Pathway to Perfection

The phrase, pathway to perfection is intended to imply several things, 1) perfection is possible for a man and means attaining to the realization that the world is already perfect and requires no intervention by man, and in fact, such intervention will always alter things to man's disadvantage, though it might educate him. 2) There is a sequence of experiences via which man can reach the above defined perfection and those prescriptions are typically the core of the various philosophies and religions by which men organize their lives. 3) The essential requirement for unblocking the path of spiritual development reaching to perfection is submission, for a man, submission to God, and for a woman, submission to her husband. 4) Perfection is also possible for a species, and amounts to achieving that adaptation to the environment wherein alteration of the species is driven by environmental change rather than the search for perfection. 5) Perfection also connotes the fulfillment of the unique potentiality that each human represents when born. This concept is contained within the eastern notion of karma.