
The contention being made here is that the twentieth century with regard to civilization can be understood in terms of the gradual recognition by humanity that technological development is leading inexorably towards the likelihood of species annihilation for us. We cannot say that this is a sure thing, but the likelihood is so compelling we have to do something to guard against it. The obvious solution is to de-emphasize the psychological orientation that has produced technology and to emphasize its opposite.
To ponder what this will mean for humans, it will be necessary to identify with some precision just what that orientation is and then to identify its opposite.
The psychological orientation I have labeled masculinism and its opposite has been labeled by its practitioners feminism. Masculinism is best thought of as Judeo/Christianity and is best understood in terms of the values associated with it. Those values, I have isolated and identified as aggression, creativity, and order. Feminism is a subject of constant speculation in the late twentieth century, but is generally splintered into several components which have to be integrated to understand it correctly. The values of feminism will be the exact opposite of those of masculinism, since it is the reverse philosophy. Those values are passivity, non-creativity, and chaos. They appear to be pretty negative to us because we are used to masculine values. They are also notably negations. They just involve not doing. However, attempting to live by them will make anyone quickly aware of just how difficult it is to not act when something is about to happen that would appear to work against our best interests. It requires great faith and the understanding that we, as a species are not very aware and that while God's motives are obscure, the results are inevitably in our best interest in the long term. It should be realized that environmentalism is part of feminism. This is because the natural deity of feminists is the earth.
I have provided a few theories here to isolate the basic concepts. The most important is the Theory of Spectra which provides the basis for separation of masculinism and feminism. After that, the Theory of Ideology is the description of these opposing philosophies and their basis in universal constants. Speculation on motive for this transformation of our species leads to a recognition of the importance of human overpopulation as a motivational factor and so the Theory of Mutual Dependence and the Theory of Specialization are provided as a basis for understanding two of the considerations that control the numbers of a species. The information on feminism/masculinism is contained in the section entitled Millennium while the information relating to overpopulation is contained in the section entitled Metaphilosophy.
I would say that the first two theories will be seen as inevitably true by the reader, while the second pair, since all of the parameters of population aren't understood, will be seen as speculative.
Next, as a related issue, I discuss the psychological damage done by masculinism and why and how it occurs in the Theory of Complexes. The operative generalization is that every violation of social values flows from a complex, which is a side effect of masculine creativity, which exists to solve the problem of human overpopulation.
Finally, I try to apply the understanding presented here to current events in the section entitled Reviews.