The War on Drugs

A close reading of the philosophical underpinnings of this home page should make it clear that some drugs have the effect of emphasizing masculine values while others have the reverse effect.
To understand this it will be necessary first to ponder the main distinction between feminism and masculinism. Masculinism is the home of creativity and is, as our religion points out the first cause of existence. Creativity is dependent on certain features of existence. One is order. It is impossible to do anything creative without first creating a mental model which will require eliminating from the field of view all except features of the problem to be dealt with. It is also necessary to arrange things in order to make the relationships between various aspects of the problem clear.
The war on drugs is a perfect example of this process in action.
So, creativity, a feature of masculinity, which may reside in a female or a male but is, perhaps more likely in a male, depends on order and concentration to accomplish.
Now, the next step will be easier for those with experience. Others will have to take me at my word. Nicotine and caffeine have the effect of enhanced control over concentration by reducing the need for sleep. Alcohol, in moderation, has similar effects. With alcohol, problems fall into the background, allowing a respite, which can then be followed by renewed creative effort. Alcohol is particularly notable for diminishing the leakage from the unconscious to the conscious personality, thus, inhibitions seem to disappear. This is very useful for concentrating the conscious mind.
On the other side, marijuana, LSD, and peyote (I have no experience of cocaine or heroin) are very effective in reducing the barrier between consciousness and the unconscious mind. Concentration and individual creativity are largely eliminated as factors due to the preoccupation of the conscious mind with the emanations from the unconscious mind.
In fact, as pointed out elsewhere, it is perfectly reasonable to identify the conscious mind as masculine, whether in a male or female due to its organization. As we acquire ideas and memories we file them according to associations thereby imparting to them an orderly nature. The unconscious mind is, therefore best thought of as feminine due to its inclusiveness and disorder. This further elucidates the connection between the two and the various psycho active drugs available.
From this discussion, it should be clear that there is a connection between the rise of feminism in our culture and the popularity of various drugs. Thus, we will have to conclude, as the evidence suggests that resistance is probably futile and legalization to minimize criminal distribution is the only pathway, likely to produce some successful result, that is open to us. As compensation, we can recognize the fact that abuse of masculine drugs will decline as use of feminine ones rises. This can already be seen in the war on cigarettes.
It should also be clear from this discussion that the motive for prohibition is the realization that humanity is in such a perilous condition, due to overpopulation, that we can ill afford to lose potential creativity as we cast about for solutions. I would say, however, that this is misguided. The unconscious is a vast source of ideas and inspiration. It is at least as likely to offer a solution as concentration is.