In this essay, I wish to establish that relationships are of the
feminine domain.
From the graph: The Ideological
Spectrum, it can be seen that
masculinity is creative and femininity is not. In fact, we can say that
God creates using materiality or the feminine as the medium of
creation. So, it is proper to say that masculinity is creative while
femininity is created upon. Because of its creativity, the masculine is
dependent on fantasy, or mental modeling, as a method of producing
a preliminary image of that which is to be created. Mental activity
is, therefore, more natural to the masculine than to the feminine.
Femininity relies on the material as its medium of expression and
what it considers to be more real. For the masculine the reverse will
be true. All of ideation, the entirety of metaphysics and physics are
properly understood in the spiritual domain, where physics is
understood to be essential science, towards which all other science
Mathematics is its primary and most precise language. Natural
languages are also used as rough approximations preliminary to the
stage of precise modeling. In fact all writing outside of the
mathematical including novels and poetry can be seen as preliminary
stages to the creation of the mathematical model. Metaphysics and
physics are best understood as two ends of the spiritual spectrum,
one end of which describes the material realm while the other
describes the spiritual realm, or the medium in which models,
including itself are constructed.
With this separation, it becomes clear why relationships are,
essentially feminine. They are material or representative of
materiality. The essential relationship is that between mother and
child, in which the child is half of the mother and the closest thing to
a new version of the mother. Other family relationships outside of
the husband/wife relationship are lesser versions of the
mother/child relationship. The husband/wife relationship is
essentially sexual and therefore is also material. This is not to deny
the accumulation of various mental constructs to describe the
relationship, mainly created by the male, but the essence of it,
without which there would be no relationship, is sexual.
Thus far we have discussed what Jung calls the cosmic family.
There are other relationships that have no real materiality to them,
but they are all modeled on one or another family relationship and
so share in the materiality of it. That is to say, any relationship falls
into one or another of the following models: spouse or creative
partner, father or ordering principle, mother or nurturing principle,
sister/brother or sharing principle, uncle/aunt or lesser parents,
cousins or lesser siblings.
From this it will be seen that we have here identified another
essential aspect of reality, in the common fourfold model, similar to
Jung's characterization of the personality as the results of the action
of sensation, intuition, thinking, and feeling. We can say that the
activities of life fall into the four way pie, creating, ordering,
nurturing, and sharing. As usual, half of the pie is more closely
associated with the masculine, creating and ordering, while the other
half is more closely associated with the feminine, nurturing and
sharing. To further describe these entities, we should say that
ordering is a preliminary necessity to creating, while nurturing is a
subsequent necessity to the same act and in the case of creating
multiple instances of the object, sharing becomes a necessity.
This is a graphical
representation. This representation is chosen because, when talking about the personality, it is well to conform to symbols used by the unconscious. The circle represents the potential wholeness of the personality, and is called a mandala. It occurs frequently in mythology and religion, the most common occurance is the halo. Additionally, the number four represents wholeness or completeness.
This sheds light on the abortion struggle. Since
relationships are of the feminine, and arguably the premier value,
while rules are of the masculine and certainly the premier value, and
since relationships are created by relating, that is communicating
face to face, we can say that the relationship between mother and
fetus is tenuous in the beginning and gains strength as time goes on,
but is always weaker than that to a born child. Perhaps the
relationship with the fetus is something like that with a stranger in
one's life, in the beginning, and only picks up significance as its
existence impinges on consciousness. In the abortion conflict, the
woman is always having to choose between relationships, and those
with independent humans are stronger than that with the unborn
For this to be an accurate model, it would be expected that all
activities in all lives would be capable of assignment to one of these
four generalizations. I believe this to be true. There are some odd
cases, like masturbating for instance. But I would say that this
amounts to a husband/wife relationship occurring in one individual.
The person is having a sexual or creative relationship with him or
her self.
For more on relationships, read this.