have some or all of it.
Since the fairness issue is naive, we must assume it is being used tactically by the leaders, whom we assume are not naive.

The Motivation

Feminists would appear to be after power. They seem to think that they are deprived because males have power and they don't, and they want their fair share. This is an unusual view, historically. Woman have been content in the past, due to their passivity, to rely on indirect methods of achieving power, through their husbands. This is apparently no longer sufficient to many.
It is clear that any woman married to a powerful male, is potentially powerful herself. For some reason some women are unsatisfied with this kind of access anymore. This could be explained again as a result of education.
Education is a means of feeding the ego. The ego is inherently masculine, since it is a spiritual entity developed through the acquisition of ideas. Ego here, is understood to refer to the personality as defined by one's personal memory.
Below the level of awareness, and aside from population growth, the bomb is probably the catalytic event. The bomb made the survival of humanity problematic. To get rid of it, it would be necessary to forget it. That can only be done by de-emphasizing the ego and rationality, for several generations. This will be the natural result of rising feminism, since feminism will be antagonistic towards a masculine construction like the ego.

The Glass Ceiling

The White Anglo-Saxon Male

As the notion of unfairness towards women has developed, the perhaps natural extension of it has been to identify white Anglo-Saxon males as the crux of the problem since they hold most of the apparent power in the West. The contention has been made that they constitute a sort of club that actively discriminates in their admissions policy, particularly against women, but generally against all persons not included in the group, white Anglo-Saxon males. There is certainly an element of truth here, but probably only an element. Business, in particular, is held to the discipline of the bottom line. They must make a profit to survive, and if women represented a means of better competing, they would trip over one another in the effort to get them.

Discrimination vs. Aptitude

In general, there is a conflict between those who wish to allocate resources according to aptitude and those who wish to allocate according to politics, or fairness. Unfortunately, allocating according to fairness, inevitably leads to inefficiency, which means an inability to compete, which leads to an early death. This discipline is considered harsh by feminists who measure things against the yardstick of compassion.
Beyond that, there will be at least an unconscious desire to use fairness as the yardstick just because it will have a destructive effect on current institutions and lead to replacement of them by feminist ones.


The Feminine Side

Abortion of fetuses, is viewed by women as a means of liberation from the slavery of childbearing. Since they are insensitive to the masculine concept of morality, which has no physical existence, they cannot appreciate their opponents attempt to categorize the act as murder. To feminists, anti-abortionists are guilty of equating the child with the mother, as coequals with equal rights, this is patently absurd to them, though democratic. The feminine, as the source of life, has absolute authority over it, in the view of the feminist. The justification, used by feminists for their position, is that it is uncompassionate to force a woman to give birth when that act will produce suffering for the new mother. The rationalization underlying societal approval of abortion is that the world is overpopulated with humans and it makes no sense to bring more humans into it, especially if the circumstances of the woman will produce suffering for the child.

The Masculine Side

The Masculinists take the Christian view of abortion, which holds that the child has a soul, and therefore participates in divinity and cannot morally be disposed of, except by God. A moral act is here understood to refer to actions that redound to the survival of the species. No greater good can be imagined by humans, than survival. Feminists, of course, must be against survival temporarily, since they must oppose masculine institutions. After the failure of these institutions their attitude towards childbirth will change.
Masculinists cannot answer the charge of overpopulation, since any approach to dealing with it will fly in the face of traditional morality. They therefore ignore it and ridicule those who treat it as a serious issue.
The resistance to feminism is in the Church and the most profound resistance is in Rome. This should make it clear that feminism and Christianity are fundamentally opposed. The Church is silent on the issue of overpopulation, driving one to the conclusion that if it considers the possibility at all, it considers that evading the inevitable fate of mankind, especially by resorting to immorality can only produce a more harrowing last days than otherwise would obtain. Or, to say it another way, that these ideas are inevitable as the last days approach and the only resort available to the church is implacable opposition no matter how that appears from without.
The Church is thereby subject to the charge of helping to fulfill its own prophecy, but what other option does it have? To adopt the attitude that man must manage its own life on earth, is to participate in its own destruction (the church's) since this will involve usurping the prerogatives of God, as in making life and death decisions in abortion, and euthanasia, and eventually in the case of birth defects and others not deemed useful. This will ultimately lead to genocide and other horrors not dreamed of outside of Hollywood.

Babies Without Fathers

The Hope

Feminism seeks to reduce the influence of masculinity in the lives of the members of society. This is not a conscious desire but an unconscious one and that means that anytime a feminist considers an action that will have this affect, he/she will get a positive feeling. After that, they will rationalize their actions but this is little to be relied upon. One way to get control of society is to invalidate the masculine influence in the lives of children. To do this one minimizes the effect of the father's presence on the children. To do this, one must make the father disappear. To do this, one can make his life in the home unpleasant. This can be done by not providing for him the comforts he wishes for in a passive sense, and by fighting with him in the active sense. Depriving him of sex will go a long way towards making him seek comfort elsewhere. Denying him the satisfaction of eating will do more. Causing the children to rebel against him and denying him support when they do will make his life disagreeable indeed.

The Result

Unfortunately, men usually provide the family income, and women are not well prepared to do the same in their absence. Even if they are trained or trainable, they must leave their children to minimal supervision while they are gone.
This results in large numbers of fatherless families that are a drag on society's resources since they must rely on charity from the state and federal governments to compensate for the lack of a breadwinner in the family.
This seems bad, but from the feminist point of view it isn't. The social structure is further stressed and teeters ever closer to failure, which can do no other than lead to replacement of the masculinist culture with a feminist one. Of course much suffering is attendant on this sort of change, but feminism protects itself from that by not recognizing the results as emanating from its own causes.

Sexual Freedom

The Playboy Philosophy

Hugh Hefner started Playboy after leaving the employ of Esquire presumably because he was unable to express his liberal values there. Playboy, by being first to inject high quality female nudity into the mainline media, became very successful very rapidly. Men enjoy looking at the nude female, though it has a bad effect on them from society's point of view. This effect is to make them more susceptible to the desire for female company and less able to function effectively without it. In addition, with it, males have their interest diverted from providing the resources for a comfortable life to their families.
Not satisfied with this achievement, Hefner went on to describe the ideal male as one consumed with hedonism and committed to a lifestyle noted mainly by a lack of restraint, especially in the area of sex. The key to the success of civilization is restraint. To check this statement imagine a society which lacks any vestige of restraint. Lebanon springs immediately to mind. Of course, young males are attracted to this idea, having no idea that there are large implications to dismissing responsibility in favor of pursuit of pleasure.
A survey of historical records, primarily the Bible, will demonstrate that failure of masculinist societies is preceded by lack of restraint and hedonism. Consider Noah, Sodom, Gomorrah, Judah, Israel, Rome. Rome of course adapted to Christianity and solved its problem. So, we are instructed from this record that masculinism is constantly threatened by hedonism, and that the only solution to this threat thus far known, is Christianity.
One of the most destructive capabilities humans have is to isolate and refine the sources of pleasure. Consider the importance of cocaine or tobacco or alcohol in the absence of the ability to refine it. Hedonism, uses its time to find ways to produce pleasure, even though refined pleasure is the most addictive commodity in existence. This perversion is impossible for the market to ignore and the market is thereby enlisted as servant to hedonism and therefore to feminism.
For many reasons, Hefner must be considered a general in the feminist army. First, because his philosophy is so destructive to the society in which it occurs, one must conclude that it may as well have that society in view as its victim. Second, because he relies mainly on sex to affect his destruction. One cannot imagine a more devious and difficult weapon to deal with. Masculinism relies on reason to deal with its foes. Sex is extremely difficult to deal with on that level, and even if one can do it for himself, no one else is likely to understand him.


As a Guiding Principle

Compassion has as its goal the sharing of another person's feelings as a means of communication and relatedness. It is principally a tool of women, since relationship is their value. It is an irrational way of experiencing life, a way that does not require the actual experience to be had. It is similar to theater, though much more personal. It should require no action on the part of the compassionate one, but when the feelings are those resulting from the experience of suffering, the natural desire is to banish the suffering. Here trouble arises. In our world, nothing can be destroyed, it can only be transformed and there is always a price for this. Normally the only way to deal with suffering is to transfer it to someone else. It will not be received gracefully, since no one wants it, therefore it must be imposed, a self defeating enterprise since the transferee will eventually require to be paid.
One can therefore see that compassion is best left in the hands of the individual. Institutional compassion is a contradictory concept. A corporation must necessarily lack compassion because corporations are inhuman creations of man and are incapable of feelings.
This analysis leads to the inevitable conclusion that compassion, when used in the service of the state has no such object as helping people, it is instead a weapon with which to damage the opposition. Consider the presidential campaign of 1992. George Bush was accused of lack of compassion because he concentrated on foreign policy while the people were suffering from economic recession. Well, we can say it was Bush's fault for not recognizing the political weakness his activities produced, but this in no way minimizes the fact that the charge itself is false and can only be characterized as political chicanery, unfortunately consumed without reflection by a large enough segment of the population to lead to Clinton's victory.

As Opposed to the Rule of Law

The rule of law is a means of providing enough structure to a society to allow it to grow beyond what would be otherwise possible. Compassion when used as an alternative to law removes that structure. Indiscriminate compassion used whenever suffering appears, will needs destroy civilization since those consequences attendant upon ignoring the law will not be recognized as effects and will lead to wholesale dismissal of the law itself.

Sexual Harassment

Changing the Definition of Rape

In order to replace men with women as the leaders of society, it will be necessary to provide them with some means of gaining power over men. This can be accomplished by redefinition of the word "rape". Until recently, the definition of rape was a provable event of forcible copulation. Provable was key. Simple accusation was not deemed sufficient, generally some witness was required. This was frequently not possible which gave the advantage to males.

As a Weapon Against Males

The new definition seeks to eliminate the need to prove the contention. This change will provide advantage to females and enable them to, for instance, use the threat as a means of gaining power over the male.
Of course the feminists assure us that women wouldn't do such a thing. The following was reported by Rush Limbaugh (Oct. '93), though I didn't see it in the mainstream press.
A woman at Disney World contrived to have sex with someone and then convinced her boyfriend to beat her up. She then reported to the police that she had been raped.

Child Molestation

The North Carolina Incident

The following incident was reported by Frontline on Public Television in both 1992 and 1993.
In North Carolina, an upper middle class white mother, became aware that her son had been slapped by an employee of a child care center.
She then questioned her child extensively using more and more explicit questions until she had led her child to agree that molestation on his body had occurred. The writer is confident that no such molestation had in fact occurred, nonetheless, the strategy was used by social workers with every child in the day care center and finally, the children being fully programmed by now, trials occurred, in which the defendants, all adult workers in the facility, were convicted.
This is not an isolated incident, it is happening again, as this book is being written, in Georgia. In the writer's memory this pattern began in the middle west about ten years ago.
What is clear is that feminists, thinking they are onto an actual instance of corruption, pursue it to the point of creating a believable case for some out of whole cloth. The doubters are then intimidated into going along.
What we have here is no standard of objectivity being used by a segment of society, activist women, who apparently don't understand the need for it. This suggests we are in much greater danger than might have been thought. If women don't understand objectivity, don't perhaps understand that the mind has a structure, and that using lies as foundation materials can lead to disaster, and we rush pell mell to make them out leaders, what can we expect?

A Weapon Against the Father

Child molestation, as used in recent years, looks very much like an anti-masculine weapon. That is to say, by making a case against a sufficient number of fathers, it can be demonstrated that fathers are unfit for their role in society. If these cases can be made by programming children who don't understand the significance of what they say...


Feminine Leadership

Women in Politics

This has been a long standing goal of the movement for obvious reasons and has met with more and more success as time goes by, not only in this country but in others, even Muslim ones. Whether or not this is a good thing we may be forgiven if we doubt. Feminists will not operate on a thinking basis, by and large, and this means a change from the past to a more day to day point of view. Of course the long view (the hallmark of masculinism) is always at odds with the short view for obvious reasons. An ice cream now results in obesity later, and it would seem, we would prefer a long term oriented politics.

Women in Business

This aspect of the movement has had a very long duration already. It has been easier because it is a simpler problem. If one can demonstrate a positive effect on the bottom line, one can succeed in business. But the problem will be the same. There is a tension between the long and short term result in business, such that most decisions have to be made for short term results in startup companies and the reverse is true for established companies.
Thought is required to penetrate the future. The only reliable access to it is through analysis, unless one gives credence to astrology or Tarot cards. So except for those few women who are strong thinkers, problems will arise when women crack into the executive layer of established businesses.

Women in Academia

The problem in academia is less apparent, but no less worrisome. Academia was established to produce and store the product of the analytic mind. Women, by and large, will not excel in this activity, so what can they do in academia? Well, they can interpret of course, and teach when creativity is not required. They can administrate, of course. But one worries that, since they cannot contribute to the sum total of human knowledge, they will tend to belittle its significance and corrupt the institution. This corruption can take many forms, for example: I recently read an article purporting to show grade inflation has become common in higher education today. The writer said that C's had become uncommon in favor of B's, thereby shifting the normal distribution that nature demands.

and Elsewhere

Women are of course, breaking into all male institutions, in many cases just because of the challenge of it. The worry is that we will lose all male societies and one wonders if they made contributions that cannot be replaced. Looking back at history, most intellectual and technical achievements have been produced by males without the direct assistance of females. When isolation of males is eliminated, will these contributions stop?
Human society is an artificial organism, not created by nature and therefore high on nature's hit list. To defend against this requires constant effort of an intellectual nature. Feminists will tell us that, while there are few female intellectuals so far, this is the result of skewed rules that favor men. When the barriers are dismantled, women will fill the ranks of the creative. This is so much hyperbole. The only way women can be creative is to emphasize their masculinity. Some will no doubt choose this path, but not the majority. It is too negative and self denying a life style.


As a Compassionate Policy

The idea that has caught on here is that discrimination causes suffering and therefore should be eliminated from public life. The case of the treatment of African Americans by European Americans is used as a case in point and from it by extrapolation to any other minority. When someone points out that the discriminating taste has been a much admired quality until now, no answer to this conundrum is offered.
Actually, it should be clear to the reflective among us, that creativity is an act of discrimination, and without it we are surely doomed. Since civilization is an artificial organism, it is completely dependent on the creativity of its members to sustain it.

In Fairness

The justification for elimination of discrimination in public life is fairness. The contention is that it is unfair to treat people differently as a matter of policy. The fairness referred to is presumably sporting fairness. Actually, fairness cannot be used as the yardstick of good government, and if it is, will doom the short-sighted government that tries it. Survival is always the goal of any action taken by a useful government and the only reason for having a government at all. Since fairness is a means of choosing the least able as leaders, it must work against the led.

Discrimination Defined

Discrimination is the act of distinguishing subtle differences in attributes between apparently similar entities.

The Motivation Underlying Discrimination

There is difficulty learning to distinguish between entities based on subtle changes in attributes. The goal is thus to idealize one's experience of life by distinguishing ideal manifestations of certain objects. When applied to humans, the result is a class structure, which discriminates against the lower class and therefore causes suffering and motivates individuals to strive for inclusion in the upper classes. This can be used as a definition of civilization.


Margaret Mead - Primitive Sexuality

Ms. Mead was an anthropologist of some renown in the first half of the century. She studied primitives and concluded that civilized restraints on sexual behavior led to widespread illness of both mental and physical sorts. Feminists adopted this view and popularized it for years. We now seem to have widespread sexual dysfunction in our culture, as represented by criminal sexual violence (rape, child molestation), and rap lyrics from the black community and the divorce rate which can be laid at this door as the mother in Tennessee Williams play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" pointed out.
Ms. Mead is no doubt correct, but also probably fails to recognize the lack of creativity in the cultures studied and to identify the connection. Masculinism is responsible for creativity. Preoccupation with sexuality defeats the possibility of elaboration of this capability in humans. So, if we free sexuality of restraints, we must expect a decline of creativity, which is already apparent. It will go much further though, since a large part of society rejects this view. Children, of course, are not equipped to make a decision and so will no doubt go along with the view projected by television.

Dr. Spock - Baby and Child Care

Dr. Spock, a pediatrician closely linked to Margaret Mead, wrote popular books recommending dispensing with punishment as a means of controlling the behavior of children. This idea was popularized by the press and adopted by most of the culture and still dominates the so called experts in the field. The result is a generation of children, particularly in the lower classes that has run amok, killing each other and anyone else they deem is restraining them. Soon this generation will arrive at the status of adult, when we must presume they will dominate the criminal class. Dr. Spock's children began with the baby boomers and continues to the present and will continue until the culture reverses its position on child care. The baby boomers arrived at adulthood with the demands that they be allowed free love, dirty speech, and hedonism as their life style. Now, the lower classes not only want these features they also seem to be demanding to support themselves through crime. We have slowly come around to the view that criminality is bad because it causes suffering. Actually criminality is bad because it is a form of parasite. It causes decay and ultimately destruction of societies that allow it to grow. We have done this because compassion has refocused our attention on the fate of the individual caught up in the criminal justice system. We should consider the effect on society as a whole of the actions of this system. Errors are bound to occur, but if one wishes to minimize the damage of criminality it is essential to stop it from occuring and to do this one must convince individuals that it will result in their own suffering.

Dr. Alfred Kinsey - Human Sexuality

Dr. Kinsey did more than any other person to popularize the idea that many sexual practices formerly thought beyond normal standards were in fact practiced by most Americans on a regular basis. To prove his allegations he presented material apparently gleaned from years of research. The press up until recently was dominated by feminists and approval of Kinsey's conclusions was widespread. However, recently, conservatives, attempting to compensate for the liberal bias in the press have written extensively debunking the ideas and science of Kinsey.

Hugh Hefner - Playboy

Hugh Hefner through his magazine suggests that laws against free love and societal restraints on hedonism are ridiculous limitations on freedom that should be dispensed with immediately. By surrounding this kind of propaganda with pornography, he assured that it would be widely read among the males of the culture and since it expounded on allowing free satisfaction of sexual desire, assured a positive reaction.
I would identify Mr. Hefner as the single most corrosive agent in our society. His views could not be better designed to corrupt and doom a society and presented in the way they are cannot but be extremely influential in just the segment of society that will provide its future leaders. These people will suffer unacknowledged guilt as a result of following his practices, which will cause them to deny any negative effect even when they become knowledgeable enough to understand the danger they represent.

Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique

Ms. Friedan, it can be argued, is the mother of the modern feminist movement, based on the timing and content of her book. That book attempts to identify that fairly mysterious set of assumptions and stereotypes that combine to place a woman in the role within the family that history provides for. She concludes of course that they are only fantasies and myths and should be exploded and discarded.
We will have to rediscover the reasons for the feminine role in society since we must have forgotten or Ms. Friedan's argument would have no power. Of course she is wrong. Otherwise the role would not dominate in all societies whether feminist or masculinist. She is not the only smart person in the history of the world, others have thought these same thoughts. Some things are of course different though. The mass media, and comprehensive exposure of all people to these ideas.

Gloria Steinem - Ms Magazine

Ms. Steinem is an acknowledged leader of the feminist movement and her magazine is the journal of this cultural experiment. Of course the editorial content makes no claim to objectivity and in fact blatantly favors any and all ideas aimed at empowerment of the female gender.
Ms. Steinem represents the prototype of Jung's "animus possessed woman."

Molly Yard - President of NOW

Ms. Yard was perhaps chosen for her appearance as much as anything. A gray haired fierce countenance as imposing as anything since the prohibition era stands her in good stead at the political gatherings of the movement. Her organization is the most well known feminist group in America and occupies a very radical position. NOW lobbies not only for the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution, but completely free abortion for all, and equal rights for homosexuals, especially lesbians.
One can see how the organization reached this position, but it is a wonderment how politically naive they can be. One is driven to the conclusion they do more harm than good to their cause. They would no doubt reply that to soft pedal equal rights for homosexuals would damage the case for lesbians and all minorities, and therefore women.
The fear is real but the logic militates against any such comprehensive generalizations as those proposed by NOW in any political arena.

Anita Hill - Champion of Sexual Harassment Litigation

Sexual harassment, as a concept, didn't exist until feminism reached full stride. The idea is that males can intimidate females, generally in the work place, to the point of requiring sexual favors, in a sort of protection racket, and that many women are powerless to resist.
This is an argument for legal empowerment of females over males and has the same thrust as the redefinition of rape. A woman now has the implicit threat about her that she can claim sexual harassment in the work place as a means of achieving her political goals.
The downside of this strategy lies in convincing women that they are victims of society. It is a highly negative self image and will produce self destructive behavior and the mentality of a loser. Because of this the strategy will soon be discarded.




The Equal Rights Amendment is the attempt to enshrine in the American Constitution the modern notion of the relations between the sexes. This notion is that of democratic values, that women and men should be equal and out of that equality should arise a willingness to share in all aspects of life. The men should share household chores and child raising responsibilities, while the women should share in the effort to acquire the necessary material resources for the family.
It should be noticed that this controversy follows the granting of the vote to women, a foolish and politically inescapable act. The vote had to be granted because of the definition of democracy which has become a religious belief in the field of politics for Americans. The quote from whence I don't know, "Democracy is not perfect, but is the best system of government yet devised by man." springs to mind. The implications of this statement are demonstrably untrue. Democracy is not a new invention, it preceded the era of Kings in the West. It is fatally flawed, because it cannot identify a ruling class from among its best and therefore must choose leaders from among its worst, from time to time.
This idea has led to the integration of females into almost all male institutions in society, from clubs to business to politics to schools. Males have had to be accepted into women's institutions also but they are so few they don't matter.
Feminists don't seem to have noticed that if men perform the women's role towards their children, no one will be fulfilling the male role for them. This will result in children with no concept of what the masculine role in the family consists of, or why it is important.
The male role in the family is that of the provider of strength in meeting certain of the challenges of life, providing an example of how the spirit (the personality) can be developed to provide psychological strength. He is used for this purpose because he has a natural affinity for the spirit which is best characterized as masculine.
Masculinity is at home in the non material half of reality, while femininity is most at home in the material half. Humans contain within themselves both halves, but males find it easier to develop the spiritual half, while females develop more easily the material half.


Feminism sees its role as that of zealous guardian of feminine rights. One of these, perhaps the most important in their view, is the right of control over one's body. From this it is easy to conclude that the fetus, growing inside the body of the female is or should be under the control of the woman involved and therefore it is her right to pass life and death judgment on it. NOW is therefore a great champion of this right.
Because of the tendency to hereditary claims on responsibility in society, control over the unborn is a powerful tool with which one could, in the long term, determine the fate of society. One can easily imagine the aborting of the heir to a throne when kings controlled politics and the loss of the throne as a result. Updating this idea for modern times isn't hard. Suppose Mary aborted Jesus.


NOW supports homosexuals because they are a minority and share that status with feminists. Many of them are lesbians and therefore they share goals with the feminists. Ultimately, however, whether or not acknowledged, they support homosexuality because it is very destructive to the institution that allows it and therefore will eventually cause damage to the masculine social structure that they must defeat in order to have any hope of replacing it.
As an example of how destructive homosexuality can be consider the case of the Catholic Church of America. Twenty or so years ago they had a crisis in recruitment of priests, so in addition to advertising for more via billboards among other ways, I conclude that they accepted homosexual applicants, because of the liberal control of the administration. The result now is that they have scandal after scandal resulting from the seduction of children by priests.

The Children's Defense Fund

Children's Rights

This organization purports to be supportive of children as an interest group and a minority. In fact the agenda of this group is to establish the class of children as having a status equal to any other minority, including the right to legal redress for their grievances even against their parents. How this can be understood in any way except as an attack on Western culture is unknown to the author.
This means, carried to its logical conclusion, that children can legally prevail when their personal interests are sacrificed to the good of the family. This means that husbands will be afraid to lead their families, knowing in advance that in an argument with his children, the government may come down on their side. This is so reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. It seems like a good idea, think of the poor defenseless child and an abusive father, perhaps taking sexual advantage of the child (says the snake.) The perfectly good father is thereby emasculated and the family disintegrates and drifts to the feminist commune.

Institutional Support

The Media

As Advertiser

The media has the responsibility for chronicling the successes of the feminist movement and ignoring the failures. This amounts to propagandizing and would never be admitted to by the news sector at least. One doesn't know how this comes about but they have such a united front one is driven to conclude that they don't know how biased they are.
This suggests that there is a bias towards selection of liberals in the media, due to the nature of the work. I think this a reasonable assumption, but this natural selection, as it were, is now over. The conservatives have understood the problem and have set about rectifying it, and are having great success.
One needs to understand the nature of these extremes if one is to understand the political climate in the world. Conservative means that one is resistant to change while liberal means one is attracted to change. Rationalizations abound but this is the essence of the spectrum.
There are implications here of great importance. One is naturally attracted to change if one is poor relative to the society in which one lives. Thus the young are almost always liberal. One is naturally conservative if one is wealthy relative to the society in which one lives, therefore the rich are almost always conservative. Then there are the young rich who feel guilty and therefore are even more liberal than the rest of the young. There are those who make such a commitment to one side or the other they cannot change as they grow older.
Finally, it is possible to thoroughly explore liberalism when young and then conservatism when one is older and finally see that change is necessary sometimes and hew to the middle ground.

The Role of TV

Much is said about whether or not TV is causative in the production of violence. First, it must be recognized, violence is one of the possible modes of behavior that humans can indulge in. So TV isn't creating anything. Violence usually flows from frustration. When one is required to perform an important instinctual act, one will try very hard, and recognize that it is a higher authority than the government that is behind the demand. When that need is frustrated then violence sometimes results. If then, TV suggests a style of implementation, perhaps a style never considered by the frustrated human, then that act may be brought about. So the answer is yes and no.
But, not enough can be said about the potential for implementing a new philosophy via the airwaves. It is not too much to say that TV is an invention of the significance of writing, since a new level of simplicity has been provided to the act of dissemination of ideas. Since the media is dominated by liberals the ideas thus disseminated are destructive, emphasizing violence, sex, and rebellion.
The culture didn't have the problems with children in the past that it does today and one wonders if some of the reason comes down to establishing the existence of destructive ideas in the minds of children, where they had not existed in the past.


As Theoretician

For similar reasons to those that make the media liberal, academia shares the same propensity with perhaps a touch more militancy, due to the lack of a need to produce a profit. With the intellectual orientation of the academic community, it performs the function of theoretician for feminism. This requires, as one would guess, a grand capacity for seeing what one wishes and ignoring the rest, but they are up to it.
Feminism is in that stage of development where theory is much less important than political maneuvering however, so they haven't much to do except invent new ideas for the further weakening of masculinism.
They are also extremely naive, how else to explain the "Politically Correct" movement without foreseeing that in a country like the US, which is never allowed to forget the first amendment to the constitution by the same people that invented the PC movement, it would be instantly recognized as an attempt at thought control, and was thoroughly in opposition to the spirit of free speech. However, since the PC movement continues unabated even though discredited, perhaps the feminists are ahead of those of us trying to understand it. Discreditation will be ineffective if the audience isn't paying attention.
One wonders if the academic community, now dominated by destructive people got that way because of a flawed original goal or because it had acquired the influence needed by the feminists.

American Politics

The Democratic Party

The Former Party

In former times, the Democratic Party was the party of the past. Holding onto old values, as the more Northern urban Republican Party was the party of reform, having The Great Emancipator as its first President.
As such, it was the party of the South, where family values were held in great esteem, at least until integration.
With a name like Democrat, one guesses that the result was inevitable. Democratic means government by the citizenry, and by extension that leads to government by one man, one vote, and government by referendum, as in California. This may seem good, but means dictatorship by the average. It may be that survival is more difficult than that.
Actually it is worse than that. Since, when a large number of people are considered, most issues will split evenly. That means that any block voting minority can get control.

Succumbing to Feminism

At the convention in Chicago in the Viet Nam era, The Freedom Democratic Party of Mississippi, succeeded in ousting the traditional delegates, and the Party was lost to feminism.
Today, the Democrats have become so entwined with the feminist movement in all its manifestations, that one is compelled to identify it with them. From the centrist feminists who want power for females, to the integrationists who wish for political equality with their white brothers, to the environmentalists who wish to make Earth a deity, to the homosexuals who wish to gain societal acceptance, all feel most at home with the Democrats.

The Current Administration

We have successfully put feminism in charge of our culture. This is surely tantamount to putting the fox in charge of the chickens. The Clinton administration is filling the Federal Government with feminists as fast as it can, and the Republicans are looking the other way.
This will mean feminist policies and the grandest political disaster ever seen in the end. Feminism in no way is approved by the vast majority of the citizenry, except in its most benign definition (equal responsibilities and rewards between the sexes).
It is impossible to say just how this political disaster will come about, but filling Washington with homosexuals, with their distorted view of reality, cannot but lead there.

The Republican Party

Lincoln's Party

The Republican Party, which freed the slaves in the first place, in accord with feminist ideals of the time, now finds that feminism has come so far as to demean traditions like marriage and family and religion and honesty. It is thus forced into the camp of the religious fundamentalists and a real ideological divide is created.

The Alternative to Feminism

This extremism, with the feminists on one side and the Christian fundamentalists on the other makes clear the essentially religious nature of the conflict.
Formerly the genius of the American political system seemed to be in relying on two parties with essentially the same values. Perhaps we are destroying that which provided us with the stability to develop such a productive society.

United We Stand America

The Non-Ideological Position

Ross Perot seems positioned to capitalize on the extreme positions being taken by the traditional parties. Mr. Perot talks a lot about the economy and particularly the Federal budget deficit, however he has nothing noticeable to say about abortion and homosexuality. This may be the strategy of success. Of course, he is devoted to traditional values and will ultimately come into conflict with feminism. But perhaps that will be too late to harm his movement.
This is a modest hope, of course, feminism is bound to succeed eventually, for the same reasons that the writer of Genesis noted. One can say that reason is unsuited to management of a large social order, it becomes too unwieldy due to ever increasing complexity. Or one can say that a dream beginning with the defiance of God cannot be expected to succeed in the long term. However you say it, civilization is doomed to a comparatively short run. It is, none the less, very difficult to assign timing to this insight. I think the best we can say is that civilization will fail sooner or later and probably sooner.

The Supreme Court

The Warren Court

The current century has been given its stamp, in The United States at least, by the Supreme Court, the third branch of government much overlooked in earlier times. Amazingly it gained its greatest influence under the leadership of Chief Justice Earl Warren of California. The fact that he was from California is no surprise, but he was appointed by President Eisenhower, a Republican, and essentially conservative in his attitudes.

Brown vs Board of Education

In its most important decision, the court decided in favor of Brown vs The Board of Education, thereby starting the integration of the races. While a most desirable thing in light of compassion since blacks were discriminated against, the motives of the discriminators can not be called greed. They wished to save their culture which they felt could not withstand the impact of a primitive black citizenry with only poorly absorbed values from the dominant culture. This fear would seem to have been born out by the acceptance of the drug business by the lower class black community.
It is also true in other ways. The lower class black language, complete with the most sexually explicit slang has quickly invaded the language of the dominant white culture. The sports industry has been taken over by blacks and at the same time adopted the bottom line as the final measure of success. The media industry has adopted sex and violence as the medium of success. The institutions of marriage and family and religion have been devalued with concomitant rises in illegitimacy and sexual aggression. The arts have declined to such an extent that their leaders cannot think of reasons not to display human excrement and sexual perversion.


Order has been lost in massive quantities thus far. Marriage is failing as an institution because fathers refuse to remain in a demeaning relationship with their feminist wives, who fail to obey them and in fact hold them up to ridicule before their families. Honesty is in a weakened state due to the thievery associated with drugs and a general decline in appreciation of the fact that society relies on the general trustworthiness of partners to a contract. At the same time, in order to compassionately safeguard the rights of the accused, the court continually finds against the force used by the police in their efforts to retain what little order remains.

Roe vs Wade

Finally, in Roe vs Wade, the court concluded that women should be allowed to kill their unborn children in order to exercise that inalienable right to control their own bodies. Here we see the final conflict between the individual and society. Society cannot allow individuals this degree of freedom because it is tantamount to suicide, as we will soon see.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Arrival of Socialism in America

The modern feminist movement dates, perhaps, from Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. FDR was famous for his "New Deal" social legislation and his wife was an activist for the disadvantaged. The "New Deal" was largely a failure, but it did suggest to people that government might be able to deal with some of the most egregious problems associated with poverty, and this was very much in tune with the origins of American Politics.
Eleanor demonstrated that it was possible to lead a life of independence and success while at the same time remaining married. This at the time was a revelation.

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan

Extremism in the Pursuit of Liberty

Barry Goldwater was the first leader in the Republican party to suggest the time had come for a conservative reform from the policies of Roosevelt through Johnson. He was premature as demonstrated by the election, but the seed was growing and eventually bore fruit in the election of Reagan. The conservatives then and now, however, don't understand feminism and therefore don't understand what it is they are fighting against. Instead they continue to fight symptoms, like abortion, prayer in the schools, big government, and high taxes.


The world economy has become the world's largest shell game. The feminists say that it is basically a zero-sum-game, which means if someone profits it must be at the expense of someone else, which conservative capitalists say it is most assuredly not. They seem to believe, contrary to the first law of thermodynamics that humans are capable of actual creation, rather than transformation.
The trick, as with all shell games is to train your eyes to watch the ball and not the hands of the shuffler.
To take a simple case, a farmer transforms dirt into edible goods, say corn, using muscle power, or possibly oil power. This is the essential act of transformation (not creation). It is the same for a manufacturer. The farmer then sells his produce to a wholesaler. This person then stores the produce in expectation of a buyer. In Chicago a buyer buys rights to a certain amount of corn at a certain price. Then a trucker is dispatched to retrieve the corn at the assigned storage facility. He delivers to a grinder who transforms it into cornmeal and then packages it and sells it to a baker. The baker transforms it into corn bread and sells it to a retailer, say Kroger. Finally, you buy and eat it. Every person in the chain adds his fee for handling of the produce and you, the consumers agree to support all of these middle men to avoid having to go to the farm to buy the produce and convert it yourself into cornbread.
There is a certain price you are willing to pay for the bread that is based on the difficulty of getting it. That is to say it depends on the supply. If there is a lot of cornbread, you can shop around for the lowest price, thereby putting the retailers into a state of competition, which has the effect of forcing the price down to an amount that will pay all people in the chain as little as they will accept for their work before looking for another job.
The point is the feminist and free traders are both wrong. They are trying to convince you that they understand economics so that you will hire them to manage it. The left tells us that since capitalism takes from the poor to give to the rich it is inherently unfair and we should hire them to distribute everything fairly, never explaining how they will then motivate people to produce things to distribute. The conservatives tell us that it isn't a zero-sum game and therefore that entrepreneurs actually create something from nothing. God can create things from nothing, I've never observed any human reproduce this trick. The shell game is so elaborate they conclude we will give up before we see the entire movement involved and we will have to operate on the basis of trusting either them or the liberals.
The people who are getting rich are the one's who can induce the consumer to pay more and the farmer to take less. Should people get rich? If you like the packaging well enough, you should pay for it, nothing's free, and the last time I looked consumers and farmers were buying the packaging as if it were something of real value. Yesterday I heard about a team in New England that is selling souvenirs for their new baseball team at such a rate, that they wonder if it is necessary to actually have a baseball team.
It is also true that the more people there are, the more difficult it is to follow the shell game.
Now, where does that wealth come from? Turning dirt into consumables. Via manufacturing which means that humans are doing it in a non biological way or via farming, which means that humans have harnessed nature to do the manufacturing for them. So, the more money there is, the more land has been exploited. It is not possible to transform the contents of the soil without transforming the soil itself in some way and it is also true that we were ideally formed to live in the environment that obtained when we were designed, that is at some time earlier than the industrial revolution. More people, more environmental damage. This is simple. The only complexity is that which has been invented by man to hide his chicanery from himself.


The Theory

This system relies on an incomprehensible theory known as market forces. Market forces are subdivided into supply and demand and mean that the market will cause to be created just what the society needs because of the demand for the products it wants. Competition will force the price to the lowest possible that will keep the producers in business.

The Conclusion

Eventually, abusers will gain control of all currency and control over all humans, or government will control all transactions. These extremes are indistinguishable except that in the one case liberals have control and in the other, conservatives do.


The Theory

Socialism is an attempt to imbed compassion in a masculinist society, in the form of benefits paid out to the poor from the profits of the rich.

The Reality

It doesn't work because there are always too many poor for the coffers of the rich to manage and in fact, the act of trying creates more poor.

The Conclusion

Including feminism in masculinist societies destroys the benefits of masculinism and results in trading the problems of the poor for other failures that lead to more poor. This spiral, if allowed to continue would eventually result in failure of the society.


The Theory

Communism trys to achieve the goals of socialism by redefining the property of the state as belonging to all and then dividing it up amicably between them. This Herculean task is beyond the means of the organizational capabilities of mankind, thus far.

The Reality

The main problem of communism, beyond organization lies in the deprivation of motivation that inevitably accompanies lack of material need combined with lack of the ability to become rich, so that the result is chronic decline in production, resulting in chronic decline in living standards. The only reason it seems to work in the beginning is that the new government can exploit the values it inherits from the previous government. However, this is tantamount to spending one's capital and eventually leads to poverty.

The Conclusion

This system results, in all cases, in the destruction of the society pursuing it, if it goes on long enough. It destroys institutions of centuries and lacks the time to create new ones to replace them.

Middle Level Feminism

Western History

From Kings to Democracy

One Man to Every Man

Where does One Go from Here?

One can view history as an ever wider search for a workable system of governance for human beings. In the beginning, only informal arrangements were necessary. The father of the dominant clan would suffice. This system fails when the leader hasn't the time to meet and know all members of the society.
At that point a king is chosen, who makes it his business to attend to the problems of society as a full time job. He, of course needs power to implement his programs, so he is given all power. This leads to abuses when the king uses his official perquisites to pursue goals of importance to him but not to society. Especially when he uses immoral means to achieve the desired end.
So, a council is chosen to govern the king. This resulted in abuse by the king's advisors. So more advisors were used to watch the advisors. This resulted in the abuse by the aristocracy. More advisors were obtained, and more until democracy was invented and voting was used to identify the advice to be used by the king or president. This resulted in the tyranny of the majority and so each human was given the vote. This resulted in anarchy.
When every possible form of government fails, the time comes to evaluate the viability of masculinism as an ideal towards which humanity can strive.



From our perspective through Dickens, especially in "A Tale of Two Cities" we are driven to the conclusion that the aristocracy had run amok in France. They seem to have reached the conclusion that the lower class existed for them to exploit. Whether or not this is true is neither here nor there, it is believed to be true. No doubt there is an element of truth in it. No doubt some men thought as described by Dickens. Whether or not that was most or all, is unknown.
In any case, a general program was adopted to kill the aristocracy and adopt a more egalitarian style of government. This amounted to trading order for compassion as can easily be seen in Dickens. Therefore this was a move towards feminism.


Less is known by me about The English Revolution, except that its leader was Oliver Cromwell and the result was the King giving up power to parliament. Again we call this a move towards feminism because one king is more orderly than many parliamentarians.


The American Revolution was a major step towards feminism, since the new form of government was democracy and compassion was enshrined in an addendum to the constitution called The Bill of Rights, which was meant to protect the citizen from the greed of the government.


The last word in large scale revolution and the largest step towards feminism was The Russian Revolution. In this system the citizen was to be protected from suffering imposed on him by the upper classes by destroying class altogether and its creator, religion. This effort was unsuccessful, since it was an attempt to make feminism work in a masculine world. Since the people were not willing to dispense with the rewards of masculinism, reliable shelter and food, they were not able to dispense with the price of masculinism, discipline and competition.

Feminist Leaders

Henry VIII

Rebellion Against the Father

Henry VIII, King of England, was the first man to successfully defy the Pope. The Pope symbolizes God and the father. Therefore Henry VIII demonstrated that one could successfully rebel against the father and by extension the husband because he holds the authority of the father. All females are primary beneficiaries of this bequest, followed by sons and other children, and all fathers lose authority.
This was the defining secular event of feminist history.

Martin Luther

Rebellion Against the Pope

Martin Luther was the second man to successfully defy the Pope. He chose to dissociate himself and his followers from the Church of Rome because of the corruption there. Secondarily, he chose to emphasize the literal interpretation of the Bible as the authorized one.
This had multitudinous effects over the years, but the effect that concerns us is the suggestion that the Pope might not be infallible after all. If he is not, then anyone can aspire to leadership in this world because all are human and that is the main requirement remaining, once a special relationship with God is removed. Therefore women can strive for leadership, even religious leadership, even the role of priest or pope. Therefore God is androgynous, or maybe even feminine.
This was the defining religious event in the history of feminism.

Mahatma Ghandi


Non-violence is of course a primary goal of feminism, since in a violent world, females cannot hope to succeed in contests with men. Ghandi succeeded in demonstrating that at least in politics, non-violence was a viable strategy. It called upon people's compassion and forced them to support the demonstrator. Of course the purported goal of non-violence is saving lives, but we may be forgiven if we suspect that this is secondary to the attempt to gain an advantage with few resources at one's command.

Ho Chih Minh

Propaganda and Guerrillas

Uncle Ho is significant because he best represents the strategies of guerrilla warfare and propaganda. Ho realized, perhaps more profoundly than any other that the organization of traditional masculinist warfare could be turned against it. It was inflexible. He therefore turned to the, by now well known tactics of the guerrilla. That is to say very small groups, no drill or formation, stealth, and retreat. The weapons of choice can be simple and homemade if used in close proximity, since the main advantage of high tech weapons is the ability to damage at long range.
Propaganda was also recognized as a potent weapon by Ho. He also understood that the real weapon underlying propaganda was compassion and that to increase one's enemy's compassion is in effect to weaken him by removing his desire to fight. To escape from the conflict thus induced, the soldier will do almost anything, including desertion in mind or in body.

Martin Luther King


Martin Luther King was a beneficiary of both Ho and Ghandi. He also was constrained by resources since he represented only about ten percent of the population of the US, and the feminist tactics and strategies developed by these men fit very well into the African American psychology.
By this it is meant that, since the African Americans came from a primitive feminist culture, they were perfectly suited to the strategies of feminism, passive resistance (because a fatalistic attitude towards life is required, a common feature of feminist cultures) and indoctrination (minimal consciousness is required, think of Patty Hearst).

Prior Sub movements


Feminism, even in its current form is a movement of long duration. This is clear when one recognizes the Women's suffrage movement as a manifestation of feminism. And what else could it be. It seeks to empower women. Feminism was however already active, how else to explain the movement of women away from home education to public education.


The Prohibition movement was not pure feminist in nature, since it was not aimed at empowering women directly, but to save them from the suffering that resulted from male drunkenness. But, if we look closer, we will see that men don't get drunk for no reason, but rather to escape from an environment they find themselves unable to live in. This environment is presumably created by women, since that is their traditional function in the family.
So, we can say that, in the effort to move society towards feminism, women find themselves creating environments uninhabitable by men, who try to escape, some by way of alcohol. Prohibition is therefore an effort to force those men choosing this method of escape to remain and continue their support efforts.
We would like to describe this uninhabitable environment, but cannot, in general, due to lack of research. But, the fact of its existence cannot be denied. We can make one general statement about it. It includes emasculation, which is probably its most painful component and which probably is a component of all unacceptable features in it.


The Flappers represented a period in American history of a particularly flamboyant rebellion against convention, particularly among women. They were called flappers because of the style of dress (high hems and exposed arms and upper chests) and the abandon with which they danced. This was a particularly virulent outbreak of feminine independence which would not be exceeded until the second world war, and leads inevitably to the sixties. Rebellious women always resort to nudity as a means of expressing their rebellion. Think of Lady Godiva. This is because societal order, the creature of masculinism, has as one of its manifestations, clothing. The higher the rank the gaudier the clothing.

World Politics

The UN

The Anti-War Movement

The Anti-War Movement is a creature of feminism. It is conceived by women that war works to their disadvantage by depriving them of their support when their husbands are killed.
Later they saw it in terms of compassion. That it is just too cruel to be allowed to continue.
Naturally, when the UN was established, being a representation of the idealistic notion that man can govern himself, liberals and therefore feminists were attracted to it. Because of this it has tended to compassion in its institutions. To eliminate the suffering of mankind. This is a foolish idea. What would restrain the growth of human population if suffering were eliminated. This is as much as to say that there should be no penalty for bad management. This is impossible since bad management is the creator of suffering.

Inoculating the World

One of the ideas that the liberal establishment has had to reduce human suffering was to inoculate it against viral killers. This is typical of the acts of compassion. Stop today's suffering at the cost of much greater suffering in the future. Strictly in terms of numbers, stopping viral killers will increase the numbers of humans that will then eventually be subjected to starvation when the ability to procreate outstrips the ability to exploit the land to feed the multitudes.

Controlling Population Growth

The control of human population was accomplished perfectly well by nature when it had the job. But now we have taken over control of the problem by disabling nature's remedies. We will therefore have to stop human population growth or face the consequences, which will be disasters on a scale never before experienced.
To suggest that the population curve is inconsequential means that one subscribes to the notion that a benevolent God will stay the grim reaper and level off the growth of population at some sustainable number. This is faith in its purest form. There is no evidence that such an event will occur. It has never occurred before, and over-population is not unheard of, though never on the scale we are discussing now.
Controlling population growth will involve allowing humans to die and acceptance of suffering. I think it is too much for us.

The Nazi's

Racism Revisited

Hitler used the simplistic notion of racial superiority to organize his dispirited nation into a motivated army. Unfortunately for him the charge was baseless, certainly against nations stocked with essentially the same genes, so, ultimately the strategy failed. However, it cannot be denied that those cultures with the longest intellectual histories have the upper hand in a technological society. Feminism is the solution to this problem.


There is a masculinist appeal to militarism. The sight of men marching in lockstep order appeals to the sense of the desirability of order within our souls. But, in society at large, militarism is only sustainable with a group of men, this is because feminism has no commitment to order and will never see it as something worth sacrificing for. Since women are required to continue life, militarism cannot be sustained as an ideology.


The Appeal of Racism

Racism has the appeal that one is told to believe that some branch of humanity is superior to the rest. No one ever bothers to identify the areas of superiority and why this superiority is more desirable than some other. On the basis of professional sports in America, it can be concluded that Equatorial Africans are superior, based simply on their numbers in this most desirable position.
The rise of racism currently on view is primarily a result of rising population and immigration, but it is induced indirectly by the recognition that the immigrants are different and that difference lies primarily in their feminism.
Racism appeals to the orderly instinct of masculinism. It is therefore a regression and a reaction.


Fundamentalism is related to racism. It offers militancy and a literal interpretation of holy writ, and suggests that one who closely follows religious law is superior to others. It has the appeal of making life simpler. Non-fundamentalists are viewed as corrupt. Fundamentalism comes about because of the rise of feminism which creates social upheaval and calls into being a longing for simpler rules for life and a desire to eliminate ambiguity.


Muslim fundamentalism is in an expansionist state and now controls as much as half of the Arab world, though it only controls the governments of a few countries. Feminism is particularly a factor here because of the male dominated social structure and the recognition that feminism, on display in the big cities, threatens that structure. Every time a woman appears partially or wholly nude at a resort, male Muslims are reminded of the threat.
Muslims assume that since their prophet arose later than the others, he must have been wiser, since he could and did take advantage of the insights of his predecessors. They therefore assume, on that basis, the superiority of their culture.


Christian fundamentalism has had a long run in the West also. The US was established by Puritans, a fundamentalist sect. Many such sects exist now, but are not widely popular because social problems are not yet viewed as critical in the West. The time, however, is rapidly approaching. The rise of crime will, inevitably, be associated with feminism and result in rising popularity of fundamentalism. This trend is already visible in the ministries of Falwell and Robertson. If this group becomes powerful enough to dominate the Republican Party, a struggle between it and the Democrats and a concomitant polarization must be expected.
Christian fundamentalism is inspired by contempt for the lack of morality in the feminist movement and the obvious correspondence between that and the object lessons in the Biblical descriptions of failed societies such as Sodom.
Christians have had the appeal of racism at their doorstep since the beginning. We have had the option of blaming Christ's death on the Jews. This is patently silly, but it does sell. One guesses that humans will do anything for a scapegoat when trouble arises so as not to have to admit one's own culpability. It is endlessly exploited by politicians.


From Rembrandt to Picasso

Feminism is the home of chaos. This is a pejorative word, which tells us to what extent we have lived in the masculinist camp, where order is king.
As one looks at Rembrandt, one sees order. There are surgeons, studying human anatomy. There are burghers dressed in such a way as to identify their social strata. There are gardens. There are neat villages. Sexuality is not to be found.
On the other side, as we look at Picasso, we see chaos. Objects blur into one another. Unexpected appendages appear. Shapes are utilized that have no place in the object presented. Sexuality is evident.
Sexuality is the destroyer of order. It is never intimidated by social position. It pays no attention to age, rank, wealth, or any other ordering principle.

From Trollope to Faulkner

Trollope describes for us the stresses of social life among the leaders of society. Particularly the efforts of non-members to become members. Faulkner describes ordinary people, who, by and large, have no impact on society. Inclusion is still a matter of family, though. Faulkner's people are the destroyers of society. They are rebels. They are individuals, too.
From nature, we see that feminism involves identification with the group instead of the individual. Faulkner and his people are more concerned with compassionately suspending the rules of society for the deserving, which they see as an ever widening group. Trollope always ends with the failure of the pretender to crash the party.

From Romeo and Juliet to My Fair Lady

Shakespeare suggests the possibility of overcoming the dominance of order in his fictional society through the young lovers, but reality overtakes them when fate and human error combine to defeat their plans. In My Fair Lady order is successfully defeated for the deserving Miss Dolittle. At the same time the orderly Higgins is displayed as a cold hearted oaf for not understanding the exposure of Eliza's soul. But, her father provides the most profound condemnation of order in his song about what he ought to do and how he happily and successfully evades responsibility at every turn. The implication is that responsibility is no fun.

From Beethovan to The Beetles

In Beethovan's time, the orchestra was the undisputed champion of music. With its profound examples of order that could cause a large company of humans, probably men, to act in unison for two hours at a time.
By now, however, musicians are seldom closely related to order. They see departure from the planned as the hallmark of the mature musician and violate customary usage at every opportunity. They use drugs to defeat the organ of order, the ego.

From Casablanca to The Graduate

In Casablanca, despite the call of love, the hero and heroine obey the demands of society that they contribute instead of fulfilling their own purely personal wishes. In The Graduate however, the hero and destroyer of social rules, (which are presented as corrupt,) is successful in turning the heroine away from social conformity and even convinces her that the lover of her mother is none the less a suitable object for her own affections.

The Death of Art

Finally, it must be noted that art itself is in it's death agony. There has been no compelling music or drama from New York since West Side Story. There has been no innovative music since the English made their final contributions in the '70's. There has been no new fiction that could be confused with literature since the arrival of Peyton Place.
Movies have lasted longer, probably because they are the newest media, but they are going the same way. Sensationalism seems to be the only thing that sells enough to justify the expense of the project.


Feminine drugs and masculine drugs

Since the 1960s social revolution was about dirty speech, nudity, drugs, free sex, long hair, unkempt appearance, denial of the struggle for wealth, and since the longest lasting legacy of this cultural revolution has been feminism, we must look at these acts as representative of the values of feminism in addition to acts of defiance against the masculinist society.
Dirty speech, long hair, unkempt appearance, can be dismissed as disorderly attempts to unnerve the establishment. Nudity and unkempt appearance can also be seen as making a statement about solidarity with the working class against the power structure.
Free sex and nudity also represent attempts to be natural (according to nature) and therefore closer to feminism, whose final Goddess is Mother Nature.
Denial of the struggle for wealth is a repudiation of the values of the majority and can be seen as the beginnings of the environmental movement, since the struggle for wealth usually results in exploitation of nature and despoliation of the environment.
The most interesting feature of the movement, though, is the use of certain drugs. The favorite drugs were marijuana, hashish, and LSD, with mescaline also favored by some. These drugs all produce hallucinations or, some would say, religious experiences. For those familiar with the structure of the psyche, we can also say they have the effect of dissolution of the ego.
The concentration feature of the mind can be thought of as a flashlight, with that area inside the light beam constituting the personality or ego and that area outside the beam the unconscious. So, the effect of the above named drugs is to reduce the power of the flashlight, making the area outside the beam more visible.
Later, we see an almost holy war against the cigarette amongst feminists. One supposes from this that nicotine is a masculine drug. That is to say that nicotine enhances the mental process most closely associated with masculinism. Or going back to the above analogy, strengthens the beam of light.
Of course these are subtleties, difficult to prove.

Low Level Feminism


The Default Option

In the absence of an effort to do otherwise, one will live the feminist life style.
By this it is meant that, without a guiding philosophy, what one does will be determined by natural realities, in a word, survival. Since sex is central to the survival of the species, it will control all actions.
Language is essential to philosophy, since one's ideas cannot be passed along without this tool.
Writing is critical to the passing on of philosophy, since it will be difficult to understand and can't be expected to survive long if dependent on word of mouth.
Ideas can and do control actions, so the trick is to make an idea popular. This trick was very restricted when the means of transmission was extremely limited, but now anyone can do it and before long everyone will. This state of affairs brings us to the equivalence of two extremes. No one having the means to transmit an idea is the same as everyone having the means because when everyone can do it, the gems will be hidden under so much worthlessness that they won't be found. The difficulty of publishing, assures that only worthwhile material will be published.
From this it can be seen that all animals are feminists, they have no philosophy. By extension this is also true of primitive tribes up to the point of the development of writing. Philosophy exists before this point but it is poorly transmitted and therefore cannot gain critical mass within the community. When writing occurs, however, nothing is ever the same again. Philosophy now rules the lives of men, this is because, naturally when problems arise we try to find an expert to advise us. Now a written record is available and therefore a new oracle. And it is relatively easy to get access to. We are relieved of the necessity to think for ourselves, which is a burdensome task for many. The written word is the material representation of the non material, the spirit, God.
This state of affairs arrived in Greece at the time of Plato and Aristotle. And in Egypt at the time of the Pharaoh Tutenkamen or more precisely his father.

The Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve

The Inadequacy of Feminine Leadership

When a society is governed by masculinism, female leadership will lead to problems or complete ruin, we are told in this story. God represents masculinism, since He is a God and male, and he is the creator of the environment in which Adam and Eve live. Eve is created as subordinate to Adam and is provided to comfort him. Adam, fails to effectively lead her and she strikes out on her own, but immediately falls victim to the snake (devil, that element of human nature that opposes the creator), and, not content with that takes Adam with her.

The Meaning of the Sin

Most of us understand the eating of the apple as an act of defiance, as it was, but to understand in more detail, we must recognize that the apple symbolizes something and understanding what that something is will make the act more comprehensible.
So, what was the apple exactly. We are told that eating it gave the eater some attributes of God and that the result was recognition that the eater was unclothed. So, we should recognize here the attributes of consciousness. To be conscious means to acquire objectivity and the ability to reflect. In this state, one is able to perform mental tricks not available to other animals. One can observe oneself, for example, and one can compare and draw conclusions based on the differences or similarities. This is a result of being separated from one's environment. In other words, animals don't distinguish themselves from their environment.
This has some implications. Animals never see themselves as causative and therefore in peril of being to blame. They therefore, never distort their behavior to escape responsibility. Another implication is that a being in this state of existence can create. Or to state the obverse, if one does not occupy this space, one cannot create. To create means to bring into existence a new object. The critical word is object. If the object lives, this becomes a fearsome responsibility. One that would crush the merely human. Suppose that life included suffering! Suppose that life included nothing but suffering!
To continue, the further implication is that Adam and Eve formerly lived in a masculinist creation but were not themselves masculine. The problem that faces us then is that we live in a masculine society that is our own creation. It includes a rising population that produces ever increasing complexity. Ultimately we will be called upon to manage every living thing and every non-living thing in the world.
Feminism is the effort to solve this problem by dissolving the culture that holds it together.

Propagation and The Divinity of Life

Life, being the preeminent creation of God, is divine, because it is His work. Therefore, it would be immoral of us to preempt His role and create or terminate it. We can say propagation is a divine function wherein the parents are the instrument of God and interference would be wrong, since it would usurp God's role.
It is also true that terminating life is the responsibility of God, since He created it. On the other hand, we may well be His instruments, which we should not fear to be.
The trick is distinguishing God's acts through us from our own. One is divine and the other mundane. We interfere in the former at our peril.
From this it can be seen that abortion is a mortal sin, that is a sin of great consequence.
Of course, one motive for abortion is the attempt to control the growth of human population. This problem though, is God's problem, since He created us, and therefore it.
In other words, we would be interfering with The Will of God, were we to either create or destroy human life.
This is in no way the same as interfering in the lives of animals. For them we are part of the environment and therefore just one more hazard, along with many others.
For us though, we are interfering with ourselves and therefore possibly interfering with the will of God. Again, the difference lies in where the motivation emanates from. If the act is ego driven, then it is arrogance, but, if it is fulfillment of the will of God, then it is appropriate.
We will be safer if our acts are approved by many, but this is still no guarantee, because of group psychosis and popularity.

The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel is recognizable as a masculine institution, since it was a creation of man and required great organization, and was destroyed by feminism when multiple languages were introduced. This is the first description in the Bible of the tension between feminism and masculinism and the problem of succeeding with a masculinist culture. The suggestion here is that it tends to be a victim of its own success.
We can expand on the story by envisioning a society of some age and success, to the extent that it conceives of a technological marvel, and sets about to achieve it.
As time goes by however, the organizational powers of the culture are taxed to the limit and eventually fail. At which time feminism creeps back in and the whole effort dissolves.
In our times, we would equate the Tower of Babel to the world economy or perhaps science.


The story of Noah can be interpreted in terms of feminism, since the ocean is a symbol for the unconscious, the domain of the feminine, and dry land is a symbol for consciousness and therefore, masculine. Thus God, in his anger, due to the behavior of humans, retreats from them and takes his creativity with him. This results in humanity being overrun with feminism as a more or less immediate consequence.
So, the reality of this event, which may have happened many times, is that humanity would begin to develop its masculinism only to fall into the errors of consciousness which would defeat the effort and cause it to fall back into barbarism. The errors are typically symptomized by sexual immorality, or hedonism from the description of Sodom and Gomorrah.
In one of these episodes, Noah is saved by technology, and acts as a bridge between the previous and next experiments in masculinism.
From later accounts of similar happenings to the Jews, regression to barbarism doesn't occur, presumably because some religious leader arises to recall to the people their calling.
Of course, this account comes from the masculine Bible, which will interpret lapses into feminism in the most negative of lights, because it represents a period when the people are cut off from God.
The reverse description never occurs, since feminists aren't analytical or motivational.

The Egyptians

The Rise of Masculinism

Once writing was invented, presumably to keep records about trade, it became possible to record the discoveries of man. The importance of this cannot be overstated. Consider the Constitution of the United States, The Bible, Hamlet, the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, the mathematics of Pythagoras, the establishment of formal education, science, technology, the hydrogen bomb, DNA. This means no less than that the adventures of the spirit can be documented so that another can use the story as a guide in his explorations. In my own case, I had the great advantage of starting from the position obtained by Jung before attempting my own search for understanding of the reasons behind the remarkable sixties.

King Tutankhamen's Role

Tutankhamen's role was to attempt to repress the knowledge of the existence of the One God, recognized by his father, Ikhnaton. The result was to transfer the knowledge to the slaves of the Egyptians, the Jews.
The Jews immediately bring to consciousness the cult of the One God and, more importantly, write it down. The written record is then identified as the holiest object, carried about in a special container as the material representation of God.
So, the deity of masculinism, is the word, which is God. It is now possible to transfer ideology from one generation to another with no loss of accuracy. This advantage makes the Jews a special race indeed.

The Greeks

This was the first Western society to recognize the power of masculinism and begin to exploit it. They covered the entire territory but only superficially. History then provided a culture to thoroughly examine and try out every concept they had identified.
The Greeks explored ideas widely, but were still a polytheistic culture, one supposes this is the reason that the culture failed. Masculinism here was a last gasp effort to stave off oblivion, as it were.

The Romans

These were the first to attempt to exploit what the Greeks had discovered. They succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, even absorbing the philosophy of the children of the Egyptians, after their ideology had matured into a well defined religion and had even given birth to its nemesis, Christianity.
They start as feminists with many gods, they attempt to institute masculinism and fail in the usual way (hedonism), and finally adopt Christianity which allows profound success and export of their culture to northern Europe.



God and His Relationship to Humans

In the masculinist view, there is one God and He has a direct and compelling interest in humans. In fact he directly intervenes from time to time. Abraham originally identified this being and is the acknowledged spiritual father of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
This suggests that the Jews actually brought the idea of the father God with them to Egypt, and from there it eventually made its way to King Tut's father.
The main story in the Bible about God and Abraham is the one in which God demands that Abraham sacrifice his son instead of a farm animal. Abraham accepts this demand and reaches the final stages before his hand is stayed by God.
From this we see that the masculine God is demanding, but is interested in educating His people rather than treating them with the remoteness that characterizes feminine deities like the Greek Gods.
In another story God allows the post menopausal Sarah to have a child, who then gives rise to the Jewish people. From this we see that God is capable of producing miracles in our lives, again differing greatly from the feminist gods.


Rules and The Word

From Moses we learn, mainly, that the Jewish God is a God of laws. That every aspect of man's life is best understood in terms of God's law, passed on to us by Moses. Laws are the intellectual representation of order and we therefore see that the masculine God is the God of order.

The Mosaic Law

The Mosaic Law is extremely detailed, occupying most of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible). It is, for Christians, encapsulated in the Ten Commandments. This simple law is the basis of all of law in the Western world.
Feminism has many problems with this law. They cannot accept the first one, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." They also have trouble with taking God's name in vain, keeping the Sabbath, honoring parents (they put them in nursing homes), killing (abortion), adultery (Hart, Clinton), stealing (from the rich to give to the poor as in taxes), lying (to make political points (Anita Hill)), and coveting (political power). They also follow one graven image after another (pyramids, crystals).

David and Bathsheba

This is the most famous case of adultery in history and instructs us about God's attitude towards the act and the results of defying Him, even for a king of his own choosing. David goes so far as to indirectly kill Bathsheba's husband in order to fulfill his lust towards her. She eventually becomes his wife but his son of a prior relationship turns against him (Absalom).
From this we can conclude that sin, while serious, need not separate us from God, and in fact God's chosen may be guilty of the most heinous crime.
To generalize, we can say that the male is king and the female is provided as a comfort to him. That the law is God and is complete in its superiority to man. Waxing more objective we might say that the law is a reflection of the non obvious rules of the cosmos.

Vashti and Esther

In this book the Bible instructs us in the clearest terms about the correct role of women in society. Vashti, the wife of the king, refuses his order at a party, thereby shaming him. The result is her banishment. From the negative example, the book goes on to a long description of how Esther, living in a loyal and supportive attitude towards the king eventually replaces Vashti.
One of course can say that is what one would expect in a masculinist society. This does not explain the role of women in India, which is a feminist society and in fact in all societies not confused by the modern feminist movement.


The Sermon on the Mount

Feminist Values

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs us about the poor and downtrodden and their reward in heaven. By so doing, he establishes the long Christian tradition of ministering to the poor. This eventually results in the rise of socialism, where we give over this responsibility to the government and from there to Communism, and in America to the socialist view that accompanies feminism.

Mary Magdelene


In the story of the prostitute, Mary Magdelene, Jesus demonstrates compassion, even for the lawbreaker, and instructs us that no one is beyond redemption. In so doing Jesus demonstrates great compassion beyond what would be expected from a religious teacher.
This story of compassion which might well be expected from a woman, builds over the centuries until compassion becomes an expected component of our personalities, and is presented in the most compelling way by Dickens. Finally it is adopted as the primary weapon of feminism in the war against masculinism.

Pauline Teaching

First Corinthians and Family Values

First Corinthians lays out the Christian view of family life according to Paul. His view, consistent with all previous cultures is that woman is the passive partner who does everything she can to allow the active partner to meet with success. Respect is required of the male towards the female, but the relationship is one of a searcher after material and spiritual fulfillment and another who seeks the same things but indirectly through her partner.

Early Christianity

The Development of Education

Humanity, constrained by its sexual view of life, in which every aspect of life was controlled by the question: who gets to procreate with whom? Found itself considering whether a written system of morals could be used as a tool with which to minimize the importance of sex, by establishing a social order such that the choice was vastly restricted. Thus was Judaism born.
Christianity was unique in that it was based on an earlier religion and therefore was able to exploit the religious teachings of its predecessor. These religious teachings were written, and this is a singular fact. It meant that Christians had to be trained to use abstract concepts, inherently a part of written language.
Eventually this produced a school system, which eventually led to a university system, which eventually led to research into scientific or objective thought, which eventually led to technology and the disassociation from religion, its forbear. Science, in its objectivity, found its parent, religion too subjective for its taste. This led to the separation of church and state, which led to pornography, which led to sex as the dominating fact of life, influencing every act that the individual considers.

The University

The Christian Heritage

Christianity, is noted for its means of handling sin. It allows for confession and the expiation of sins in order to avoid the problem of producing an impassable barrier between the individual and heaven. This is a feature producing a great deal of mirth among non-Christians, though Christians don't see it as funny.
Keep your eye on the ball. Religion wishes to take from nature the motives which animate humans. It wishes to free humans to pursue other goals than reproduction.
To do that, one must reduce the importance of the pursuit of females by males. This can be done by restricting choice, in fact if marriage is defined in such a way that there is no choice about sexual relations after the event, and if the choice about who one marries is sufficiently restricted and if sexual relations are disallowed prior to marriage, then the whole question will be minimized, thereby allowing man to concentrate on other things. For instance, how to exploit nature to allow for civilization.

The Divorce of Religion

The written law was a great idea and was implemented by Moses. He had no idea that the development of masculinism was at the bottom of his plan. As unlikely as the result has been we must conclude that masculinism, developed to the extent it has been in our world, seldom occurs in nature. And of course, it appears that it has never occurred before on Earth, or there would presumably be artifacts. In addition it would appear to be rare on a cosmic basis, or we would be seeing spaceships filling the void.
Developing masculinism means the greater development of the ego, or personality if you prefer. We, as we become more conscious, develop this mental structure in which we store memories. This object, eventually becomes self motivating, at puberty for most. Since it is separated from nature, it sees nature as an object to be exploited. Eventually, since religion is based on subjective experience that cannot be objectified, we are forced to give up religion which is the entity that gave us our independence in the first place. The independence is thereby lost.


The Need for Objectivity

Objectivity is a result of the development of the masculine ego. It is separate from nature so that it views nature as an object. When unconscious, we are once again one with nature since the ego is dissolved. Any partial dissolution of the ego gives us partial loss of objectivity. Most of us lack perfect objectivity because we haven't severed all ties to the unconscious. Many of us are barely conscious. The greater the disassociation from the unconscious the greater the degree of objectivity. Science is dependent on this disassociation. Animals are, presumably, hardly disassociated from the unconscious at all, therefore their lack of interest in change.

The Prospects for Objectivity

The prospects for objectivity do not appear good, if by good one means continued survival. Having created our own little egos in opposition to the great monster created by the ages, we cannot hope to understand. In not understanding we naturally make mistakes, which are our reason for being, since they cause us to learn, but will certainly kill us off. The simple minded notion that saving individual lives is equivalent to long life for the species, for instance, will surely turn on us soon now.

Eastern Philosophy

Japan, China, and India are the most advanced feminist cultures in the world, and can be studied to advantage when trying to discriminate between feminism and masculinism. My researches in this are rather sketchy, since I am only interested in the light they shed on feminism.

Yin and Yang

These opposites are symbolized by the circle half black and half white arranged in such a way as to have the black fit into the space left free by the white as it seems to move. Yin is feminine and yang is masculine, they are identical in shape but opposite in color. They occupy that space not occupied by their opposite, so one cannot change without altering the other. We have here the Eastern equivalents of the concepts feminism and masculinism.


This is the philosophy that contends that we have a fate that arrives with us in the world and cannot be altered. Struggling against it, however, leads to great unhappiness and enlightenment amounts to understanding this philosophy and accepting with good grace what is inevitably in store for you. A very passive philosophy, and therefore feminine.
The opposite or masculine view is that we are the captains of our destiny and can move towards what destiny we wish.
Actually, the masculine view is true in the short term and the feminist one is valid in the long term. Obviously, the sun will eventually burn up and consume the earth. Our fates are thus sealed. But in the time that remains to us, we can do what we will.
This opposition in the long and short terms is comprehensive. Nothing, good in the short term can be other than bad in the long term. Of course, this depends on the realization of the relativity of the terms "good" and "bad". My food is something else's life.
One of the profound distinctions between the masculine and the feminine is the propensity of masculinism to the long term (heaven) and the opposite tendency of feminism.


This philosophy is extremely material in its orientation. It attempts to use concentration and discipline to allow the yogi to control his own body in ways far beyond ordinary people. Some yogis believe that sex is an avenue to enlightenment. We can say that this philosophy is opposite to Western thought due to its materiality. Actually it is more accurate to say that yoga uses the spirit to attempt to control the materiality of the yogi.
I heard a yogi once try to explain the reasons for drinking one's own urine. I don't remember what they were, but yogi's will pursue any avenue towards purification of their bodies, and I remember him saying that the urine eventually became clear and free of sulfur.
So self purification of one's body and absolute mental control over one's body appear to be hallmarks of this ideology. One is struck by its inward orientation. That is, the ideology has no idea of proselytizing. It cares only for the individual's control over himself. Very passive, relative to one's society, and therefore feminine.


Buddhism postulates the existence of a sort of heaven called Nirvana. Reaching this most desirable state means that we can stop reincarnating every time we die. Their idea is that the state of being dead is so terrifying, that the soul chooses to reincarnate as a means of escape. The Zen Master has gained control over his imagination and therefore death holds no dread for him.
This demonstrates right away that Eastern philosophy is diametrically opposed to Western religion. They want to stay dead because life is mainly suffering, we wish to live forever because what else is there?

The Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead hopes to instruct the reader in techniques with which to help a loved one to avoid rebirth. Incarnation is viewed as a means of escaping the terror of death and The Book of the Dead suggests that this is not necessary to the developed mind. This view is in accord with the Western contention that the mind is a transcendental object.
The Book of the Dead can only be written by one who sees himself as a prime actor in the drama of life. One who is not a creature of an all knowing and benevolent God. One who sees the gods as creatures with their own motivations and not overly concerned with the suffering of humans.

Bhagavad Gita

In the Gita, a prince is enlightened via his experiences in war. Or, really, we are enlightened by the experiences of the prince and the lectures given him by his angel companion. The lessons have to do with fate and the inescapability of it. I only include this reference for completeness. I don't believe it to be a great influence in modern life. Insofar as it is, emphasizing fate leads to passivity, a feminist value.


Confucius represents the highest achievement of masculinism in the East that I have been able to identify. This can be seen from the fact that he wrote his wisdom down, and favors order. But, while he has been very influential, he is just one of many cultural influences. Compare this with the Western preoccupation with The Bible.

Eastern Writing

The interesting differences between Eastern and Western writing are first that in the East, they use pictograms as did primitive Western cultures like the Egyptians, and that they associate characters with words instead of sounds, thereby leading to large numbers of characters instead of the small neat set we use. It is also significant that the amount of writing in the East is small when compared to the West.
These differences suggest a low priority on order in the choice of characters and on the importance of writing. Since both of these priorities reflect an attitude of disinterest toward masculinist values (order and the word) one can conclude that these societies will tend towards feminism.

Liberalism vs. Conservatism

The Case for Change

Be clear on the meaning of liberal. It means a propensity to change. Nothing else. Its manifestation in politics can be very confusing. Change is necessary. The environment changes and we have to change or die. Consider a rapidly approaching ice age.
In this world, if you are a have not, this will create a desire to have and therefore make you a liberal. The opposite is equally true, so the critical condition is your perception of yourself. This perception provides the motivation and the ability to be manipulated by those that would use you. If you can be made to feel inadequate, easy to do, then you can be liberalized and oriented towards the work the manipulator has in hand.
The question is then, is the change proposed important to adaptation of the group to a changing world, or is it change for change's sake. The world is changing away from devotion to masculinism to its opposite, and we will have to follow. But, humans misinterpret the meaning of the change and therefore what kinds of change will be useful.
Most of the changes suggested by the feminist movement are useless. To tell the difference, ask yourself if the change is particularly advantageous to one group or another. If it is then it is probably an attempt to gain advantage because of the general state of change.
By this measure, the only meaningful change being asked for is that requested by the environmentalists. Of course many of them are too extreme to be believed.

The Case for Tradition

The meaning of conservatism is a tendency to resist change. Change always disposes of hard won adaptations. Doing this indiscriminately is very dangerous. It makes one maladapted, especially if one adopts mistaken attitudes. Since most adaptations proposed by humans are mistakes, this attitude is less fraught with danger than the liberal one.
On the other hand, the archetype of the irrational conservative is Nero, fiddling while Rome burned. We would appear to be reprising this act in our attitude towards those destroying our culture before our eyes by ridiculing those values that provide the beams and foundations of society. In a word, morals.


Eastern Attitude

Competition is minimized in the East, because it is wasteful, which can be easily imagined. If one competes in technology, for instance, and builds machines of a particular level of technology, when there is a breakthrough, those old machines will have to be discarded. This is only an example, but it is equally true in human relations, competition can easily lead to ruptures.

Western Attitude

In the West, competition is revered. This is because it produces the best possible examples of an entity within the current understanding of the constraints. The best athletes and the best TV's.
Besides that, competition is a motive for creativity, much admired in the West.

Feminist Attitude

Feminists, being passive, will not be attracted to competition, though it will occur when no other method can be devised to achieve the desired results. Competition, of a very careful sort, is utilized to determine who's genes will mix with who's, but elsewhere it is not seen in nature.
Feminists do not view things as inferior and superior, they see things as a collection of different versions, none superior or inferior to any other. From this we can say that feminism is not very sensitive to generalization and in fact is repelled by this point of view. Too cruel.

Masculinist Attitude

Masculinists, being aggressive, are interested in activity, which is created by transforming something from one state to another. They will invent goals, in order to rationalize what they will do anyway. Consider sports championships. They are intrinsically worthless, but they provide a milieu in which a masculinist can transform himself from a non player to an expert. Of course, being an expert is also intrinsically worthless, but the trip from amateur to professional is so compelling, we provide the goal, the reward, and the milieu.
In the short run we must consider the feminists liberal, because they advocate discarding the masculinist culture we inherited in favor of a more feminist one. In the long term, however, masculinism is liberal, because it is creative and feminism is conservative.

An Objective View of Humans

An Experiment

Humans can be viewed as an experiment of nature. One in which nature has decided to see if a large brain can be useful in producing an interesting new species that will none the less come into equilibrium with the rest of the environment. The answer at this point appears to be no in the second instance. The need to achieve equilibrium seems to be lost on most humans and so they don't try. Perhaps when disaster arrives and cannot but be blamed on human excesses, that will change. But even if it does, what will keep humans from forgetting the lesson? As we view the development cycle of technology, as in cars for instance, it is inescapable that most experiments are failures. In the same way most species are failures and are soon discarded. One's first reaction to this truth is sadness, but the failures are the most interesting.
One guesses that the human experiment will fail and we are just a transitional stage between what we were before and what we will be in the future, perhaps something like a dolphin. One wonders what man will do when the next ice age comes, an imminent event from what is currently known about them. But, the human experiment will surely be much more successful than civilization. I think one must call it a noble but doomed experiment.
Remember though, all gifts must be compensated in this world, there is no other choice.

Correspondences in Physics

The Sun and the Moon

The sun symbolizes masculinity. It does because it radiates and that is perhaps the most profound characteristic of males. On the other hand the moon is seen to be feminine because it is a passive absorber, like females. It also shines only through reflected light acquired from its masculine partner. It is no coincidence that these correspondences exist. These differences are expressed by all objects in the universe because it is an important attribute of the universe.

Something vs Nothing

Ultimately, the most important difference in the universe is the difference between something and nothing. In fact, it would appear that the universe is made out of nothing, and the way to do that is to split nothing into its negative and positive mirror images, along each of an infinite number of scales, and then mix things up to such an extent that they cannot easily recombine. This would appear to be another way of describing "The Big Bang". One would guess that the state of nothingness is unstable, or else we would not be here. Perhaps the existence of awareness is the quality that destabilizes it.
The spirit is a manifestation of nothing and demonstrates to us the significance of a lack of materiality. Energy, can be viewed as particles with infinitely small nuclei, and therefore a combination of something and nothing, while atoms can be viewed as energy orbiting at such a speed as to give it solidity at certain scalar differentiation's.


Another view of reality or the cosmos is that of a vast (infinite) number of spectra, each with a precise quality, that can be expressed in terms of degree of intensity. For example color, defined by wavelength. Also sound, again, defined by wavelength.
The physical world seems to be made up of a large number of these spectra. In the same way, the immaterial world is made up of similar qualities. For example, sexuality, male to female. Or aggression, from passive to active. Or transference, from radiation to absorption.
In fact, since the material and spiritual world are made of the same sorts of things, one wonders if they coincide, and on the one hand we are talking about objective experience and on the other, subjective experience.

The Big Bang

Since God is the final Father, the home of creativity, the great radiator, we observing His handiwork, and observing its radiance, term it "The Big Bang". But, this is unsatisfying as a descriptive term. It is hard to believe the universe is a one way street. Much easier to believe it as a steady state entity.
We observe the growth of the cosmos and don't see the absorption. Of course, the scientists say that if there is enough matter, gravity will overcome the expansion someday and then there will be a contraction. So that could be it. In which case we would have a pulsating cosmos, unless it is only going to do it once.
The other possibility would be that there are some space suckers out there someplace. Perhaps "Black Holes". It has been suggested that they are strong enough to attract light, so perhaps they can also suck up space. If you then suppose that the speed of light is just a representation of the rate of growth of space, you wind up with a steady state model.
Space itself has simple attributes. It creates a precise quantity of emptiness and reproduces at precise intervals.

The Future

The Future as Something New

The Amazons

One possible future would visualize something based on the myth of the Amazons. That is a society of superwomen. It has come to my attention that jackals in Africa are led by females that go so far as to grow non functional penises in the pursuit of their duties. From this I guess we can say that anything is possible, however this future seems very unlikely.

The Future as an Extension of the Present


This seems no more likely. Equality works in small societies of one sex, but is hard to imagine with both sexes present. What is to keep them from exploiting their particular strengths in order to get control of the other sex? Altruism?
If men continue to restrain themselves from physically dominating women, then women will use sex to gain control of men. From history the only way to escape from this state of affairs is through intellectualism.

The Future as a Regression to the Past

The American Indian

One supposes that any American is familiar with the story of the Americans that preceded us as residents on this land. From "The Last of the Mohicans" to "Dances With Wolves", we have had a large amount of media coverage of this culture provided to us. Much of it romanticized, no doubt, but still, much of it accurate.
These people are most likely to be descended from Mongolians in the case of the Western tribes, and perhaps from Northern Africans in the case of the Eastern tribes. They eventually arrived at similar conclusions about life style, in any case. They considered that there were many god's to concern oneself with, though they recognized some preeminence in the great sky spirit who we can identify as our own God. They went so far as to construct a massive reclining female sculpture in the Southwest, and considered themselves brothers to the other animals. They were tenacious fighters, but failed to understand the significance of objective technology and practical philosophy of organization. They could not handle alcohol.
One reason this is our most likely fate, is that we are perceived by many to owe these people a debt. This is a strange concept, manufactured out of masculinist philosophy and feminist compassion. None the less, it will likely force us to admit a debt and attempt to repay it. This will result in a release of their values on the culture, which will lead to acceptance of them by many. As the institutions of the old culture decay, many will leave masculinism in disgust and adopt those values, which will, by then, make more sense to the convertees.
This is surely the most likely. Eventually, feminism will create so much decay in the institutions controlling human life, that the four horseman will be, once again, unleashed. This solves the problem of overpopulation and returns balance to the natural world. Man will return to a more primitive life style with far smaller numbers.
This seems unlikely because we cannot imagine forgetting all we know, particularly the nuclear bomb. But this is happening already. All that is necessary is for humans to be diverted from the onus of concentration and school. After two generations all will be lost. Diverting humans from school is only a matter of exposing them to something more compelling...drugs for instance.
It also seems unlikely that we could expect to transition from an advanced masculine culture to an advanced feminist one. There are many lessons to learn and we will have to start over, in kindergarten, as it were. Of course, we will be different from those that have gone on before. We will carry memories from our years of development of masculinism. That will alter our view of the lessons of feminism, perhaps to our advantage.

A Survey


Primitive cultures are without exception feminist. This is because they have no tradition of spiritual development, and only inefficient means of passing along spiritual insights. Life can be considered as an adventure in spiritual development. One begins with minimal material and spiritual resources. The first stage of life is devoted to the development of the body, largely accomplished within the first twenty years. Then the body starts to decay and the rest of one's life is devoted to spiritual development, with the spirit reaching its final state shortly before death. It is tempting to conclude that, the fully worn out body then is shucked off and the completed spiritual entity goes on to its next task. This is, as far as this author can determine, unknowable, and must be accepted if it is accepted as an article of faith. Unknowable data is an unrecognized category until now. Naturally it is a repugnant concept to masculinists, limiting their potential as it does. But it is inescapable that some facts will be so inimical to the knower that they will destroy one or more of its attributes, thereby transforming it into something else. For example, an idea that is too comprehensive to be contained by the ego, will destroy it. An uncensored view of God, for example.

Intermediate Cultures

There are many examples of feminist cultures of intermediate development in the world today. We call them Third World Countries. It is not a pretty sight from our vantage point, filled with corruption and violence, incapable of self restraint or self government. Of course these are value judgments from a masculine culture. Discarding the distaste for chaos and temporarily disabling these values produces a much different reaction. Nature cares not for any limits at all on experience, and values being boiled alive as much as listening to a symphony. Humanity, being an unstable life form, will change into something else before very long, and in geologic terms will have had a stay of very short duration. On the other hand, in many ways it will have been a remarkable experience, unique among the life forms on this planet. For that, we can say we are truly blessed. We enjoy many unique privileges. We are largely exempt from being eaten alive, a very unusual privilege on this planet. We are given the opportunity to explore the spiritual realm, a realm as large, various, and complex as the material realm available to other species.

Advanced Cultures

As we cast about for advanced feminist cultures, the most obvious ones are China, Japan, and India. Each is unique of course, and offers many interesting features to those of us who follow. Honor can flourish in a feminist culture as can be seen from Japan and their warrior tradition. Philosophy can flourish in a feminist culture as can be seen from India and their profound cultural icons. And, even art and science, can exist in a feminist culture as can be seen from China's experience. Of course, apart from Japan, these cultures have a decidedly passive quality to their arts and sciences. They don't seek to exploit the earth. They don't invade their neighbors, and their products are primarily subjective in nature. Their philosophies don't even unduly value life. Japan is rather unique in that, from its aggressive spirit, one suspects them to be equally developed in both the material and spiritual senses. They are perhaps best considered as a borderline culture, as are the Muslim countries in the middle east. Surely, from a longevity point of view, this is the ideal.