Awareness v. Darwin
Whether or not Darwin had a problem with awareness, or
even treated of it, the essential problem in current times with
science and evolution is that it ignores awareness, assuming that that
approach, so fruitful in the past can carry it yet further. Or even that
that is part of the definition of science. The investigation of the
physical universe, neglecting the effects of awareness since it hasn't
yet been demonstrated that that is part of the physical universe.
This would seem to be an extension of the inescapable
duality of mind and body, even though anyone can see that they
cannot be separated without damaging the picture that emerges.
After all these same scientists are using their own awareness as the
main tool of their research.
So, granting that research assuming the absence of
awareness is valuable since it exposes mechanisms that would be
invisible because of the importance of awareness acknowledged, still
we should keep in mind that awareness is there and is having some
A number of questions arise regarding awareness. Is it
passive or active, that is, does it matter? If it is incapable of acting,
then it can safely be ignored. If it is capable of acting, how far down
in scale does that capability extend? To the chicken? To the ant? To
the bacterium? If the bacterium is aware and can act, then are its
actions important to survival? Is it capable of self repair as an act of
awareness rather than some sort of automatic response engineered
by natural selection?
From the other perspective, how is natural selection
operating at the bacterial level? We can see at the level of the
animal, natural selection operates in two ways. The female makes a
choice and the animal either survives the environment or not. In
either case, some are chosen and some are not. In the first instance,
awareness is the main factor, since choosing is a function of
awareness. In the second, awareness has a lesser role.
In the plant kingdom the same two factors are operating.
Bees are choosing one flower over another and the weather is having
its say.
At the level of bacteria, we can assume again that the
environment is having its impact. Ultra violet radiation is either
being dealt with or it is not. We can also see choice in operation here
when viruses choose a host, so what should we conclude from
Science likes to distinguish awareness from intelligence.
Dogs can't take IQ tests and this is thought to be crucial. So, since the
ability to take an IQ test is a result of objective awareness, the
characters being manipulated are objects, this will be the factor that
is thought to be critical. Can we extend this difference to fairly reach
the conclusion that subjective awareness is incapable of engineering,
for example?
Dogs don't seem to be doing any engineering, though bees
do and so do viruses. Viruses, in their life cycle appear to replicate
themselves in a host, construct a spaceship, fly it around their space
looking for another suitable host, land it bottom down, and inject
themselves into the host via a proboscis feature built into their
transport. That sounds like engineering to me. How is that different
from the engineering that humans do?
Where is the source of awareness? We are aware and the
brain would seem to be the source of that awareness. However, ants
are also aware and no brain seems to be available as a source of
awareness, so maybe the nervous system is capable of awareness.
Taking intentional movement as a sign of awareness, we see that all
life exhibits intentional movement. Can we then assume awareness
in all life?
In fact, how do we define life. The common scientific
definition is self replicating, self maintaining, and growing.
Replication seems to be key and recombinant DNA the act of genius.
Since DNA is included in all, thus far discovered, life forms, why not
make that the determinant? As life develops and reproduction
becomes necessary as a means of dealing with entropy, a record is
needed to function as a blueprint for another iteration. Or, on the
other hand, perhaps the record comes first and is a random
construction of natural forces. But, even in that case, how to imagine
recombining two split halves of a DNA strand as a result of random
interaction with the environment and natural selection?
Of course the only alternative is that awareness exists in a
virus and it was capable at some distant time of recognizing the
utility of this feature and somehow bringing it into existence.
In the past, when confronted by the amazing complexity
of life people had to resort to God as a shorthand way of explaining
the unexplainable.
We should probably not give up so soon.
One has to imagine that the motive, however it came
about, of recombining was to overcome damage. The environment
was damaging DNA with radiation and some technique for repair was
needed. Perhaps some random event supplied the initial idea, this is
not to be doubted. The randomness of the environment is easily
capable of starting one on the road to a solution. But, generally only
a start is to be expected. Intelligence is necessary to know of the
need and to recognize the suggested solution in the natural event.
Recognizing intelligence at work is not so easy. Imagine
yourself as an alien in a spaceship hovering above the earth trying to
decide if the undoubted dominant life form, the automobile, is an
intelligent entity or contains one that is responsible for the vehicle.
Since the plans are located elsewhere and would be unintelligible
even if discovered, the answer to this question isn't clear. We can
imagine levitating an automobile to the space ship and cutting it in
half and trying to dissect it into its component parts. But, trying to
demonstrate that it is the product of intelligence or natural selection
would undoubtedly elude us. After all, it is both.
The function of recombining DNA, especially in the event
of damage, is daunting to consider. First, the design of DNA had to be
in the form of a redundant entity in which one half is the mirror
image of the other. Then it has to be capable of splitting down the
middle and plugging itself into another strand also split from its
other half. Thus, each rung would seem to have to recognize in some
way the rung on the other that it is to attach to and have the desire
to do so. Well, we can imagine that the design is intricate and only
correct halves will fit into one another, and that some error is not
only tolerated but needed. And that some chemical is designed to
produce the breaking into halves and another is designed to force
recombination. If damage exists, then random parts, floating in
solution will be drawn towards the only place they can fit and
eventually a new and complete entity results.
We now have to consider whether this sequence of events
can be expected to happen given an unlimited amount of time
randomly, one step at a time in sequence. That is imaginable if there
is some chooser that recognizes the advancements as they occur as
valuable. Some entity is needed here to emulate the function of the
female of the species in choosing a better design of male. So, once
more, awareness raises its scientifically ugly head.
So, what we arrive at is a function for awareness, distinct
from that of conscious awareness in the design of life. Awareness,
even at the level of the virus is functioning, but not in the sense of
projecting into the future as does consciousness. Awareness is doing
the same job but in an experiential way. Each step of the way is
observed and judgment is passed on whether what is seen is an
advancement in pursuit of the goal of survival. So, it doesn't have to
be thinking ahead to a comprehensive solution or thinking at all, it
just has to be pleased by each step in some way so that selection
occurs. All of the actual new construction is the result of random
events, though one can imagine that the life form recognizes that
some circumstances make the hoped for random event more likely.
The actual act of awareness, though, is in choosing amongst several
So, choosing occurs when the virus looks over its potential
homes in the various cells it encounters. It won't want one already
inhabited by a brother. It will want one that contains the raw
materials it needs.
A Model of Life