
Yesterday I was pondering the question of Pangea. This is the idea, from whence it arises I know not, that all of the land mass of the earth once occupied a single continent and later broke up and drifted on the liquid core of the earth to the current positions.
The question that arises is: why would all the land mass originate as a single entity. Seems more likely that Hawaii, for example would appear wherever a suitable rift in the earth's crust might be.
I imagine the following scenario.
In the beginning was a cloud of material that slowly condensed into a central ball, the sun, with a surrounding and spinning plate of the original material. That material clumped up into embryo planets that swept up the remaining material. The heavier detritus gravitated towards the inner regions and the lighter to the outer regions. There is a distance from the sun that is too unstable for unknown reasons to support a planet, so that the original material only clumps up to a certain extent before breaking up once again.
Planets, as they attract material, get larger and larger, producing more and more gravity which exerts pressure on the inner regions which eventually leads to a liquefaction of the material there.
Up until this time, the planet doesn't rotate and therefore, as is the case with the moon, exposes one side constantly to the sun. This will be because the atoms making up the core are randomly placed. But as liquefaction occurs, they are able to move and line themselves up, atomic ecliptic to solar system ecliptic. When that happens all atoms rotate similarly and momentum begins to build up producing rotation of the earth.
Before complete liquefaction the sun's attraction produces a bulge on the side of the earth facing it, so that this, when water begins to condense and to fill up the oceans produces the land mass. As complete liquefaction occurs, the land mass finds itself to be floating on the liquid and begins to drift, but it encounters forces that limit free movement, most likely those would evolve from convection currents under the crust. These convection currents produce cracks in the crust through which the inner magma can flow, producing counter forces to those which propel Pangea, resulting in the breakup of Pangea and the current state of affairs.
Should any reader know of a more accurate description of this process please inform me by email.