Joseph Jay Schiller
An Autobiography
November 15, 1997
Authors note: In considering what the contents of an
autobiography should be in my case, several considerations arose.
First, my public life isn’t very uncommon or interesting, so that
should be de-emphasized. Second, since my private life, or more
properly my spiritual life was to be the subject, I would necessarily
have to identify those individuals that influenced me and I found
that some of them influenced me in a negative way. Writing about
the details of these events could potentially harm or at least
discomfit them and their relatives, so I determined to avoid using
names and to mention the nature of the event only generally and
then only when it was crucial to understand the alteration of my
personality that ensued. Leaving this much material out results in a
rather brief autobiography, but since the main purpose of this
document is to introduce my other writing and to try to make clear
why I think as I do, if that goal is achieved then it is long enough. I
am by nature a reductionist and therefore not really suited to
writing since that work is mainly characterized by expansion on the
subject at hand. What I am interested in is understanding and I
believe that to be most easily achieved when the subject is presented
clearly and succinctly.
Chapter 1
I was born on March 2, 1936 at about nine PM at the Swedish
Hospital in Seattle Washington, USA. I am of European extraction;
English, German, and French.
My father was an independent dealer in children's toys, and at
that time, very successful. His education was limited, probably not
reaching to high school graduation. He was an extremely selfish
person, and only lived with me for, at most two years of my life and
that at the beginning. He was sensual in orientation, inclined to
excess, and morally challenged.
My mother was somewhat better educated, as a hopeful writer
she took some college courses in her attempt to better her chances of
success. Both families were decidedly lower middle class, though my
mother's side was in decline, while my father's side was ascending. I
also had limited contact with my mother during childhood.
Both parents aimed higher than their reach allowed in their
efforts to achieve success and both defined success in terms of class
and wealth. Neither was very religious. My mother would qualify as
a feminist.
The first two or three years of my life were spent living with my
parents in a rather grand estate in North Seattle. I have no
significant memories of this period. In one I can remember
observing largish gold colored fish from a stone bridge over a creek
running through the grounds of the estate.
Prior to the beginning of WWII, my father ran into hard times
and I found myself living, first with my grandmother in Seattle, then
in Palo Alto, where I remember my father buying a yellow Ford
convertible, then with my aunt in Chula Vista, California for several
months, then for a summer on the beach near Santa Cruz, from which
I retain several fishing memories and one of vandalism resulting in
full body poison oak infection. After that came a period in San
Francisco, during which my parents announced their impending
divorce, as the war began. I clearly remember that this event
happened in a taxi ride through downtown San Francisco. I don't
recall my feelings at the announcement except that it seemed to be
the end of the first part of my life.
At the age of five, I and my sisters were boarded out at Miss
Wallace's boarding school in Piedmont California, a suburb of
Oakland. From this time forward I have fairly complete memory.
Miss Wallace's was a Victorian mansion with about twenty
children in residence and several more day schoolers. My education
up until then had been patchy, mostly baby sitting, and it was
assumed that I had already been taught to read which I hadn't. So,
when the teacher realized this she tutored me in phonics and I then
picked up the skill with great ease and was soon hiding out to read
about King Arthur and his associates. From that time forward, I had
a reputation for being rather stupid, while in actuality I was
unusually and comprehensively bright. I was average in athletics
and somewhat deficient in group sports. An attempt was made to
force feed me on piano lessons, which I successfully resisted.
My best friends at Miss Wallace's were the cook and handyman.
There were some minor sexual events, both in the autoerotic and
heterosexual categories. In a number of cases I tried to impose my
will on this little world, without any notable success. I learned about
death and found it an ineffably sad prospect, not my own but the
loss of my relatives. I was much attracted to the opera, which we
were exposed to from time to time as a part of our education. A
teacher took a romantic interest in me, to the horror of Miss Wallace,
and then had an affair with my father, which I only learned about
much later. The bills for Miss Wallace's were never completely
At the end of the war we, my mother and two sisters and I,
returned to Seattle and took up residence with my grandmother, who
was looking after my invalid uncle. Mother was only intermittently
in residence and my father seldom appeared. None the less, my life
was rather happy, Nana (my grandmother) being a superb
homemaker and an adequate substitute mother.
During this period, the subject of sex arose from time to time, but
only to my great confusion. Others seemed to have far greater
awareness in this area than I. None the less, I did have autoerotic
moments, from time to time. Public school was part of the regimen,
but made no great impression on me. Queen Anne hill in Seattle was
solid middle class and a very pleasant place to grow up.
However, change came upon us again when my mother decided
to move to New York in pursuit of her career and she decided to take
my younger sister with her, send me back to my aunt, who now lived
in Bly Oregon, a very small town in the south of about 500 souls. Her
new husband operated the water company there. My other sister
remained in Seattle, perhaps because she was thought to be
sufficiently independent. I think she soon moved in with a girlfriend
who had a small apartment near the local business district.
Bly turned out to be a culture shock. The locals were fond of
dismissing city folk as inferior to the country variety on the grounds
that they couldn't deal with the closeness of nature and had no grasp
of obtaining one's food from her. This gave me an immediate and
intense feeling of inferiority and the status of being an outsider. To
compensate, I somehow decided that my best response was to be
entertaining and to aim for the lower social strata, even though my
guardians occupied the upper class of Bly, since my uncle was self
employed and his income, though not grand, was assured.
After solving these immediate problems I set about learning the
manly arts so much in demand among young boys in this town. If
my uncle couldn't find the time to train me, I set about learning what
I could on my own initiative. This meant hunting, fishing, and skiing,
mainly, though it also involved group sports at the local high school,
but I was so poor in that area, it only served to enhance my feelings
of inferiority. Isolation declined in importance, though I found,
having adopted a sort of clown persona, I couldn't easily get any
respect, which I found I had a great need for.
In the sexual arena, I found myself slow to enter into puberty,
but, when I finally did and discovered orgasm in the bath tub, I
began some serious investigation. This included some homosexual
experimentation along with some of the heterosexual variety.
Neither were of any great success, so I developed autoerotically. I
observed that my uncle was sadly frustrated and confused in this
area. I had, of course, made the common discovery that sexuality
was undertaken with no instruction or even mention within the
family. One was expected to make one's own way by trial and error.
I have always considered this to be culturally singular, given that
sexuality is the central fact of life.
I continued to find school a bore and a necessary evil. The
course work was seldom interesting, usually only when a book of
literature rose above average. The social requirements were
confusing and problematical. Sports were not my forte.
I did have close friends, some better than others, but, the closest
was a lower class boy who taught me to smoke as his primary
contribution. He also gave me to understand that masturbation was
normal, and that was crucial information not easily obtained.
Perhaps the most significant experience of this period occurred
on a goose hunt with my uncle and the principal of my high school.
The hunt took place at a local reservoir and the strategy was to be to
place the three hunters at intervals down the dike away from the
reservoir and await the departure of the resting geese for their daily
trip to the grain fields. There was no way to know if they would
depart to the north or south, so we only had a 50/50 chance of
getting a shot. My position was directly over the outlet from the
reservoir, a large pipe with a valve. The outlet had caused a small
pool to form directly below me at the base of the dike. A stream bed
led from there to a pond on which a flock of ducks were swimming.
I could hear the ducks communicating among themselves, but,
because of the strategy of the goose hunt, I was not interested in the
ducks. Eventually, one of the ducks rose from the pond and circled it
twice gaining speed. He then flew over me at low altitude but
extremely fast. I didn't move because of the geese. The entire flock
then rose from the pond and flew to the puddle directly below me
and only twenty yards away. This proved to be too great a
temptation and I shot both barrels, killing three and scaring the
geese away from us, thereby ending the hunt. Naturally, my uncle
and the principal were curious about my reasons, so I interpreted
events in this way:
The ducks wished to move to the puddle because of some unique
food source there but were unsure what I was and whether I was a
threat. They therefore developed a strategy to put me to the test.
One of their number was dispatched with instructions to fly over me
low and fast to see if I would demonstrate deadly intent by
attempting to down the duck. When I didn't, they concluded that I
wasn't a threat and moved to the puddle. If that is a valid
description of what happened, it is the clearest case of strategic
thinking in the animal kingdom I ever heard of and I immediately
knew that it was not in accord with the general theory of instincts
relied on by the scientific community to explain animal behavior
without giving them similar capabilities to those of humans.
Eventually my relationship with my uncle, so fulfilling prior to
puberty, became problematical after, and I sent a letter to my
mother complaining about the situation, which she responded to
instantly by sending bus tickets to her new home in Oxford
Mississippi. I thought it rather odd to send a sixteen year old across
country alone, but didn't find the experience very difficult. She and
my sisters met me in Memphis, driving an ancient Plymouth sedan
and transported me to Oxford, trying to prepare me for what was in
store. Her husband, whom she had met as a result of a joint
enterprise in New York, had acquired a professorship in music at the
University of Mississippi located there. This I also thought odd, since
there seemed to be a noticeable class disparity between mother and
her husband.
On the trip, I decided it would be well to drop my role as an
entertainer and try to find some other method of gaining acceptance
in the local social milieu, in hopes of gaining some respect. My
sisters introduced me to one or two locals of about our age and I
used that as my starting point, but soon discovered that they were
problem children of one sort or another and began to look elsewhere.
It turned out, for technical reasons only, I was ahead of my class in
credits acquired and therefore was scheduled for early graduation.
School here was no better than in Oregon and that idea therefore
didn't depress me. Football was required of any socially aspiring
male student and this I had discovered in Bly was beyond my
capabilities, so I made excuses as well as I was able.
It also became apparent that this part of the country also had its
pretensions. In the South, it was well to be born locally, since if you
weren't you were probably associated with the North and were
therefore disreputable in some way. This was in the segregation
period of southern history and so one was coerced into participating,
even though, to me, it felt strangely artificial though appealing
egoistically. During this period I made one trip back to Portland
Oregon to spend the summer with my father and work for an uncle.
My father was on his fourth or fifth wife and still subject to great
fluctuations in his economic life. The summer was generally
successful and allowed me the opportunity to vastly increase my
driving skills.
I had by now experienced efforts to seduce me by homosexuals
twice. Once at a young age by a drifter in Bly and a second time
when, on stopping in LA on a bus trip, one came up to me in the
terminal and tried to lure me away. In the first I had no idea what
was occuring but in the second I knew exactly what was going on
and, in my usual polite way fended him off.
After graduation from high school, I was forced into college
because I had no other plan for continuing my life, even though I
was not at all interested in continuing what I considered to be a
boring activity of modest use to one's future life. I therefore did
poorly, failing most courses while getting an A in a jewelry making
course. This was the final semester since I had graduated from high
school mid term, so, not having anything else to do for the summer, I
decided to try to repeat the previous year's experience by visiting
my father again. This turned out to be a failure since he had no
contacts willing to hire me, so after a few weeks of inactivity,
perhaps at his urging, I decided to enter the U.S. Air Force.
Chapter 2
Young Adulthood
I didn't find the Air Force culture very surprising, having
anticipated it fairly accurately from the movies. Basic training was
stressful, as intended, and anticipating that, I was very attentive
especially for general instructions regarding how to get through it
successfully. The TI, a young and handsome Chicano, was generally
excellent and advised us to fade into the woodwork, as it were. By
that he meant that the clearest path to success was to do what we
were told in an unremarkable and not particularly noticeable way.
This advice I took to heart and found it useful. The leaders of the
flight of which I was a part ended in the stockade for corruption by
selling excuses from harsh duty like KP.
We were offered the chance to train as TI's and I volunteered
because I liked Texas and as a natural expression of conservatism.
However, I learned something significant about myself when the
examining sergeants asked me to face the wall and march an
imaginary flight around an imaginary parade ground. I found this
impossible to do because of the sense that I would appear ridiculous
shouting instructions to the wall. This was, of course, exactly what
the sergeants were looking for and I was rejected.
Instead I soon found myself dispatched to Great Falls, Montana
to train as a radar operator. Radar operators have in general two
tasks, to detect unknown aircraft in the vicinity and to control
interceptors. The second task is performed by officers, while
enlisted men perform the first. The distinction between officers and
enlisted was something of a problem for me, because I felt myself to
be officer quality, though not qualified. During this period I
established a close relationship with a black male and suffered some
criticism for doing so.
After about a year, several of us who had come to Montana
direct from basic training were sent to Biloxi, Mississippi, to get the
formal training required for the specialty. We had not been sent
direct, as would be more normal due to the capacity limits of the
school. Nothing of great significance happened there except perhaps
my taking a trip to Georgia with a classmate who wanted a weekend
at home. Unfortunately we had to chance the possibility of a
surprise inspection and the inspection did occur, thereby causing us
to get an Article 15. This is a non judicial punishment not considered
serious for enlisted men, though it is career killing for officers.
Upon graduation from technical school, I was sent to Nagoya
Japan. This was yet another culture shock, but, since I had no idea
what to expect, not the sort that occurred in Bly when it turned out
to be nothing like my preconceptions. In Japan I was given great
freedom and expected to make my way from place to place on my
own. This was a new and generally pleasant experience. The facility
to which I was attached was a very small compound, probably leased
from the Japanese. We had Japanese servants to make our beds and
serve our meals and do our laundry, so this was also new and
pleasant, though giving the impression of American superiority,
which, being untrue, led to confusion.
The first thing I became aware of was the fact that prostitutes
worked as waitresses in all bars, an interesting fact for a young male
virgin with a somewhat stronger need for sexual expression than
average. I soon took advantage of this opportunity, which I judged
to be only slightly better than masturbation and always involved
gambling with the possibility of disease. The ability of the military
to deal with venereal disease was by now very effective because of
penicillin, but they also showed very scary movies about what
happened to those contaminated, so this produced anxiety and less
fraternization than would otherwise be expected.
None the less trips to drink Japanese beer were common and
after a few beers the dangers of sex seemed to become less
My job entailed shift work, which was arranged in three day
segments, day, evening, and night, followed by three days off. It also
entailed an hour bus trip into the country to reach the radar site.
One such trip led through a parade of people celebrating human
sexual fertility. They carried banners painted with pictures of both
male and female genitalia, which shocked me and demonstrated that
sexual attitudes could and did vary dramatically from culture to
I also met another airman from near my home in Mississippi,
which gave us a natural basis for establishing a relationship. He was
very attractive to me in a macho sort of way and I agreed with him
that our relationship should place him in the superior role. This is, of
course, done indirectly through body language and subtle events like
doing errands for him. The distinction was quite subtle since my
inferiority was to be of the slightest variety. Two are always
stronger in a relationship than separately and he and I were both of
officer quality, so we did better than others and advanced more
rapidly too. He advanced more rapidly than I, as was appropriate to
our relationship. None the less this rank structure would prove to be
inaccurate and that inaccuracy would eventually doom the
At this point I had another rare subjective experience. About an
hour after retiring for the night a fire drill occurred and I found that,
while I was perfectly sensible and understood what was going on
about me, I was utterly unable to speak. I could formulate the
words in my mind but could not command my mouth to utter them.
I have since concluded that the hemisphere of my brain controlling
speech remained asleep while the other one was awake.
I was uninterested in absorbing any Japanese culture, being
satisfied to perform my job effectively and have as much fun as
possible. I experimented with romance a little, but there were so few
candidates, nothing came of it. Eventually I discovered a bar that
matched my personality well, genteel, relatively classy prostitutes,
and I made myself a regular there, hoping to reduce the chances of
contracting VD in this way.
My second experience that I would identify as incompatible with
the common view of nature happened in Japan with regard to fear of
venereal disease. After several months in the country and after
several brothel experiences I contracted a malady known as VD
warts. In my case warts appeared surrounding the base of the head
of my penis. Not knowing what this meant I went to the doctor who
gave me the name but no other information. He treated them by
burning them off with low grade acid, in response to which they
immediately grew back. This had the effect of ending my sex life in
Japan until I was notified of my impending departure for the States,
at which time, they disappeared with no effort on my part. My
interpretation of this event was that the warts appeared as an
unconscious response to the danger. When the danger disappeared,
so did the warts. This implies to me a strategic response to the
environment very reminiscent of the ducks.
At one time I got involved in a poker game with some sergeants
and they ganged up on me to try to extract as much money as
possible by continuously raising the bet until I was forced out. I
considered that cheating and refused to pay what I had lost in that
hand. I had demonstrated before leaving the game that I did, in fact,
have the winning hand by overturning that of my competitor. They
tried to intimidate the money out of me but I refused and they gave
My friend had arrived in Japan after I and wanted me to extend
my stay so that we could end our Air Force enlistments there and
return home together, but I was lonesome for home and decided to
defy his request. This demonstrated that our relationship had some
rotten timbers in it when he found this act to be treasonous. None
the less, I returned home and spent the last six months at Lake
Geneva Wisconsin. Interestingly, this turned out to be my family
home on my mother's side, she having lived there in her
The six months were quickly over. I had bought a car from my
stepfather's brother in law and planned on going to The University of
Mississippi, having learned in the Air Force that officer's had
degrees. I was highly motivated by this time to spare no effort to
get a degree in something.
It was now early summer though and my friend had returned
from Japan so I immediately drove to his home in a nearby town to
renew our relationship. He seemed to have forgotten about my
treason and we set about the task of drinking and carousing and
seeking sex as our idea of fun at that time. We thought we would go
to Florida to get jobs doing home construction until the fall semester
started, and then we would both enter the university. This plan was
much disturbed when I met and fell in love with one of the local
girls. I found Florida harder work than I was prepared to do and I
wanted to pursue my relationship with the girl, so finally I prevailed
upon my friend to return to Mississippi with me. Since we were
using my car, he probably felt he had no choice.
After a couple of weeks of romance we again settled on a plan
for getting a new job. My aunt from Bly had moved to Santa Cruz,
California, and I was anxious to see what fun was to be had there. I
talked my friend into the idea and he invited another friend to
accompany us. We drove to California, I visited my relatives with
great pleasure, but no desirable jobs were to be found and
eventually we were forced to return. Instead of going directly back
to Mississippi, we decided to visit my former base in Wisconsin so
that we could see old friends from Japan there.
In the interests of saving money, we drove non stop, trading off
driving chores. This led to shortness of temper and when we went to
drink beer with our friends upon arrival, not having slept soundly
for three days, nobody should have been surprised that an argument
developed that led to my dropping my friends and leaving for
Mississippi alone. This was unwise in every respect, destroying my
relationship with my friend and exposing me to the possibility of a
wreck through lack of sleep. None the less, I arrived, having to stop
for twenty five cents worth of gas at the last town before Oxford,
that being the end of my money.
After resting, I quickly resumed my romance with the girl from
my friend’s home town, which quickly turned into a heavy petting
relationship but went no further. Since she intended to attend a
different college than I, I changed my plans to be near her.
I then got my first experience with the inadequacy of the
unconscious in modern life when, thinking about my girl while
driving to her home and allowing my unconscious to drive, it made a
typical mistake. When it came to an intersection with a stop sign, it
stopped the car and looked both ways but failed to register that a
truck was coming and drove right out in front of it. I was thrown
from the vehicle and slid across the highway but no serious damage
was done to me. The car was a loss.
The relationship ran its course and ended halfway through the
school year, and having no other interest in this school, I transferred
to Ole Miss. My grades had been excellent, though I worried that
course work would be more difficult at the premier university in the
At Ole Miss, I decided to major in Mathematics since I had
discovered the previous year an unexpected talent in this direction.
I quickly identified two very attractive males with whom to bond
and my Ole Miss career got off to a great start. I was intimidated by
fraternities and considered their cost unjustified, and so avoided
them, as did my friends. I was financing college with the GI bill, so
money wasn't a problem though there wasn't any extra. I didn't feel
that my class background fitted me particularly well for college,
though by now was sure I was intelligent enough for it. As usual I
felt something of an outsider.
I found no suitable romance interest, one that provoked the
proper feeling, but a good looking girl had attached herself to our
group so I started a relationship with her as a sort of training
exercise. I found her incomprehensible, since she almost never
spoke. Her conversation was completely utilitarian. We did enjoy a
mutually satisfying sexual relationship, though, since she was a
virgin no actual penetration occurred. Once, when this girl was
unavailable to attend a cocktail party being given by my parents I
decided to ask a girl who was too plain to excite any romantic
interest and was astounded to find her much more enjoyable to be
I moved through college as quickly as possible, attending
summer and winter since there was no suitable summer activity
anyway. At the senior level I began to find mathematics becoming
incomprehensible. I was never able to determine if that was a result
of inadequate instruction or me reaching the limits of my aptitude in
this subject.
Another feature of college at this time was the rising
involvement of students with drugs. I didn't experiment but all of
my friends did, mainly with a drug called Dexedrine or speed as we
would call it today.
After college, having no specific interests, I determined to
emulate an officer I had worked for in the Air Force and so
reentered with a view towards becoming a navigator. I didn't have
the vision necessary for pilot training and wasn't sure I could handle
it anyway. Navigating was more intellectual and I was pretty
confident that I could succeed there.
Chapter 3
Family Life
After gaining officer status at Officer Training School, I was sent
to Waco, Texas for navigator training. There, I established a
complete new set of friends for this new phase of my life. As was
typical of me, I never carried friends forward from phase to phase of
my life. This was not a conscious decision, it was the way of life that
seemed natural to me. I was still more comfortable with male
friends than with females, and anyway, female companionship was
hard to come by. My new friends were exactly the same as I, in
terms of ethnicity, but were generally higher on the social scale, I
felt. One of them was from a wealthy middle western family but the
rest were very middle class.
During this period, I visited my sister in New Jersey where she
lived with her husband and young children. She introduced me to a
German immigrant acquaintance, who I was immediately attracted to
and she demonstrated a reciprocal attraction. However, the time was
too short and the distances too great to allow the relationship to
After gaining my wings, I was sent to Dover, Delaware to take up
duties navigating cargo transports between the US and Europe,
mainly. I was disappointed to find that navigation was also one of
the more boring activities man can indulge in. The weather
conditions one is exposed to provide some interest, though it is of a
generally negative sort. Flying, in general, requires an act of faith on
the part of the flyer. One has to believe in the airworthyness of the
vehicle and the competence of the pilots. Of course that faith is
normal, but, if it is destroyed in some way, flying can never be a
comfortable occupation again. Being a pilot is best, since faith in
oneself is normal and hard to destroy, so it eliminates one of the
elements on which the passenger is dependent. If crews stayed
together, this would help, for all of the dependable pilots at least, but
that is not the case in the current Air Force.
Many of my friends from navigator training were also at Dover,
so we established a new clique there.
Before long I was visiting my sister again, since she was so close.
She introduced me to a friend of hers and I soon found myself in
love. This woman was a single mother and very sexually attractive to
me. She was also in need, both financially and because of her young
three year old daughter. This combination of elements was more
than I could resist, so after a few months of an intensely sexual
relationship, I proposed marriage. She accepted and her upper
middle class relatives, who lived nearby, decided to provide the
marriage ceremony.
There were problems. Her mother was in Florida and didn't
attend, her father was out of the picture, and my mother didn't
approve. My bride had been divorced for some time and there appeared
to be no interest on the part of her ex husband.
Immediately before the marriage, she confessed that the father
of her child was married at the time and their bigamous marriage
was done out of state in order to provide the child with a valid birth
certificate and legal rights to support. This alarmed me, but I felt I
was in too deep to back out, so the marriage proceeded. It was
apparent that she had enormous determination to see that the
marriage worked and I couldn't resist the temptation to create a
gratitude in her for extracting her from difficult circumstances.
As will be appreciated, I was quite naive regarding sexual
relationships, even though I was nearing thirty at the time.
Also occurring at this moment was the loss of one of my friends
from navigator training in an aircraft failure accident.
These two events, marriage which provided me with something I
didn't wish to lose, and the loss of a friend, which made the aircraft
seem an object of misplaced faith, produced an increase in the
normal level of anxiety associated with flying, to the extent that it
became for me, an unpleasant experience. I cast around for some
solution, even going to the Pentagon in search of alternatives, but
could find no way to avoid continuing what I was doing.
My marriage got off to a good start and before long my wife was
pregnant. I was having a good time developing my water skiing
skills on a nearby near perfect lake for the purpose. So, all in all,
things were fine. I had to repress my anxiety about flying, and was
gone from home about half the time, but, other than that I had little
to complain of. And, in retrospect, I think being gone half the time
was actually ideal for the marriage. The relationship could never
attain that level of intensity that most day in/day out marriages
President Kennedy was assassinated about then. I thought it
an interesting event and watched the funeral, but wasn’t affected emotionally.
At about this time the Air Force decided to conduct a statistical
survey of officers and sent me to San Antonio to be tested for astronaut
training. One phase of this test involved hanging me face down in a parachute
harness, which had the effect of pinching my arteries closed and cutting off my
blood circulation. This sent me into unconsciousness very rapidly and when
the experiment was complete they rotated the platform to release the pressure.
This produced a feeling in me of euphoria and a strong desire not to return.
My son arrived in the usual way without complications and
shortly thereafter the opportunity came to transfer to the West coast
because of the deepening involvement in Viet Nam by the US. I
jumped at it since I would be stationed near the place of my birth
and a number of relatives. Upon arrival in Tacoma, I, along with most
of my friends from navigator training, found a pleasant living
environment with the only real difference from a work point of view
being the destination of most flights, Saigon. It seemed to be as safe
as the places we had gone to in Europe, and many of the stops in the
Pacific were pleasant places to visit: Hawaii, Wake, Guam, The
Philippines. Saigon wasn't so pleasant, but we could only stay there
for three hours at a time because no beds were available, so we flew
over from Manila in the morning and back in the evening.
At one time, on route from Wake to Japan, we developed a
runaway propeller. This is a dramatic event, since if the prop isn’t
stopped it will continue to wind up until it comes off. The noise was
terrifying. It was stopped and we were intercepted by an
amphibious plane and escorted back to Wake.
I visited Taiwan and Japan from time to time. It was interesting
to see how Japan had changed. It had become very much
Americanized but the bar/brothels were no different, though I didn't
participate now, being married.
I had, by now, bought my first home in Tacoma and life was
bouncing along in a most agreeable way. I fished a lot in Puget
Sound. We worked on improving our home. The children were
developing in a normal and healthy way. Unfortunately the anxiety
of flying didn't improve and in fact became more intense. It seemed
that the better my life was, the more I had to lose, and the worse
flying anxiety became. Because of the boredom of flight, I wasn't
any better than average, as a navigator, and, from time to time I
suspected, I was worse. This didn't accord well with my self image
and I determined that my best path would be to separate myself
from the Air Force as soon as possible.
So, I began to look for employment elsewhere and before long
was given the opportunity to try computer programming at Boeing. I
left the Air Force as soon as I was able and began commuting to
Seattle to be trained for software development.
I soon discovered that I had talent in this direction. I found
programming to be extremely interesting, challenging, and fulfilling.
There was something about devising an intellectual machine and
seeing it do, eventually, exactly what you wished. The learning
necessary to this task was enormous. The computer, an extremely
complex machine and the tools necessary to exploit it were not easily
consumed, especially since the computer itself was an object
completely outside of my experience.
None the less, I was soon part of a team of software developers
working on a purchase order system for Boeing. It was an enormous
project comprising about twenty developers and suitable
On the other hand, I began to notice problems with my marriage.
Work was so demanding, I frequently fell asleep at night and once
even in the middle of a conversation at a dinner party my wife
meant to use as an entry into a social group. Socializing in this way I
found extremely boring. People, being more or less strange to one
another, relied on small talk as a non threatening way to establish
relationships. But, small talk is boring, and unless you are working
on a relationship, which I had no interest in, it was not something I
wanted to subject myself to, any more than necessary. It wasn't
apparent to me that these people had anything to offer that would be
useful to my family.
Anyway, sex was still good. We had neighbors, a lawyer across
the street that was useful. They had children too and seemed to me
a good sort of people. But, it was apparent that my wife was
becoming dissatisfied. I wrote it off as a phase she was going
through and waited to see if it passed.
After about a year at Boeing, having learned enough to make
myself marketable and perceiving that advancement was going to be
slow there, I identified an opportunity in Palo Alto, California and
decided to take it. It involved a reasonable increase in salary and
seemed to offer more interesting and varied projects on which to
work. In addition it was a small company specializing in software
development, and so seemed to offer more advancement potential.
We had lived in Tacoma for about four or five years, by now, and it
seemed a reasonable time for a change. It also took pressure off the
marriage relationship since so much energy had to be devoted to the
So, we moved, I driving and my family following by air.
Unfortunately, while I was making more money, housing prices were
much higher in Palo Alto, so our rental was not as nice as the home
we had left. However, before long the next house on the street
became available and it, after some work was approximately
comparable to what we had left. The weather seemed an enormous
improvement and the industrial park in which the company was
located was lovely, immediately across the street from one of the
great universities in America, Stanford. So, the atmospherics were
ideal. I didn't really pay any attention to the stress on my family,
since moving was so much a part of my life, I thought it perfectly
Before long I became involved in a project at work that was
drastically underbid which naturally led to all members of the team
working much longer than normal hours. This immediately brought
the relationship problems in my marriage back out into the open. At
about this time my wife brought home an album of music by a
popular band of the time called The Beatles. The album was called
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. On listening to it, I was
astounded. It was very compelling music with an
incomprehensible mystical quality to it. It seemed to be drug
inspired, though I had no experience with drugs and didn't know
what that meant. I assumed drugs had a similar affect on the user to
alcohol, though they seemed to be addictive from the government
propaganda then circulating.
The war was still in progress and anti war demonstrations
seemed to be becoming more and more frequent. Somebody at
Berkeley, or Berzerkley as it was now known in my circles, had
started a dirty speech movement, by which he seemed to mean that
he wished four letter words to become a part of ordinary
conversation. Of course they already were and had always been
among men, as far as my experience went, but were inappropriate
between the sexes according to my education.
After a year, with the bad project I had been working on, I
concluded that software development was problematic as the basis
for a company due to the extreme difficulty of estimating the time
necessary to complete a project. In addition I had become doubtful
about the prospects for the company. So, these problems, along with
marriage problems led me to the conclusion that my best hopes lay
with what I had left at Boeing, and that leaving and returning
offered me the opportunity of declaring in which group I wished to
work there, and I knew where the best opportunity lay. The move
also provided a convenient way of moving from Tacoma to Seattle
which never seemed practical when there.
We drove back to Seattle and found ourselves in slush when we
passed through Olympia. I was driving a VW bug and when I
attempted to pass a slow moving tractor trailer rig my wheels lost
contact with the surface. Since I was in a banked curve the car slid
in front of the truck and he hit us and forced the vehicle into the
ditch. No injuries occurred, but my children’s faith in me was
severely damaged. I dismissed it as bad luck.
Chapter 4
Seattle Again
On arrival in Seattle, we rented an old two story house in an
aging section of Ballard that was near my oldest sister, though
further than necessary from Renton where I would be working. In
fact it involved an hour commute, but it was scenic since one could
drive around Lake Washington, and eventually I got into a car pool,
which provided interesting conversation, generally of a political
I had arranged to be included in the group responsible for
system software, as opposed to applications, which was a difficult
area in which only the more adept software specialists were allowed
to work. I immediately gravitated towards an important inventory
control project aimed at helping to manage the 747 development
effort. I had a lot of success in that project and my value to the
company became widely acknowledged within a relatively short
time. However, that also meant devoting more time to work than was
usual, which I was happy to do since it meant more money and my
home life wasn't improving any.
Time went by. We bought a nice house in a newer and nicer
neighborhood further from the city center. One day, on the commute,
when conversation was particularly animated, I drove through an
uncontrolled intersection and crashed directly into a car traveling
through the intersection from the street immediately to my right.
The damage to the car was heavy, though nobody appeared to be
injured. We got the car towed away and went on to work with one of
the other members of the group, but that afternoon my knee became
so painful I couldn't work and on going to the hospital discovered
that I had broken my kneecap. This resulted in nine months in a full
leg cast. After two car crashes in a relatively short time, I began to
wonder what it meant.
This was the time of the moon landing. I watched it carefully
and was very interested in how it might impact life. Obviously, technology
was going to dominate.
My wife got a job at the hospital, not so much because we
needed the money as to fill her time. Both children were in school
and housework wasn't a fulfilling enterprise for her. The house we
had bought was particularly agreeable and everything seemed on the
surface to be sunny, though I knew my marriage relationship
continued to worsen and I continued to work long hours. One day my
wife failed to come home at the usual time and also failed to call. I
had no idea where she was but didn't seriously consider the
possibility of an accident or other problem that might need my help.
I guess I must have known the probable reason for her absence. Our
relationship had been in decline for a long time by now. She arrived
in the early morning hours and I decided to attack the problem
immediately, rather than to let it pass. I questioned her about her
wishes, regarding our marriage. Whether she thought it had any
future or if she was inclined to terminate it. I was determined to try
to maintain it and to force the family through this reverse if there
was any possible way. She was evasive and refused to commit to
anything, so I suggested marriage counseling, to which she agreed. I
allowed her to decide on a suitable professional and we left it at
At about this same time I befriended an acquaintance at work.
He was a Swede, given to small boat sailing on Puget Sound. I had
never tried the sport, too expensive. So, before long I found myself
sailing and, since he was a user, being introduced to the pleasures of
marijuana. This was at the height of anti war protests and the
University of Washington was one of the main hotbeds of anti war
sentiment, so it was no surprise that marijuana use was quite
common here. It was not very common among family men working
for major corporations, however, and I immediately became more
sympathetic with anti war feeling. I had set up a jewelry shop in my
basement and it occurred to me to use my skills to construct a nice
peace symbol pendent which I liked to wear, even with a suit and
tie. This couldn't have thrilled my superiors at work, but I had
become essential to their success, so they overlooked it.
Several movies influenced me strongly at this time too. The
Graduate, and Easy Rider were the most important, but in a different
way 2001, A Space Odyssey was important. My wife and I also went
to a local stage version of Hair. I was particularly impressed with
Captain America in Easy Rider and acquired a poster of him which I
put up in my den.
To me, marijuana had a profoundly different effect than did
alcohol. It did produce a similar floating sensation to that produced
by alcohol, but it also seemed to intensify hearing acuity and since I
was now listening to Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled
Waters album, the experience was heightened by making the words
and music much more clear and comprehensible. The associated
emotions were equally enhanced.
My wife's choice of a therapist was particularly good. I liked him
a great deal and when he suggested that I submit to a period of
therapy in a local halfway house, after some reflection I agreed. This
was a mildly interesting experience, but, since I didn't see what it
was supposed to accomplish, I don't think it had any very noticeable
effect. We also took advantage of a popular style of therapy of the
times, group therapy, and that led to an encounter group at the home
of the therapist. This was intensely interesting, producing in me
reactions I was surprised to see. Mainly a regurgitation of feeling for
my lost friend from Dover days and some implication that my wife
rather than I was mainly responsible for our predicament. I was also
surprised to see how common our problems seemed to be, from the
quality and number of pairs involved in this experiment.
About this time too, we saw Arthur Godfrey pitching vasectomies
on TV and my wife allowed that this was a much more desirable
form of birth control and that she wished I would avail myself of it.
After pondering the idea for a while and reflecting that I didn't
expect to wish for more than two children in future, I agreed. I had
already agreed to formally adopt my daughter.
Things seemed to be more or less on the mend, though I found it
very hard to avoid using marijuana as an escape from the stress and
pain. Work continued to go well and had become less demanding. We
had been formally transferred to the 747 project which was located
in Everett, so the commute was different and somewhat better. At
this point my wife went out of her way to demonstrate that her
affair had not ended. This produced a great ice storm in our
relationship which led to my experiencing the most intense anxiety
attack of a most startling nature. I wouldn't have guessed that one's
psychic life could have so profound an effect on one's musculature.
Shortly after that, my wife attempted suicide and I was offered the
opportunity to return to the company in Palo Alto I had worked for
All things considered, it seemed a distant possibility that
removal from the situation might produce the opportunity to sail
through these troubled waters, so, after asking the advice of our
therapist I determined to take the chance. I was certain the marriage
was doomed if I didn't do something and I wasn't ready to throw in
the towel yet.
Back in Palo Alto, I found the company had moved to new
quarters and the owner was taking a personal interest in day to day
operations. He had hired an associate of mine at Boeing who was
making a tremendous impact on a large insurance corporation in San
Francisco and he hoped that I would produce a similar impact on a
new contract he had negotiated with a defense contractor in Los
Angeles. Had I known of this plan beforehand, in view of my new
sympathies with the anti war movement, I might not have taken the
job, but I didn't and anyway, the job was an effort to take pressure
off my marriage. The result was, however, that I ended up living in a
hotel in LA on weeknights and only seeing my family on weekends.
This was not what was wanted, but there didn't seem to be any way
out of it. Depression gathered and I finally determined that I would
have to go to the president, an overbearing 65 year old ex IBMer and
tell him I would not be able to continue. I used the excuse of
deepening doubt about the war effort and the repugnant feeling
associated with working for it. This was true, though not as serious as
that. My family was the real reason.
I had recently hired a man from another high tech company in
the neighborhood, an immigrant from New York. He was a very
attractive personality for me and we soon became fast friends. He
had lived through a disastrous marriage and divorce which had led
to his move to California, so I listened to his experience which
paralleled mine in many ways. He also had used marijuana as a
crutch to get through the experience, though he said that eventually
marijuana had turned on him and he had had to give it up. I didn't
understand what he meant by that. I had found an employee at work
that sort of advertised his involvement with drugs through his
costume and used him as a conduit for my supplies.
The children, up until now, didn't seem to notice the problems
between their parents, though, I suppose on some subconscious level
they did. Eventually my wife made another attempt on her life and
when under the influence of marijuana, I seemed to receive a
revelation about the meaninglessness of these experiences from any
wider perspective. This experience resolved me to leave my family.
I rationalized that with my wife attempting suicide from time to time
I would be more valuable to them separated from them, since the
possibility that she might succeed would be eliminated.
So, I gathered together the clothing I would need, took the car
and went to visit my new friend to discuss what the best move from
there would be. He said that he and his girlfriend were thinking
about renting a house and when they did he thought she would
accept the idea of the three of us living together. This plan worked
out and I found myself living in a semi hippie life style, with the
barest essentials in the way of furniture and accessories. I gave the
car to my wife and tried to get along without for a while. That didn't
work very well so I bought a motorcycle.
We began to associate ourselves with counter culture people of
various stripes. Another male friend from work had a sister that
maintained a home by herself in Marin County in decidedly feminist
style: natural food, unpretentious clothing, and hospitality towards
drug use. We used that place for more serious drug experimentation,
LSD and mescaline. I also found the means to establish a sexual
liaison with her, and then I also ran into an old acquaintance of my
wife's who I found to be sexually attracted to me. She was
particularly attractive and forced me into a separation problem with
the woman from Marin County. My new friend, her brother, was a
rock climber, so I decided to pursue that hobby as a way of
maintaining my physical stamina and as a means of confronting fear.
We also established a relationship with a couple from San Francisco,
the male half of which had totally disconnected from the mainstream
culture. He had an artistic side and refused to work for money,
relying instead on his girlfriend's income. He also wasn't averse to
satisfying his needs by shoplifting. This eventually turned me away
from them, as I found I couldn't accept that sort of behavior. They
also nearly got me busted for drug possession, but, in the end I was
able to successfully dissuade the cop from pursuing his suspicions
I found under the influence of mescalin, considered to provide
one with a religious experience by the American Indians, that the
question of most concern to me was death. I therefore used my
conscious will to direct my unconscious experience towards this
question and found that it was a question easily answered in this
state and, while I could not retain my understanding when the drug
wore off, I could retain the knowledge that I had understood and
that my impression was that it was not a question of particular
significance. The feeling was rather like, "Ah, yes, this isn't
something to lose any sleep over."
Shortly after this I found out what my friend’s fear of marijuana
was based on. One night while smoking, I found myself fantasizing
and awoke to the realization that I had no control whatsoever over
my fantasy. That it had taken on a life of its own and I was going
along for the ride with no possibility of escape. This produced in me
extreme paranoia and, when I recovered I concluded that drug use
was no longer an escape and in fact was no longer even possible for
me. Several years later I retried the experience and it was repeated
in an even more dramatic way.
Then, I became of so little use to my company that they laid me
off and since the country was in a recession I couldn't find a new job,
and so had to rely on unemployment compensation. My wife and
children had moved in with my wife's brother so this wasn't a
disaster for them, but it did lead to a new crisis in my psychic life.
Finally, one morning I felt I had gone as far as possible down my
current path and decided to turn to God for help. To my great
surprise, this strategy worked. God responded immediately and my
perspective on the world changed dramatically. The world even
looked different in some undefinable way, sort of harsh and raw and
over bright. I concluded that I had misevaluated religion and
determined to investigate it more thoroughly from the inside. I
joined the local Catholic church and asked to be baptized. I also
began earnestly to read the Bible.
I found that God had a gift for me. This was symbolized by a
dream in which I floated high in the sky and looked down on a vast
parade of humans marching into the future. I concluded that I
would now be able to view humanity objectively, which turned out
to be the case.
At about this same time my rock climbing friend gave me the
autobiography of Carl Jung, the famed psychiatrist, who, until then, I
had never heard of.
Chapter 5
The gift of the autobiography of Jung was extremely fortuitous at
this particular time. In retrospect, if my friend never did another
thing for me, I would have to view him as one of the most significant
figures, on the positive side, of my life.
Jung seemed to view life from the same perspective as I, and
wrote in a style I found easy to comprehend. In addition, his subject
matter seemed to me to be the crucial one. If one could master the
intricacies of the mental process, he was also likely to gain mastery
over his life, or so I thought at the time.
Jung strongly emphasized the dream life as crucial to the journey
of self discovery, so I immediately made efforts to capture my
dreams, write them down, and attempt to interpret them according
to the methods used by Jung.
I also continued to buy and read books by Jung and continued to
read the Bible, having decided by now to read it straight through,
cover to cover. I attended church regularly, also, and received
instruction, too. My instructor, a local priest, was very cold and
intellectual and assured me I would never get to the bottom of it.
Depending on what he meant by "it", I think he was wrong there.
I determined about then that my life style was incompatible
with my new pursuits and resolved to buy an old car and move to a
conservative apartment building nearer a new job I had recently
managed to get hired for. The job was in the area of my expertise, so
was no great departure from what I had been used to, though it was
my first experience with the manufacturing end of the computer
business. My method of getting it was to make myself available to a
company that marketed temporary workers and when they failed to
get a contract which they were offering me for, I went back and
offered myself as an independent, which brought the price down
considerably. The company quickly decided to make me a
permanent employee and I continued with them for about ten
Since I was now employed and the medical benefits included
fifty percent coverage of psychiatric help, I decided to take the
opportunity to see if Jungian analysis of my personality might not
speed my efforts to completely understand the Jungian psychological
model as it applied to me. By good fortune I came across a
particularly appropriate choice of an analyst. He was very likable
and assiduously maintained the proper doctor/patient relationship
that is crucial to the success of the effort. The great advantage of
psychological professionals lies in one's freedom to explain to them
the precise nature of your personal subjective reaction to life,
without editing. This is because they are professionals who will
respect your privacy and will not enter into a personal relationship
with you. The result is that you lose much of your fear of offending
that normally causes you to edit your comments to other people in
your life. Professionals also have the advantage of comparison, since
they have many patients.
By this time also, my wife had divorced me in an action that I
didn't attend or make any effort to defend myself from. The result
was that half of my income had to be sent to her. I wasn't very
upset with this since I was concerned for my children and knew they
would benefit from it. I was concerned about the impact on my
children of anticipated excesses in my ex wife's life, but didn't see
how I could have any impact on that.
Then my ex wife decided unilaterally to remove herself and my
children to Seattle, making it very difficult for me to have any
contact with them. In retaliation I decided to cut off her income and
to await her reaction. I didn't know exactly what she might do, but I
concluded that they would undoubtedly get by for a few months,
probably by going into debt though. Eventually she concluded that
the best approach was to sue me and I got a lawyer this time. We
settled immediately before the judge would have rendered his
decision and while the move had to remain a permanent thing it was
decided that the children would visit me in the summer and I felt I
had made my point. Arrears in child support were dismissed and I
resumed sending child support money. My wife had my home and
car in Seattle and the home had some significant equity built up in it
by now.
I had attempted to get the church to annul my marriage
altogether in order to allow me to marry again in the church should
that become a possibility. But, they gave me to understand that that
would involve exposing the nature of her relationship to my
daughter's father, so I concluded that I didn't want that to occur,
since it might be damaging to the children.
I had no romantic relationships during this period, and I found
the life rather lonely. But, I persevered in the study of Jung and
found myself amazed as I began to understand the meaning of
dreams. Who could be responsible for the profundity of these
productions? Certainly it wasn't I. There had to be something or
someone else who had access to my thoughts and memory and
played them back to me in a colorful and dramatic way that exposed
what was really going on, rather than what I thought was going on in
my life.
In fact, in one dream my unconscious, as Jung terms it,
commented on my preoccupation with my dreams and the fact that I
was altering my behavior as a result of my understanding of them.
The dream represented my driving across the Ole Miss campus on
my motorcycle, but with my college roommate sitting in front of me
blocking my view even though I was steering. I thought it
interesting that my psyche would choose this particular individual,
who was given to beer drinking and constant procrastination, as its
choice for the best character in my life to represent the unconscious.
But the point the dream made was crystal clear to me. The
unconscious was particularly unadept at the manipulation of objects
of recent invention and relying on it would surely lead to disaster.
After that I was more circumspect in applying what I learned from
my dreams.
My dreams, by constantly representing my life in a symbolic
way, allowed me two perspectives on its events and also when they
were in conflict allowed me to isolate those features of my
interpretation of life that were self serving and egoistic. This is a
great advantage to those for whom reality is frequently hard to
identify in one's subjective life.
In Jung's view, contrary to the ego, superego, id structure of his
mentor, Sigmund Freud, the psyche was composed mainly of the ego
and the unconscious. The ego might be split, if complexes existed
and was better termed the conscious complex. He was also much
impressed with the introvert/extrovert spectrum along which egos
placed themselves and, in fact, invented the terminology. To me, this
structure was undeniably accurate, and with this knowledge I was
immediately capable of identifying and categorizing all subjective
events in my life. None the less, I still needed to discuss my entire
fund of personal memories with my analyst in order to properly
evaluate them in terms of this new understanding.
Before long my wife came back to California, leaving off my
children with me. My daughter was now well into puberty and to
my profound surprise and great discomfort I found her sexually
attractive. I wrestled with this fact for a few weeks, and since I had
recently taken up drawing as a hobby, decided to use her as a model
in hopes this would lead to some useful resolution of the problem.
When I asked her to pose nude however, she objected and so I
insisted as a father's prerogative though taking care to only draw in
the presence of my son. They both questioned me regarding the
propriety of it and my daughter became somewhat sullen. The
following day my ex wife burst in and took the children and also
attempted to take a drawing, no doubt to use as evidence or perhaps
as a means of blackmail. I tore it from her and she departed in great
By now, I determined that I was going to have to adopt some
strategy if I was ever to succeed in attracting another wife, since I
had not come into contact with any suitable candidate since the
separation, which was now about four years in the past. So, I cast
about and decided to involve myself in two activities. First, I had
discovered an attempt to establish a new school of psychology in Palo
Alto which I began attending, and I caught an advertisement for a
little theater group nearby that needed participants. I had acted
some in college and thought I could pass as a theater enthusiast.
Both methods worked. I wasn't really passable as an actor.
Somehow, over the years I had become rather more subject to stage
fright and this resulted in a rather stiff performance. But, they were
sufficiently desperate for volunteers that they used me anyway.
This allowed me to meet my future wife. I also met a suitable
candidate at the psychology school, but given the choice, decided that
my theatrical acquaintance showed the most promise. They were
both married, but there was an obvious problem with my future
wife's marriage.
I started the relationship in an unusual way. I was actually
pressing another woman who was single and had dismissed my
future wife since she was married. But, at a cast party I found
myself stymied in my efforts to pursue a relationship with the other
woman because of her greater interest in the husband of my future
wife. I therefore decided that this would allow me to attempt to gain
the interest of his wife and I immediately sought her out. We struck
up a rewarding conversation in short order and soon moved to a
more private location to continue it. Eventually, I raised the question
of her husband's activities at the party and she reacted with an
expression that seemed to represent the irony of her situation.
I suggested that I was prepared to aid her in an effort to raise a
feeling of jealousy in him, if there was any feeling for her left in him
and she seemed to agree that that was probably a good strategy. We
thus began a little light petting to see what might result. The answer
was nothing. Her husband soon disappeared with his romantic
interest and I concluded, since this woman was exactly what I had in
mind as a suitable wife, to press my suit. We were all involved in
the same play as actors, or in her husband's case as an assistant
director, so there was plenty of contact and soon the petting sessions
became more intense.
When the play was over I began to take her to visit my friends.
I wasn't very enthusiastic about hers. They all seemed to me to
exhibit an excess of flakiness, by which I mean they didn't appear to
be attached to the ground. They didn't appear to take life seriously
and were also excessively selfish. However, I was perfectly content
to continue my involvement with them as long as it aided in the
progression of our relationship.
Before long I discovered that my future wife was pregnant. This
rocked me back for a while, but she took a trip to the middle west
about that time to visit her mother and assist her in a move and this
allowed me to evaluate my feelings for her. I soon found that her
absence was a source of great pain to me and that, therefore, the fact
that she was pregnant was neither here nor there as far as our
relationship went. I realized that, should I convince her to marry me
this certainly meant another child to raise, since I had no idea that
she would share the child with her, by now ex husband, any more
than she had to.
Her mother and I both attended the birthing, in fact I had
participated in her birth classes and held her hand during the
delivery as it was the fad in those days and seemed to me to be
important to her. I didn't much care for the experience and was
astounded to find the baby a bright shade of blue. However, the
event went off unremarkably and we soon returned to a new life in
which I had to share her with the child. This, I attempted to do with
good grace, though I found it rather burdensome, from time to
I began to press her for a decision regarding the possibility of
our marrying. She had difficulty making a decision and wished to
procrastinate as long as possible, until I felt I had to raise the level of
pressure. So, after yet another suggestion that we wait, I observed
that I guessed that she wasn't ready for marriage, implying that this
would lead me to reevaluate our relationship with a view to
restarting my search for a suitable wife. She didn't want that to
happen, so she agreed.
Chapter 6
A Second Marriage
Life had become pleasant again. Marriage, especially in the
beginning is full of small pleasures, even though one knows that
reality will soon return and life will once again adopt its normal
difficult nature. Certainly I expected problems in my marriage; it
was apparent, for example, that my mother in law disliked me and
disapproved of the marriage. But, for now, that didn't seem to be
overwhelming. She lived in Colorado which was sufficiently far away
that I didn't expect a great deal of contact. It soon became clear that
she intended to spend Christmas's with us, and thus we had to find
some sort of polite relationship in order to make these, usually
month long episodes bearable. We tried a number of different
arrangements, in some of which she rented accommodations, but
nothing separated us from the fact that we didn't have much use for
each other.
None the less, I was the husband and father and she was only
the mother and grandmother and I intended to enforce that status.
This, no doubt, was her main objection to our relationship. I had
great difficulty in determining the role of my wife's father, who had
died naturally several years before. I knew they had lived on a farm
in western Kansas and from all reports that my wife had had an
exceptionally fulfilling childhood experience. I took it that her father
had performed admirably as husband and father since he was
referred to with the aura of sainthood, especially by her mother.
In our religious instruction prior to marriage my wife had
startled me by declaring that she was not looking forward to
marriage problems because she was confident that I would make her
aware when she strayed from a proper attitude towards our
marriage. This unsettled me somewhat, since it implied too great a
dependence, I thought, though I was grateful for her confidence.
My friend and I continued rock climbing during this period and
in fact climbed some pretty serious routes in Yosemite. But, it had
become clear to me that I was only mediocre as a climber and the
main importance of it continued to be the opportunity to confront
fear and assure myself that it was possible to perform in that
I had by now concluded that I was somewhat more intensely
sexual than average. This wasn't any great surprise, since my
impression of my father was that he was the same and it isn’t difficult
to understand. Since life is spectral, that means that every feature
of it is also. This means that the production of semen in the male and
the communication of that fact to the brain will vary from weak to strong
over the whole population of males. Since I now had
two long term sexual relationships to compare, I could see great
differences between my current wife and my former one. My first
wife had been sexually aggressive and demanding, while my current
wife was neither, but was rather sexually passive and viewed her
sexual role in terms of duty.
I had determined by questioning her that she had lost interest in
sex with her first husband and had avoided it for long periods. I
wondered at her pregnancy coming at the absolute end of the
relationship and concluded that she had at least unconsciously
attempted to get pregnant because of the possibility that it would
rescue the relationship and perhaps because she thought it possible
that she wouldn't get the opportunity to have a child again. It
turned out she was correct in this judgment since I was now sterile.
I wondered if this was part of my first wife's plan with regard to my
As I worried over my current marriage relationship and my
former one and tried to comprehend the reasons for what had
happened, I began to see, given the constant feminist propaganda we
were subject to at the time, that that must be playing a role in my
life, even though neither my wife nor I would have identified
ourselves as feminists.
The Jungian view of the unconscious, containing archetypes as he
called them, like the characters in fairy tales seemed to offer an
avenue to gaining some kind of appreciation of attitudes that could
influence our perceptions of feminism. This led me to investigate
fairy tales and to analyze them symbolically, in the same way that I
had learned to do with my dreams. This immediately cleared up the
actual meaning of Sleeping Beauty, for instance. Since we only
dream about ourselves, and all of the characters are manifestations
of different features of our own personalities, it became clear that
Sleeping Beauty was actually a representation of our feminine sides,
whether we ourselves are male or female and that our masculinity
was necessary to awaken our femininity through love. This implied
that the tendency of femininity is towards passivity while the
opposite is true for masculinity.
Jung calls the masculine personality the animus and the feminine
side the anima. He points towards loud opinionated women and
labels them animus possessed, by which he means that they have
lost control of their personalities to their undifferentiated and
unsophisticated masculinity. Not a healthy condition.
Gradually, I began to see that feminism was actually an ideology
and one that was contrary to our traditional ideology,
Judeo/Christianity, which in this context was better referred to as
Then, I saw that the struggle between these polar opposites
could be used as an explanatory principle to gain a new
understanding of history. So, once I had worked it out and saw that
this meant a revolutionary change in American life, I determined to
attempt to write it down. I succeeded in capuring my view on paper
and as I now reread it, twenty years later I find it still represents
my views pretty accurately. I have vastly expanded on it by now,
though. I now call this book three, The Theory of Ideology, in a more
complete work called Millennium.
My brother in law died at about this time. I went to Mississippi
for the funeral, which turned out to be an emotional experience for
me. I was astounded at how lifelike he appeared in the coffin. My
sister handled it with good grace along with her children. She had a
copy of the Bahgavad Gita she had acquired from some aspirants at
the airport, I think, so I decided to read it while there. At this time
my appearance was more suited to California than Mississippi, and I
was startled when a family friend of my sister’s went out of his way
to put me down for my, in his view, pretentiousness. This was the
second time in my life to experience this particular social interaction.
I was dumfounded that people actually practiced such rituals. Very
impolite, I would have said.
At this point, my ex wife informed me that she had sold the
house and intended to go to South America to visit an old friend and
wished to stay up to a year and asked if we would consent to keep
the children. I, of course, agreed, and my wife also, since she viewed
it as a duty. At that time she didn't know them at all well, having
only seen them for short visits in the past.
My daughter was now about sixteen and fully mature physically.
I no longer suffered from sexual attraction to her, for which I was
profoundly grateful. I concluded that my actual attraction to her was
affected by a Jungian archetype called Kore. Kore represents the
virgin female just entering into puberty and therefore capable of
conceiving. This is important because of the difficulty of
guaranteeing that one's sperm will cause a pregnancy when other
sperm may already be involved. This state of sexual affairs, of
course, has existed for most of the history of mankind.
My son, at this time was about ten or so. He was still relatively
passive, taking whatever life had to offer without much comment.
Both of my children had great doubts about me as a father, by now,
though were practical enough to know that that was their lot in life.
That they weren't going to get any other fathers and that I would
have to do, however good or bad I was. I think they looked on my
wife as a great unknown that they were going to have to adapt to.
They weren't burdened by preconceived hatred for her as so many
children seem to be.
The year of their residency went along in what I would have
called a normal way and I was grateful for my ex wife's decision,
since I was doubtful about the normalcy of their lives with her.
During the following summer my daughter's romantic interest from
Seattle came to visit. I was doubtful about him, since he was totally
without intellectual capability, but I didn't see where I had any
traction to influence her, even though I suspected that the
relationship included sex, so I passively allowed it to run its course.
My wife acceded to my judgment, though she also suspected a sexual
relationship which she strongly disapproved of. We both, of course,
hoped that pregnancy would be prevented but were unable to
express our views without making it known we knew, or thought we
knew, which would force us then to try to prevent it. Because of the
feminist movement we thought there was no chance of doing that,
and that the only result would be to create a conflict intensive
environment, which would be bad for all.
We were living in my wife's home which she had gained control
of in her divorce. This seemed to me only fair since I had lost my
home to my ex wife, but I saw that my mother in law disapproved.
By now I was working for a German company since I had migrated
there when they wished to continue the project I was working on
after the demise of the company I had been working for. My income
had improved to the point that I found we could afford to drive a
newish mid price car and move to an upper middle class
neighborhood. So, we bought a very nice near new home at the
absolute outer limits of our ability to pay. I thought it a good
investment since homes appreciated in value near Silicon Valley at a
very rapid rate.
When the project I was in charge of at work was completed the
company asked me to continue my employment with them in
Germany. This appealed to my sense of adventure and I determined
to go there for three months to see what I thought was likely to come
of it. It was a very negative experience that continued to cost me
in various ways for some time to come and I determined that it
wouldn't be a good move. I felt very uncomfortable in Germany,
perhaps because I was older. I felt homesick for my own land.
I didn’t at all like feeling an alien. I therefore called on my old friend, whom
I had hired early on in my second California experience and had
lived with for about a year, to see if I had any chance of being hired
by his current company, a computer manufacturer
enjoying great success. I succeeded in getting a job, with his support,
and began working there with great hopes that I had finally found a
permanent home in industry.
While in Germany I had the chance to compare their culture with
what I had seen in Japan and noted a sharp difference. While the
Japanese were only too willing to absorb American culture, the
Germans held on to their own with great tenacity. They even
refused to speak English with me, though they knew it vastly better
than I did German. I think they viewed their relationship with
America as competitive. That, in some ways, the war had never
ended. The Japanese, on the other hand, knew the war was over and
that they had lost.
My children had by now returned to Seattle, and my marriage
was succeeding beyond expectations. There was never conflict
between my wife and myself. This was because she understood the
traditional marriage model and allowed it to exist in our family. My
stepson was a significant feature of family life and beginning to
develop a noticeable personality. He was a happy child and seldom
caused any problems. I had always been a firm believer in the idea
that an opportunity for corporal punishment should be looked for at
about age five or six and then administered with great solemnity and
care, and that that would be sufficiently traumatic to make a deep
impression which would overshadow a child's decision making from
then on in a positive way, and that it would also forestall the need
for corporal punishment in later life. I had used this idea with my
first two children and used it on my stepson too.
My wife and I had had some positive experiences in the theater
during the early years of our marriage, but the group we worked
with was more and more afflicted with dissension, so I concluded
that the time had come to extricate ourselves from it. I didn't state
this change of policy to her explicitly, but instead started reducing
my commitment gradually. She took the idea and did the same,
though not to the extent of terminating any relationships. But, the
upheaval in the lives of the people involved effectively did that
We experimented with many of the feminist fads of the times,
but none of them survived. We became continuously more
conservative about our life style and continue to be so to this
I had concluded after my divorce that, as a policy, I intended to
limit my business life to forty hours per week. This limited my
potential for success in the business world but enhanced my chances
for success in family life and therefore was a good trade, I thought.
It did lead to boredom, however, so, when an attractive start up
computer company offered a product for home use, I resolved to buy
one and see how it compared with the business computers I was
used to, and how I might be able to exploit it for personal and
professional gain.
This turned out to be my favorite all time computer from the
perspective of programming. This machine offered the potential to
know it totally even though it had more capabilities than other
computers I had used, though far less power. But, it had enough and
the enormously important new capability it had was graphics
potential, even color, which allowed the possibility to create
interesting games. This I found an interesting possibility and since I
was capable of programming in machine language, which is essential
to graphics based games, I was particularly suited to explore this
possibility. So, I determined to write a game.
I wanted it to contain both of the features most common in
games of the day. Both the graphics based hand/eye coordination
aspect and the mystery solving common to text games of the times. I
also wanted it to be qualitatively superior to any I had thus far seen.
I decided on automobile driving as the type of experience to exploit
and a sort of spy version of Silicon Valley business as the milieu in
which to set it. The game turned out very well, meeting all of my
design goals, allowed my step son to observe the development effort
and understand what I was trying to achieve, and took about two
years of my life, part time, to complete. One design goal it didn't
achieve was marketability. I was never able to interest any game
marketing company in it.
At about this time my son came to visit for the summer. I found
him to have entered a stage of development characterized by an
utter unwillingness to communicate anything except the most basic
functions of life: where to sleep, what to eat, how to plug into the
stereo. At about the same time my aged father, with whom I had no
significant relationship, and whom had became immobile due to a hip
fracture and a lack of desire, also arrived on my doorstep. I
tentatively decided to put him up to see how he would adapt to life
in my home. I was unsure whether or not it would be possible to
keep him as a member of the family for a time, which I assumed he
would prefer since the alternative would have to be some sort of
institutional life.
These two events, happening at the same time, placed an
inordinate strain on the family and required me to try to prioritize
what was desirable and possible. To me, my father came last, since
relationships, like economics, require give and take. My father had
not seen fit to give to my family consistently, any giving I did for
him must needs be altruistic, since there wasn't much if anything to
pay back. On the other hand my son had claims on me, and if he
could be brought around to see that he could expect to gain if he
could see his way to give, then mutual benefit would accrue to us
It quickly became clear that my father was going to be a nursing
case in which his crusty personality provided no sense of value to
other members of the family and that their sense would be that they
were giving to him only to maintain their relationship with me, and
that therefore the situation would not work and had to be changed.
So I located an institution of medium care to which to move him. I
was doubtful this would work either, since he didn't seem able or
wish to make any effort to care for himself, but he needed the
opportunity before the final step, the nursing home, was resorted
In the case of my son, failure also loomed. He felt no need to
contribute to family life by making any effort at all to establish
relationships with any of us. In fact his attitude matched my father's
and in both cases apparently emanated from the feeling that the
world, and especially me and my family deserved no consideration.
In my son's case I could understand such an attitude at his age,
though my father was much more difficult. One had to wonder about
his childhood and the fact that he had lived all this time without
changing. My son spent all of his time in the home with earphones
on. That would have been put up with for a while in hopes that time
might make clear to him that he would have to contribute in some
meaningful way to life in the family. However, he immediately
began, when outside of the house to find activities that endangered
the family. Relationships with other children in various sorts of
destructive moods and sources for recreational drugs.
Thus, I had to cut short his visit and send him back to Seattle,
which was undoubtedly his goal. I didn't feel it responsible of me to
risk my family for his salvation, especially since he was utterly
unreceptive to any efforts I made.
Before long it also became clear that my fears regarding my
father were also well founded and I had to move him to a nursing
home. He resisted faintly, but knew he had no realistic choices.
Father didn't last very long in nursing care. He contracted influenza
and died. My older sister came for the funeral, though very little
emotion was attached to it.
My son's condition was so commonly reported in the media, it
presented no special wonder. I knew it resulted primarily from the
divorce, but knowing the genesis of a problem doesn't always
provide any sense of a method of overcoming it. In this case, time
was needed and the hope that his natural gifts would see him
through. I continued to send him gifts on special occasions as a
means of reminding him of the potentiality of a relationship with no
reciprocity until he reached age 18, at which time I concluded that
he should make his own way until he changed his mind.
Some time prior to this I found myself summoned to Seattle to
see my daughter, who had also entered into a rebellious state of
mind and after getting into sufficient trouble to gain the attention of
the authorities found herself in a halfway house for troubled
teenagers. I visited her there, in the presence of some kind of
therapist, for the purpose of allowing her to curse me for several
minutes, after which I departed at the suggestion of the authorities
and returned to my home.
All of this is rather easily traced back to my ex wife's
determination that she was able to and should maintain her own
individuality within the marriage relationship to the point of
questioning the motives and intentions of her husband. This sets up
an adversarial relationship not conducive to tranquillity or the
stability needed for child rearing unless the husband is willing to
assume a passive posture. Presumably she became convinced of this
from feminist propaganda. It may work in some cases, but presumes
good judgment on the part of the woman, obviously not one of my ex
wife's strengths. Anyway, it led me to wonder what could be at the
bottom of feminism. Since in practice it was so destructive, was that
its motive, or was that only a side effect?
Eventually my daughter found her way to a seminar produced
by an inspirational believer in the value of positive thinking, which
convinced her to try this approach. She became utterly positive
about every aspect of her life and devoted to smiles and good cheer.
I was very doubtful but it seemed to work for her, so I wasn't going
to react negatively. Before long she established a permanent
relationship with a divorced man and finally we were all invited to
their wedding, which they organized on their own. Soon after, my
first grandchild was born.
On the job front, my hopes for a permanent home were dashed
when I discovered that I had a personality conflict at my current
place of employment. I found that I required respect, which I had
taken for granted at earlier places of employment and which I got
too little of here. I therefore left for another job, which also didn't
work and then left for yet another. This place, a startup, was to my
liking, but after completing the project for which they hired me, they
underwent a downturn in business and concluded I was too
expensive to retain. By this time I had forced my salary above what
my credentials called for and I found no further opportunity in
Silicon Valley and determined for a number of reasons that a major
change was called for.
My mother had communicated to me a wish that I would see my
way clear at some time for a return to Oxford, as it would be a help
for them in their declining years. Then I spun out on the freeway at
rush hour, narrowly missing a bad accident and that crystallized my
feeling that life in the fast lane was becoming too dangerous. I
therefore decided to attempt the move to the south with no
prospects at all in sight. I determined that the sale of the house
would provide time to return to school for an advanced degree and if
we eliminated all debt and lived frugally, perhaps I could make a
place for myself at my alma mater. The idea of country life had, by
this time become a powerful attraction to me.
Chapter 7
My wife and I drove, caravan style to Oxford, stopping at her
mother's home in Colorado. I drove a pickup truck with the two dogs
in the back while she drove the car with our son switching back and
forth from time to time. We stayed in camper parks after leaving
Colorado. We had shipped our furniture.
On arrival in Oxford we stayed with my parents for a short time,
until we found a suitable place to rent. Mother had actually located
it prior to our arrival and it was a great choice, meeting all of my
requirements, though I was rather taken aback to see how run down
it was. None the less, the price was right, and nobody else lived
within sight. It had its own well and septic tank and was located six
miles from town.
I immediately interviewed the leading professors in the
Department of Computer Science and determined what would be
required for a master's degree in their department and then
enrolled. I also expressed interest in working as some sort of
assistant and was given a job grading papers. Very little income, but
it was a start and anything I got, I wouldn't have to take from the
proceeds of the house sale. The house had sold rapidly, though not
for as much as I had hoped.
Since I had been exposed to and in some cases worked
extensively with every subject covered by the degree program, I
didn't have much doubt about succeeding and determined to make
every effort to get a 4.0 gpa.
It soon became apparent that the house we were living in was
too small, and contained elderly subsystems throughout. There was
no central heating/cooling, the plumbing was decayed, the lighting
was only adequate, no grounding of electrical wiring was included,
there were only 1200 square feet in the entire house. None the less,
the location was ideal and the house could be fixed since it was
basically sound. I soon decided we could live more frugally yet if we
bought the house and quickly settled upon a price with the owner,
who lived in a house he had recently built near by. We paid cash so
as to maintain our cash flow at the optimum, given the
We then immediately set about upgrading the house as well as
we could using only our own labor and purchasing only minor
hardware items like faucets and paint. I also began mowing the
large lawn and repairing it. The previous owner had been given to
digging it up for some reason, and dropping hay bales in the holes.
The well house was in an advanced stage of decay and would
eventually have to be replaced. It also turned out that the house
was infested by a particularly vicious family of fleas, and had to be
fumigated once we discovered the source of the welts on our bodies.
This was, of course, a dramatic change from our upscale 2500 square
foot, deep pile carpeted, cathedral ceilinged home in San Jose, but it
was comfortable and had a warm homey quality that our San Jose
home had lacked.
Politically, I had become very conservative after my conversion
and so was enjoying the tenure of Ronald Reagan as president. This
produced some tension between me and the ultra liberal university
of course, but in the interests of pragmatism I avoided discussing it
much. I did however find a kindred spirit in the form of a retired
Marine Corps Colonel, who was an instructor in the department and
also held in check his disapproval of the liberalism of the school.
This relationship would become very beneficial to me in time.
Before long, I also found myself instructing underclassmen in the
department. I was quite nervous about this prospect because of my
experiences with stage fright, but discovered that it wasn't much of a
problem in this environment. Extemporaneous speaking isn't the
same as reciting memorized lines. I had mixed feelings about
teaching. The courses I was assigned were very basic and didn't
require much preparation on my part, but I just didn't feel at home
in this role. I think I did a pretty good job and was given
progressively more difficult courses to teach, but, I found it vaguely
disquieting to be constantly on stage, as it were.
My relationship with the Colonel continued to improve and I
came to find out he was in line for a job as business manager of a
new research facility soon to be established at the university. I
immediately began to wonder if there might not be a role for me
We decided to upgrade our house in a major way and started
looking for a builder and designing what we thought we wanted.
This led to a plan that doubled the floor space and added three new
rooms. We also wanted central air and heat and I wanted a front
porch while my wife wanted a bay window, so we incorporated all of
these features in the plan and I drew on my computer as accurate a
representation of it as I could. After discussing it with anyone that
would listen we found that the son of a neighbor was a builder and
we thought that that would be as safe as anything. We were anxious
to hold the cost to a minimum and he was also used to this sort of
contract and knew how to cut corners.
He was willing to work from my drawing and before long had a
crew on site and had begun the job. I arranged for a loan to pay for
it since I was nervous about eliminating our savings without a
permanent job. The bank was also nervous about loaning me the
money in those circumstances but they finally agreed. We, of course,
were deeply involved in every aspect of the construction and I
completely replaced the plumbing in the process. We were
determined to arrive at some reliable situation with the water well,
but it was a long time getting there. There were actually two wells,
one professionally done with a high rust content and one an amateur
effort with less rust, and an ancient pump which froze and broke
before long. Our neighbors were also running their newly built home
off our deep well, which had a reliable immersed pump.
Our son had, with some difficulty, adapted to the local schools.
The teachers required a much more polite demeanor than he was
used to in California and he had to get used to the southern
relationship to African Americans, which he found difficult. When he
got into a fight with a black girl, I was alarmed and asked how he
would have responded if she had cried, "rape!". He didn't know how
to respond to that and I hoped it instilled in him some sense of
reality and fear. We bought a small boat and I taught him to fish at
the local reservoir.
Eventually I was awarded my degree and was also able, with
some luck to maintain the 4.0 gpa I had hoped for. I had by now
become a regular instructor teaching a full load of intermediate
courses of fair difficulty. The pay was inadequate and by now my
friend had taken the job as business manager of the new research
organization. The specialty was physical acoustics. I asked him if
there was any opportunity to do some contract programming or
system management for them and he said he would ask the
The director was willing and before long I found myself
exploring graphics workstations with a view to making
representations of acoustic energy in graphic form. The scientist in
charge of the research area I worked in had bought a medium scale
computer for the purpose and it became clear he needed a system
manager for it, since there was some lack of confidence in his student
assistant. So, I did everything I could to make myself seem an
essential part of the proper exploitation of an expensive
This, it turned out happened in the nick of time since the
university had hired a new department chairman in Computer
Science and he was unhappy to have a person with such weak
credentials as mine teaching in it. There was also a feminist in the
group with some animosity towards me, whose credentials were
even weaker than mine, but she was the wife of a professor. So,
after one semester of overlap, I succeeded in getting a full time
commitment at the lab as a contract employee. This was completely
insecure, of course, but I thought it would last for a while.
By now, the new house construction was complete and it had
turned out very well until it came time for finish work inside. The
work there was incompetent, but the money was almost gone and I
decided it would do for a while. We could always improve it in the
future if and when more money became available.
The research lab was in the process of having a completely new
facility constructed with federal funds made available by our very
powerful member of congress. After a year of contract work, I
determined to try to convert to a permanent employee and asked my
friend the business manager if he would take it up with the director.
He did, and I was hired with the concurrence of the research scientist
I was working for, who agreed to underwrite half my salary. Now I
was making about half my salary in Silicon Valley, instead of the
third I had been making while teaching. With the reduced cost of
living, mainly in the form of mortgage payments, we had a workable
budget after only about three years of effort. And, during those
three years, only in the first year had we been totally dependent on
our savings.
This marked a new phase in my employment. Moving into the
new facility involved establishing a presence on the internet, which
had not been available to us before. This meant keeping all of the
employees on the network too, and establishing an email capability.
All of this was quite new to me.
At about this time, my stepfather died from cancer. There was a
trying time attempting to get him suitable care as he declined but it
was managed. The funeral was a pleasant experience, he had
achieved some recognition both locally and nationally for his music.
My mother had some difficulty with the transition and after a period
of mourning departed to try a life with my sisters in the east.
The first thing to appear on the network was the News. This
system appeared to be a conversation between interested people
about every subject that can be thought of. On tasting it here and
there for a few days, I found the level of discourse to be pretty low
and the really unique thing about it seemed to be that participants
felt no need to restrain the conversation within the bounds of
politeness. The language being used was of the coarsest that can be
imagined. I found a few of these conversations being moderated and
that seemed to eliminate the impolite at the level of coarseness, but
it didn't improve the generally impolite nature of commentary or
criticism. I lost interest in it.
The next thing I found on the network were concentrations of
photographs of everything that could be imagined. The quality
varied quite a lot and there was censorship to keep out pornography
according to the definition of pornography held by the site manager,
apparently. Soon complaints within the academic community
appeared stating that pornography was trickling in and if something
wasn't done about it a flood could be expected.
The real area of interest for us though, was email, so I
established a mail server on one of our computers. The software was
free and one could download it off the network. Then it had to be
compiled on the machine in which it was run and then properly
configured. Soon we had a reliable mail server available to anyone
in the department. This meant that the machine had to stay running
and we couldn't afford to do experiments that might cause it to
Then new software appeared from NSCA that established
something called the World Wide Web. This was actually a server
and a viewer with an associated language. The language was
intended to allow anyone to establish an internet site, or home page
containing information of interest that the user wished to make
available to the public. The server managed the data and the viewer
was provided to anyone so that they could look.
This was the first really new computing idea to occur for a long
time. email was an old idea though it had never been implemented
so widely before. I began to look at home pages as they appeared.
One of the first was a site called Yahoo which allowed one to search
the WWW for a subject of interest. I began to think that, perhaps I
should make a home page to contain my writing.
For some time I had been reacting to the news by writing letters
to the editor of the university paper. My views weren't very
politically correct since I was a conservative and sometimes,
especially when I commented on feminism, the reaction was intense.
Once the feminists even demonstrated against my column. These
letters led me to write short essays for my own amusement and they
had begun to accumulate, so I began to think that I could make a
home page that included all of them along with the short book I had
written years before on the conflict between masculinism and
Also, there began to appear on the internet, sites that were
devoted to discussions of politics and other subjects. I found one,
called Town Hall, in which the discussion was polite and at a level
sufficient to make it interesting, so I decided to participate. I
immediately found that, though I was conservative as were most
participants, my views were generally as unacceptable to them as
they were to the feminists on campus.
I decided to go ahead with my home page. It looked like a
technology I would need to understand to answer questions from my
As I began to construct my home page I was also interacting with
several people on Town Hall. One of those, a woman in Houston, found
my writing on my Home Page interesting and informative for her because
of my description of feminism as an ideology that was in conflict with her
religion at a very basic level. I think, in her view, I could provide her with
further arguments bolstering her Christian ideology and weakening the arguments
of feminists. As a result, she read all of my material as it appeared and questioned me
via email on some of the more abstract points. This was very helpful for me and
allowed me to refine many of my ideas, which led to more and more essays.
I found this relationship strange in many ways. It seemed unusual to try to relate
to a person whom could not be visualized. The relationship took what I thought
to be a wrong turn from time to time and even ended, temporarily, once. As I became
more of a feminist, I lost value as a strengthener of her ideology, but the relationship
continues for other reasons, not completely clear to me.
Chapter 8
By now, my children were all grown and doing admirably. My
daughter had made a success of her marriage and had two daughters.
She lives near Seattle with her family and successfully manages both
family and a career in a law office. Her husband has turned out to be
a very stable family man, and they have also apparently managed to
weather their first marital crisis, always the real test of a
My stepson has graduated from my alma mater and accepted a
commission in the Air Force. He likes his job and informs me he
hopes to extend his service.
My wife and I recently attended the marriage of my son to a
young and attractive Korean/American. She is training for an MD.
My son manages a fast food outlet and maintains he will eventually
complete a formal education, though that is a distant goal. The
marriage was very pleasant, though trying as I was thrown back into
contact with my ex wife and her brother. Many years have passed
and our relationship seems to have matured quite a lot.
My wife and I continue to have a mainly happy and fulfilling
relationship. It has become clear, over the years that we are
opposites in many ways. She is very feminine and I am very
masculine, with all that that implies. She pursues and values most,
relationships and I, understanding, which leads to conflict from time
to time but nothing very threatening.
My wife's mother has moved to the south to be near us. Our
relationship has matured into one of mutual respect, if lacking in
warmth. It is a great challenge for my wife to care for her
appropriately as she approaches 100.
My mother has returned to live in Oxford too. My relationship
with her, never very good, hasn't improved much. She fails to
understand me and I see that she can never change. She was treated
poorly by feminism and never was able to master it.
Chapter 9
Home Page
The first step in the construction of my home page was to learn
the language, called html or hypertext mark up language. I found it
to be typical of older text processing systems I had come across over
the years. In general, one writes in English using special escape
sequences to specify formatting options like using a bracketed b for
bold. In addition special escape sequences are provided for accessing
other code anywhere on the Internet. This means that, at any point
in the text it is possible to insert highlighted text that can transfer
the reader to any other site on the Internet where supporting
information can be found. It is also possible to include pictorial
information, sound, and even movies. Special coding sequences allow
the viewer to enter information which can then be saved by one’s
home page in disk files. Many special formatting options allow a
home page to duplicate any arrangement that one might find, for
example in a magazine.
As I began to construct my home page, it became clear to me
that organization would be crucial. A home page must be logically
organized or it will end up only confusing the reader. I decided that
a hierarchical organization was the most clear and so worked with
that idea in mind. I would have an introductory page, followed by a
map capable of transferring the reader directly to any document,
rather like a table of contents. After that would come a page
identifying all of the major sections that would transfer the reader to
the section of interest on demand. Then a table of contents
identifying each individual document within the section and then the
actual document.
I then thought of the information I wished to present, currently
my book contrasting feminism and masculinism and a group of a
hundred or so essays. I decided it would be well to write an outline
that organized my thoughts as presented in the already existing
material in a sequential format. This would allow a reader to grasp
the general meaning of the material in a shortened and straight
forward format without actually reading it. Then, if he found it
interesting he could move forward to the essays which I would
organize according to subject and finally to my book.
On rereading my book I found that my argument in essence
identified a spectrum on the left end of which was feminism
characterized by feminine values: chaos and passivity and on the
right end of which was masculinism characterized by its values:
order and creativity. This, I saw, was the basic realization I had had
several years before, as a result of my experiences and my study of
Jungian psychology as I mapped it onto the rise of feminism in the
West. I also saw that it was capable of explaining the ideological
meanderings of humanity from the beginning. I then decided to
represent that fact graphically and to place all of the main religions
on the spectrum to make it as clear as possible and to rename my
book The Theory of Ideology. A theory because nothing of a purely
spiritual nature can really be proven. All one can do is to
demonstrate that it has internal consistency. The result can be found
After that, I decided that to demonstrate the validity of my
theory I should review current events in terms of my theory and
place these reviews in a separate section by that name. The result of
this effort can be found here. As
the reviewing went on, I became aware that many of the reviews
were on the subject of human overpopulation of the earth. So, after
several of these reviews accumulated, I decided they should occupy
a separate section entitled Metaphilosophy. I chose this name
because it seemed to me that standard philosophies were incapable
of dealing with this subject because it hadn’t become clear that
overpopulation was a problem until the current century arrived.
There had been one discussion of the problem in the last century by
Malthus, but it hadn’t been paid serious attention until this
The next realization occurred when I noticed that many of the
criminal events that I reviewed could be explained by the Jungian
Theory of Complexes, so I decided to rewrite his theory taking into
account my theory and to place this in yet another section called A Theory of Complexes. A
number of the reviews seemed to involve scientific speculation, so I created
another new section by that name. Finally, I decided I would like to
reconsider the notion of Utopia.
This then was the contents of my home page for some time. I
had, by now become a feminist myself and began to see that I was
steadily becoming more liberal. I had long wondered about what the
effect of feminism would be on religion. It was clear that feminism
had basic conflicts with what in the west is known as The Old
Testament of the Bible. These conflicts are most notable in the
requirement that humans grow in numbers and dominate nature, but
also in the rejection of homosexuals. I had also concluded that Christ
could be seen as the first feminist in the modern era in the west, but
that there were serious problems with the Pauline description of
family life in The New Testament book entitled First Corinthians.
This led me to investigate what is being called New Age religion.
Most of this material is thinly disguised mysticism, but some of it
resolved into a new appreciation of Eastern Philosophy, especially
Buddhism and Taoism. I found Taoism to be a near perfect
prescription for passivity and pacifism. There was also an emphasis
on Paganism, especially in the form of Greek Mythology and then
there was the scientific Gaia Hypothesis. I decided to collect all of
these trends in a new section entitled religion. With that, we have arrived at
the present.
I am now dealing with retirement. This is a difficult transition
for a man. The life of a man seems to me to start with training
before entering a competitive phase and at retirement the
competition disappears. For the natural world, this means death. So,
for our unnatural world, creativity is the only answer. I have never
understood the cultural belief in the postponement of death. I
understand it ideologically and I guess people combine that with the
desire to survive and endlessly propagandize themselves about the
desirability of long life, when to any casual observer the quality of
life obviously declines constantly as one ages. My personal hope is to
die in bed on my seventieth birthday. I would be inclined to warn
my readers that the manufacture of heroism through saving lives is
ill conceived and as with any fantasy assumed to be truth, will lead
to negative consequences.
I don’t mean by this to suggest that I believe in suicide, though I
can believe that that becomes desirable in some circumstances. My
perceptions of the psyche suggest that it wouldn’t be possible unless
it is realistic. I am only suggesting that the artificial postponement
of death is a doubtful enterprise.