Basic Definitions

The following definitions are provided to assure that readers understand that the writer views these areas as crucial to the life of any human being and why, in his view, they have come into being. The writer also wishes to demonstrate that analysis leads inevitably to the conclusion that the problems confronting humans at this moment are the exact problems that brought these areas of interest into being in the first place. If the reader wishes to see an example of this analysis before proceeding further, click here.


(Dictionary: The sciences and liberal arts exclusive of medicine, law, and theology.)

The study of the divisions between, distinctions of, and relations between, God, man, and the cosmos.

This study becomes necessary when man reaches the stage of defining his own life style. The question of God's existence must be dealt with before the study of philosophy can be usefully undertaken.

There are two philosophies, though they are known by many names, these are masculinism and feminism.

Masculinism assumes that since the male is the physically dominant sex, masculine values should also dominate. Feminism does not make this assumption.

When masculinism dominates to the extent of identifying the one God, it becomes a religion, and disallows the validity of all other religions and philosophies.


(Dictionary: The art of government.)

The means by which resources are apportioned among men.

Resources: the goods necessary to the survival of men.

Two possibilities obtain: Resources exceed needs or the reverse.

When population exceeds some threshold, needs will exceed resources and politics will become necessary.

The most basic resource is space, therefore, when not enough space exists to satisfy all, some means of apportioning space will be required and some means of resolving disputes will also be necessary, since agreement about ownership cannot be expected to last. This leads to a system of ownership and the legal profession.

Examples of space conflicts are: Palestine, Northern Ireland, Rwanda, and Bosnia.


(Dictionary: A social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.)

The study of the methods of and accounting for production of resources.

The purpose of this study is to provide for efficiency.

Efficiency becomes necessary when population exceeds resources.


Feminism, as distinct from 20th century political feminism, is that state of mind that idealizes feminist values, primarily compassion, but, in the long run, passivity.

Passivity, since it will lead to neglect of aggressive societal features, like education, business, and technology, will have a cumulative dramatic effect on daily life.

From a religious point of view, feminism will lead to worship of the earth, as the source of all life and without which man is meaningless and non existent.


Masculinism is most easily defined as that orientation towards life embodied in the Judeo-Christian tradition. It is very aggressive and has led to the development of technology. We can say that it was invented by Moses and encoded in the Mosaic Law.

The word masculinism isn't much used, but should be to make it clear that it is fundamentally opposed to feminism.

Masculinism must be invented, as is appropriate for a creative ideology, while feminism will occur naturally with no particular effort being made towards that end.

The world can be divided into halves, the Christian being identified as masculinist and the Eastern, Hindu and Buddhist countries being identified as feminist. The middle eastern Muslim countries are best identified as a compromise between the two, as is Japan.


A being cannot be said to be conscious unless he or she is producing a memory. If one is awake but producing no memory it is proper to say he is aware, but not conscious. If one is not awake he is internally aware only. If none of these states obtains, one is dead. Consciousness is the hallmark of masculinism and is not unduly valued by feminism.