Scientists have many definitions for life. Most say it
reproduces itself from time to time. Many say it grows and is capable of self maintenance. Others say it
is sexual. They all try to stay away from the awareness factor. We
can say that this is a scientific dogma. That to be a scientist means
you have to reach your conclusions about life and the cosmos without
taking awareness into account. To consider awareness will mean a
departure from objectivity and a degraded product.
Some scientists say there is no adequate definition of life.
That, no matter how you define it, exceptions exist. They most
commonly refer to viruses to illustrate their point.
Dr. Lynn Margulis gets closest, I would say, when she says or implies that life creates and manages DNA.
DNA needs a definition, though. DNA and its variation,
RNA looks like a free floating self modifying program that includes
redundancy. The redundancy lies in its duplicate nature. It has two
halves that are mirror images of each other. Free floating because it
needs nothing else to exist. Just itself, a series of mainly carbon
atoms, floating in the ocean. A program that defines the life form of
which it is a part. It knows when it is damaged and follows many
strategies to repair itself. In fact sex, defined as the recombinant
feature of DNA and separated from reproduction, looks like a method
of repair. DNA can be damaged, in the sense of losing part of itself,
by many features of the environment, perhaps the most common
being ultra violet radiation, which it strongly absorbs and leads to
the loss of parts of itself. By recombining with an undamaged half of
another strand, it gains the ability to copy from its partner those
parts of itself that have become damaged.
A computer program isn't alive. Even if it is self
modifying, as some are. A computer program, even when resident in
a computer memory, is a dead thing and isn't capable of any action.
When a processor interprets the program the computer springs into
action. But, the computer isn't self motivated, as DNA is. It relies on
humans to provide the motivation to do something.
So, DNA looks like a free floating, self modifying, self
motivated program with built in redundancy. The self motivated
part means it includes its own processor. That is it is self aware and
capable of interpreting itself. This is sort of like a computer
processor except that the awareness of DNA is of a more general sort.
A computer processor is only sensitive to predefined arrangements
of bits. DNA is not only self aware but must be aware of its
surroundings. Else, how could it locate another strand of DNA to
combine with?
We need to define awareness. Awareness is short for self
awareness. Awareness has the ability to identify and categorize
features of the local environment. That is to say that awareness is
capable of detecting waves emanating from the external
environment as they impinge upon it. This is, no doubt because
these waves produce some alteration in the self aware molecule.
Awareness is used to locate items needed for self preservation. It
will normally result in the ability to move in order to acquire those
items. This awareness is independent of sense organs, though in
more complex beings sense organs are devised to make available
more information than is available without them.
All molecules have attributes. When a molecule is
modified, by adding or subtracting atoms, the attributes associated
with it are changed. What I am suggesting here, is that a sequence of
carbon atoms, not difficult to achieve by random action in the
presence of sunlight, acquires the attribute of awareness. That, when
this particular sequence of carbon atoms occurs, it is immediately
aware first of itself and secondly through wave action impinging on
its parts, of its immediate surroundings. The other attribute we
commonly associate with awareness is memory. Memory is a
medium in which information can be stored and which is accessible
by awareness. DNA is such a medium.
This awareness also has attributes. The most important is
the conservative sense that it wishes to continue to exist. Since DNA
is self modifying, it also expresses the opposite attribute, liberalism.
This self aware molecule, I call Gaia.
Gaia's strategy for survival is replication and evolution. It
continuously replicates itself in order to defeat entropy. It evolves
in order to enhance its defenses against other environmental
features that cause damage to it.
Gaia isn't God. None the less, Gaia is our creator, or if you
prefer God's instrument of creation of living things. Gaia knows no
more about God than the totality of awareness on earth (another
definition of Gaia) does.
Gaia created humans for her own purposes and will not
suffer us to foil her goals. We cannot but do her will, though we are
separate from her in meaningful ways. Certainly, a master of
creation of living forms, like Gaia, would not devise a life form that
was capable of escaping her control. No, Gaia has a perfect means of
controlling us, and unless we are damaged, we have no wish to
escape her control. This method we call feelings. We say feelings
come from the heart, by which we mean they are true and are not
products of the intellect. Their actual source must be DNA.
This can be seen by thinking about instinct. What is
instinct but a feeling? What can be the source of instinct if not
Gaia uses the stored program concept extensively. The
stored program is a repository of information arranged such that, if
interpreted sequentially it can produce a desired action where action
is understood as a change of state. It is self documenting.