The Study of Human Ideologies

Ideology: Root word: idea - a formulated thought or opinion, a concept, notion, or impression. So, an ideology is a systematic body of concepts about life, particularly human life, like Christianity or Communism.

Ideologics is the study of ideologies, aiming at the goal of organizing them into a useful and orderly whole. Ideologics should hold the place in the study of subjective phenomena that physics holds in the realm of the study of physical or objective phenomena. Psychology will be one specialty within ideologics, concentrating on the organization of the psyche and the motives of humans, just as engineering is a specialty within physics concentrating on exploitation of physical concepts for the benefit of man.
The motive for the development of ideologies is to identify important psychological or spiritual elements of the cosmos and to utilize them in the interests of enhancing human survival potential. The motive for the development of ideologics is to organize ideologies into a recognizable whole so that their relationships can be explored.
Since ideologics is the counterpart of physics, many concepts in one will have analogs in the other. This fact can be exploited to aid the student in his attempts to understand them. The most important physical concept that can be exploited in ideologics is that of the spectrum. Ideologies can be organized on a spectrum to advantage by the simple expedient of identifying a comprehensive variable all contain. This variable turns out to be sexuality.
Ideologics is not metaphysics. Metaphysics attempts to abstract humanity from the cosmos and describe what remains. Or reduce mankind to one species among many. Ideologics is concerned with explaining why humans do what they do as a function of ideology.
Ideologics is one branch of philosophy. Philosophy is the totality of human knowledge. This totality is subdivided into two streams, the arts and sciences. The arts are concerned with the subjective representation of phenomena and the sciences with the objective representation of phenomena. Ideologics is a science, since it is concerned with identifying the various ideologies and organizing them into a comprehensive whole. Ideologics can be summarized in the form of a graph.
A person that works to develop this field of study should be referred to as an ideologician.
Religion is viewed by ideologics as an implementation of an ideology.
Ideologics has never been recognized before because of subjectivity. The West has been developed within a religion, Christianity. It therefore has been difficult to achieve a perspective that can successfully compare religions. The other ones are always seen as inferior. The rise of feminism has solved this problem. Ideologics will be able to provide a rational explanation for every psychological or spiritual or mental motive in existence. Why people smoke. Why men have mistresses. Why wars are fought. Why Christianity came into existence. Why Clinton was elected. Why Dole wasn't. Why UFO's exist. Why the U.S. had a revolution. Why it had a Civil War. Why Iran had a revolution. Where communism came from. Why the drug war isn't being won. Why the public schools are failing. What political party will dominate in the future.
On the other hand, ideologics will not be able to predict earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or any other natural disaster.