Has Civilization Ended?
If so when did it happen?
To answer this question it will be necessary to provide a concise
definition of the object.
Dictionary: Those peoples considered to have achieved a high
stage of social and cultural development.
Mine: A non natural and artificial style of life made possible by
consciousness and characterized by adherence to ideal conceptions
that exclude subservience to the rigors of survival.
In order for civilization to exist it will be necessary for the ruling
class to subscribe to the ideals governing the definition of civilization.
In western culture those will be the values of Judeo-Christianity:
consciousness and separation from the natural world.
Natural life, that is to say all life except human, has its whole
awareness concentrated on the requirements of survival: the
acquisition of the energy necessary to the continuance of life, that is
food, and successful procreation.
Civilized life excludes as many as possible to as great an extent
as is possible, through efficiency from the necessity to concentrate on
these problems. By doing so, it becomes possible to consider what
aspects of natural life are repugnant and can be discarded through
some sort of artifice such as the law. Rape for instance, and hand to
mouth existence. With the time thus freed, it becomes possible to
enhance the remaining interests of life, art for example.
So, does this description of natural life apply to human life in the
late twentieth century? Yes, environmentalism is a very big issue
and getting bigger with each passing day (environmentalism is most
notable for its idealization of natural life), and in these egalitarian
times all must assure their own survival. When did it happen? The
first example of a return of nature to consciousness happened in
Europe at the time of the romantic artists. About two to three
hundred years ago. However, a life style is a slow thing to get
started and slow also to come to an end, though ending will be faster
than starting.
To be more precise, I think civilization actually ended during
prohibition in the United States. I think that is the point at which a
key community in the civilized world, the US, saw its leaders change
from a majority favoring civilized values to one in which they
subscribed to natural values. This is reflected in the arts. Up until
that time melody and structure characterized popular music, after
that time Jazz dominated with a progressive dismissal of melody and
structure. In the same way popular writing that was characterized
by a structured story line came to an end and writers began to
emphasize subjectivity. Comparing Faulkner, Hemingway, and
Fitzgerald to Steinbeck and Dreiser will make clear my point.
Why was prohibition the catalyst? It led the ruling class to
adopt an illegal life style, the habitation of illegal establishments,
speakeasies, as they were known. This will have made clear to them
the tradeoffs between civilization and uncivilized behavior. What
are those tradeoffs? Civilization, as was pointed out earlier, provides
a segment of the society with the free time to pursue culture and the
ability to ignore the acquisition of the requirements of life, food and
sex. The price is independence. If one relies on others to acquire for
him the requirements of life, he becomes dependent on that source.
We are all dependent on our governments. That will mean we have
to abide by the rules they devise in order to satisfy our demands for
goods and services. That means we have given up our freedom to
abide by the rules we devise or no rules at all. Having made this
trade, we cannot go back because we quickly become adapted to this
style of life and lose our competence to survive in a natural or
anarchic world. But, since the values of civilization are decaying all
about us, we will be forced into this transition, whether or not we are
As pointed out previously, prohibition provided an opportunity
to live for short periods in anarchy. The speakeasy. Some found that
they could survive very well in this environment, perhaps even
more agreeably than in the civilized world. Others found it
impossible and left to politic for its elimination. That was eventually
accomplished when prohibition was repealed, but many already
knew the truth and they told others. Once a critical mass of the
ruling class began to live only provisionally accepting the rules of
civilized society because they lacked the ability to escape from it, but
dismissing the more burdensome requirements like going to church,
saying grace, and dressing for dinner, the end became inevitable.
Of course civilization still exists in pockets, here and there, and is
even widespread in Europe, but that is because of long-lasting
institutions that take commensurately long to tear down. None the
less the tearing down is in progress and will be accomplished before
long. The method is called deconstruction. An apt title.
What would be required to return to civilization? The life style
that obtained in the last century. A class structured society in which
the majority of the ruling class attends church regularly and imposes
its values on their families with formal meals including grace and
acceptance of within-class marriage. It is impossible to imagine any
such thing ever occurring again.