Slowly, the sun condensed as a function of rotation and concentration.
Slowly, the earth condensed in the same way.
Eventually the gravity of the sun raised a bulge on the side of the earth.
When the earth was sufficiently large to liquefy its center it began to rotate.
Rotation led to seasons and condensation of water out of the atmosphere, which had been produced as a function of gravity. The storms produced lightning which produced more and more complex molecules in the oceans.
Eventually the molecules acquired awareness as an attribute of molecular complexity in the same way that yellowness is an attribute of elemental complexity. As soon as awareness arrived, it brought with it the desire to survive as a function of conservatism.
Eventually the lightning also led to the combining of molecules which led to awareness of structure. This led to awareness that other molecules could serve as a source of energy allowing further planned extensions to structure.
This led to creation of a structure capable of ingestion of other kinds of molecules, disassembly and reuse of parts, and ejection of waste.
This led to a need to reincarnate*, since the mechanism eventually wore out due to entropy and then had to await random events to reappear. So, the cell reduced the story of its existence up until then to a code. It made two versions of the code, elongated with a version in each half and split into two.
After a long time it became apparent that, since it was not able to imagine, a method of reincarnation was needed that didn't produce clones, that involved change which was needed to adjust to a constantly changing environment, the most important aspect of which was growth in numbers of cells. It therefore devised a method whereby two entities would combine their codes to produce a new one. As each adjusted to their environment they differentiated and when their codes were combined a new kind of cell was produced.
Since many other sorts of cells were developing in the same way, competition arose regarding which would be ingested. In this way, the Darwinian model was produced. This model can be expressed as the three phases of life: adaptation, competition, retirement.
Adaptation: In this phase, living things adjust to the environment confronting them. They learn to walk, fly, swim, etc. They play.
Competition: In this phase, living things confront one another to determine which should participate in reincarnation.
Retirement: In this phase, living things consign their remains to the stockpile of biological energy, available to other living things.
Man is, from this perspective, identical to every other living thing except in one respect. The human animal produces an independent observer. One who watches both his host and every other thing he comes in contact with. Man is thus best characterized as an animal carrying an observer. Mankind is the audience.
Man can be thought of as living in a symbiotic relationship with his host (body). He is inclined to impose his will on it, but whether or not this is good for survival is not yet known.
The only significant undemonstrated fact from the above is the identification of awareness as a function of molecular complexity. The only way to observe awareness is to see intentional motion. Since just this sort of motion appears when sperm are journeying towards an ovum, this will have to satisfy us for now.
This is a restatement in objective terms of the myth of Pandora.
Pandora was introduced into mortal life by Zeus as an attractive entity containing all suffering. That is to say that Pandora represented the introduction of sexual reproduction into life which allowed for differentiation of living things into new forms, including those things which bring suffering into our lives, like viruses and bacteria.
*The use of the word reincarnation is not meant to refer to the mystical notion of the reincarnation of the soul. Rather, I think the word better represents what occurs than does the word procreation. An incarnation of awareness has occurred. The need now arises to see that that incarnation is saved through reincarnation as an act of the original incarnated awareness. It is, therefor, a conservative act. The goal is conservation of the achievement of awareness. It is a means of achieving a limited form of immortality by partially overcoming the effects of entropy.