After Life
What can rationally be conjectured about events following
death for the experiencer?
Since the source of awareness and feelings is DNA and
since DNA continues to function after death for some time (hair
continues to grow), we can presume the dead are in the ghost state
and are following events: the funeral, the burial, etc. The best
description of this period that I am aware of is provided by Thornton
Wilder in his play, "Our Town".
What can be said about this state? From all reports it is
very pleasant, no sense of body would remain, no sense of time, no
sensual input at all. The only memory would be that which resides
in DNA. What would that be? We have several hierarchical levels of
memory, high level, the results of consciousness, presumably
resident in the brain; short term, also a brain function; long term
may reside in DNA; probably self identity also resides there. Our
state of being would be similar to that of sleep, without sensual
awareness. Our thought would be the dream state, not dissimilar
from the waking state except that we think in terms of large
symbols, rather than small ones. We aren't so much thinking as
visualizing, things occur but there is no sense of time. It would be
that out of body experience that is often reported. We would do well
to elliminate evil spirits (complexes) before death, otherwise they
will also be there.
This state of affairs can be expected to continue for some
time and a gradual disconnection from the living would occur. We
would retain the spiritual awareness we had achieved during life. No
further achievement could occur in death which may lead to a need
to reincarnate as the Buddhists believe. Anyway, the ghost state
would obtain until the DNA breaks down, which could be a long time
in human terms or a short while. Presumably, in the case of
cremation it would be short, in the case of burial it would be much
longer. Possibly the practise of mummification is intended to prolong
this period for as long as possible. This is probably the actual reason
for the pyramids. The Pharoahs hoped to maintain the ghost state
until the astrological conditions of their birth recurred, this takes
26,000 years, I believe. So, the problem was to avoid grave robbers.
Obviously, they failed. Or, maybe they didn't, depending on the
keepers of the relics in Egypt.
Beyond this lies the deep sleep state, probably. The Hindus
declare they have some knowledge of this state. Beyond that lie
A warning would probably be appropriate here. One of the
great things about consciousness is its control over fantasy. After
death, no conscious control, which will mean that fantasy has control.
Fantasies can produce any emotion from bliss to terror. The Tibetan
and Egyptian Books of the Dead declare that terror is the motivating
force behind most reincarnation. That only great spiritual
achievement can expect to avoid terror. In fact the above books are
intended to instruct devotees in methods of avoiding this pitfall.
This is not out of the question. This is exactly why two
people I know had to give up marijuana. They arrived at that state
in which they could not control their fantasies. So, it is well to die of
old age after one has had the time to rise above fear. Those unaware
of fear inspiring fantasies are protected by their lack of knowledge.
Once that awareness arrives the only hope is to rise above it. This
requires one to overcome attachments to life, which are the source of
the fantasies. Love of power, money, sex, etc.