A New Interpretation of
This view of the probable events prior to the Biblical flood
is suggested in The Mayan Prophecies by Gilbert and Cotterell
and is interpreted in the light of my own understanding of
Ideologics identifies an ideological spectrum reaching from
Feminism on one end to Masculinism on the other and identifies the
attributes associated with both. Feminism reflecting the nature of
females is passive and non creative, while Masculinism is aggressive
and creative. To pursue these attributes within a culture is normally
done by deifying the chief god, Gaia in the case of feminism and
Yahweh or Allah in the case of masculinism. This has the effect of
producing a passive culture attuned to the rhythms of nature on the
one hand and an aggressive culture based on creativity on the other.
From a survival perspective one orientation works best in some
circumstances while the other works better in others.
Passivity works best when the emphasis is on retaining
what has been achieved. It is basically conservative in nature.
Creativity is best when changes have to be made due to a changing
environment, it is basically liberal. Obviously, passivity is usually
dominant since creativity is only rarely called for.
The above named book analyzes sunspots in a unique way
and produces a natural history that includes periodic extreme change
in the environment. This change is associated with polar reversals in
the earth’s magnetic field. These changes are demonstrated to occur
every few thousand years and are assumed to have been the cause
behind the loss of Atlantis. A number of artifacts associated with the
Mayan culture are used to reach this conclusion. The actual physical
location of Atlantis is determined to have been in the area now
occupied by Cuba. The loss of Atlantis is thought to have been as a
result of a rising Atlantic Ocean caused by the melting of the ice caps
resulting from the above mentioned polar reversal.
I agree, this is very likely what happened, and I would
identify the flood involved as the Biblical flood which can be dated
by recent core samples from the Greenland glacier. This record of
archeological temperatures shows that the last ice age ended about
12,000 years ago, so this suggests to me two significant events. The
flooding of the Mediterranean basin and the flooding of Atlantis.
I have a couple of problems with Mr. Cotterell’s
interpretation. He identifies 2012 as the date of the next magnetic
event and also the year 600 as the last. However, in an appendix he
mentions the duration of an event as in the neighborhood of 380
years. The problems I have here are 1) The event in 600 was
nowhere near the scale of the flooding of Atlantis, that event being
expected to include earthquakes and volcanic eruptions due to the
disturbance of the earth’s crust. So, there must be major and minor
events and the distinction isn’t clearly made in the book. 2) If a
major event takes 380 years to work itself out, how can any one date
be identified as particularly significant?
In any case, I identify the last major event as the end of
the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago. I can accept that there may
be several minor events between major events and Mr. Cotterell
seems to say that the complete cycle takes about 18,000 years.
As we look at the archeological record, what actually
happened from the temperature perspective is a transition between
a period in excess of 100,000 years in which temperatures fluctuated
between moderate and cold on a very regular basis to a period of
stable moderate temperatures that have now lasted for 12,000 years.
In the cold periods, the equatorial regions had temperatures similar
to those now seen in the Mediterranean region and the current
temperate regions were about 20 degrees colder than they now are.
We can expect that ice extended to the Canadian border in cold
periods and perhaps to Hudson’s Bay in warm periods. A large
amount of free water was therefor frozen in the ice caps and the
oceans were decidedly lower than currently seen.
For that reason I expect that the Caribbean region will
have had a lot more exposed land and in fact would have resembled
the current Aegean Sea, and this is the region we are given to
understand was the likely site of Atlantis. The identification of the
area as a continent we assign to the magnification so common to
story telling.
However, from what we have heard about Atlantis, we
would not be remiss in identifying it as a masculinist culture. By
that we mean that they were seafaring, and technologically creative.
This suggests, no demands, that they worship a masculine god,
perhaps not Yahweh, but at least Ra. The crucial thing is that the
supreme deity be masculine and no other gods be allowed. This
attitude will seek to identify the characteristics of such a god, mainly
his creativity, and also to emulate them. Such a thing is not easy to
imagine. As religions develop, the gods are associated with visual
entities: animals, natural events, heavenly bodies and the like. It is
not easy to imagine a culture moving from the worship of a pantheon
to the worship of a completely invisible spirit like Yahweh. How
would they be inspired to do so? So, a transitional deity like Ra (the
Sun) makes a suitable pathway for getting from the feminist
pantheons to the monotheism of the spirit. The Sun shares many of
Yahweh’s characteristics, mainly that it is one, but also that it is
aggressively creative, while the earth is passively receptive to that
Since the Mayans were apparently the inheritors of some
aspects of Atlantan culture and they were sun worshippers, we could
reasonably conclude that the Atlantans were too. Or, perhaps they
had moved beyond that but still retained the image of the sun as a
symbol of Yahweh. At this moment it is unknown, but we may be
sure they were masculinists and perhaps the first masculinists to
exist. The Atlantans would seem to have mastered the art of sea
travel since they appear to have shown up in Egypt. Their story was
passed on from the Egyptians to the Greeks, who passed it on to
Plato, who was the main source of our own information about this
What Egyptians were these, exactly. I suggest that there
was a Pharonic culture prior to the flood that was reduced in
significance by the flood but managed to survive and revive the
Pharonic tradition. In fact, I suggest that a monument of the first
Egyptian culture was left for us and is the Sphinx. This suggests that
they had Pharaohs because of the head and probably associated the
Pharaoh with the Lion because of the body, which will identify them
as Animists, religiously.
This provides us with a probably genealogy of
masculinism. It originated in Atlantis, was transmitted by them to
the Mayans and the Egyptians, both of which attempted to establish
it as the state religion via sun worship. Egypt failed but transmitted
it to both the Greeks through word of mouth via traders and to the
Semites who were later enslaved by the Egyptians and were therefor
attracted to an outlaw religion, since it provided them with an
identity distinguishable from that of the Egyptians and which was
useful to them in conquering the Palestinian region. The Greeks
were also unsuccessful due to the failure to see the need for a state
religion so that they retained their feminist mythology which
conflicted with their pursuit of intellectualism, the gift of
masculinism. The Greeks, as we know passed it on to the Romans,
who tried the same approach as the Greeks with the same result.
However, the Semites produced Jesus and when his formulation of
masculinism was adopted by the Roman Empire, sufficient power
existed to impose it on the Empire and eventually on all of
A long period then followed in which the Europeans
consumed Christianity and slowly developed the momentum
necessary to bring about the Renaissance and to forge forward after
consuming the work done by the Greeks.
It remains then to explain where the Atlantans came from
and what happened to them.
My guess on this score is that they were Europeans and
ended as what we now call eastern American Indians. That they got
to America in the same way that Leif Ericson did and that they
intermarried with the Mongolian descended western American
As for the suggestion posed in the Gilbert book regarding
periodic physical upheaval on the Earth due to continuous changes in
the Sun’s magnetic field: Mr. Cotterell started with the belief that
changes in the environment we are now experiencing might lead to
disaster in the future. He therefor identified the Sun’s magnetic field
as the likely source of the problem and set about trying to analyze it
to produce a history and accurate prediction for the future. He
concluded that the likely date to worry about was 2012. He then
looked at Mayan mythology and after much interpretation concluded
that they believed the same thing as a result of mapping racial
memory on the celestial clock. He went on to point out that an
American mystic, Edgar Cayce, also predicted this event.
My conclusion is that Mr. Cotterell is likely to be correct in
concluding that the Sun’s magnetic field affects movements in the
Earth’s crust. I doubt the results of his analysis are conclusive. I
don’t think he demonstrated a strong connection between his results
and Mayan mythology. Mysticism is an unknown quantity. The
productions of the unconscious are invariably symbolic, in my
experience, and relate to the dreamer, exclusively. None the less, the
methods of Mr. Cayce were unique and may have produced unique
results. Certainly his comments on Atlantis are