The argument about what art is, is important. Definitions
are important. In order to do good philosophy one is dependent on
clear and simple definitions that maximize meaning.
Art: Any product of human creativity.
Of course there is good art and bad art. Art always reflects
the creating culture, the more it says or implies about the culture,
the better it is. A street gang is art. A garbage dump is art. A
flower, being a natural object, is not art. It may be very beautiful,
but beauty isn't art.
Art can be subdivided into conception and technique.
Some artists, Vermeer say, or Rembrandt are spending most of their
effort on technique. Technique is the method by which one presents
his conception. Others spend all of their time on conception,
photographers for instance.
My wife asked me, when confronted by an image of a
nude: "Is that art or photography?" Her notion of what art is, is
inadequate. For her, a painting is art but a photograph isn't. For her,
it has to be hard to produce to be art and concept doesn't much enter
into the question. But, with this idea of art, provided to her by the
media, an endless argument ensues about what is and what isn't art.
The definition of art thereby becomes less useful, since it can't be
applied with any certainty.
There is nothing wrong with debating, and definitions can
be debated as well as anything else. But, to debate a definition, one
should consider what a definition is good for. It is good for
explaining the world to the next generation. Bad definitions are
So, let us debate the dividing line between good and bad
art, not the definition of art.
With this definition we can easily distinguish between good
and bad art by asking ourselves how much we have learned by
looking at it. Gangs, by this definition, are good art. Repetition
reduces good art to bad art, thus, Rocky 18 is bad art, even though
Rocky was good art.
Michaelangelo was a very good artist because he taught the
viewer a very great deal in both content and technique. A still life
may teach us a great deal about technique while it says nothing in
terms of content. A photo tells us nothing about technique that we
don't already know, but it may tell us a great deal in terms of
The attempt to divide the creative work of mankind into
the product of artisans and artists fails because the line between the
two is too vague and there is no simple definition with which we can
distinguish the two.
The distinction between good and bad art is subjective
because it varies from individual to individual. Dr. Seus may be very
good art for a child and bad art for an adult.
This leads us to an extension of the distinction between
objectivity and subjectivity. In general, when we identify objectivity
we mean that an object will be described in the same way by all
objective observers. Subjectivity is the reverse. Subjectivity will be
a function of age and experience, which is to say that it takes age and
experience to describe an object without adding material that is
provided by the observer. Objectivity is valuable because it
enhances the ability to communicate without confusing.