The Sexual Spectrum

This graph is an attempt to represent human sexuality along a spectrum defined by a pro-sexual attitude at one end, by which it is meant that for this type of person sexual expression is an experience that provides positive feedback and a desire for further experience, and an anti-sexual attitude at the other end, by which it is meant, the type of person for whom sexual expression is a negative experience, providing no positive value or providing so little positive that ancillary features such as the indignity of it override them.
Sexuality is a means of relating between individuals and therefore is feminine in nature, since relating is of the feminine domain. To be feminine is to be created upon rather than to create. Therefore the feminine relies on realities rather than fantasies. Relationships are real. That is, the closest relationship is between parent and child since the child is half oneself. All other relationships share to a lesser extent this feature except that between parents which is sexual, also real. Anti-sexuality is therefore identified as masculine.
Culture forces the standard bell curve into a somewhat distorted shape, with vastly more people in the central bell than would be expected without cultural influences.
Some examples are given where one would expect to find them along the spectrum. By nymphomaniacs/Don Juan it is meant the type of person for whom sexuality defines their life and occupies their thoughts all the time. Actors/exhibitionists are those that achieve some sexual satisfaction by displaying their bodies. The sexually experimental are those that try every new sexual idea as it occurs to them. By sexually procreative it is meant those that view sex as best confined to the procreative effort. Puritans/St. Paul refers to sexual attitudes represented to be common among the Puritans who settled the Northeastern US, while St. Paul refers to the sexual attitudes expressed by St. Paul in First Corinthians and other letters. Finally, by The Western View of God it is meant that, God, in the west is a wholly masculine entity. In the West, we worship masculinity or come from a culture that did. With this masculinity comes Victorian sexual attitudes, for instance, and leads to the current feminist sexual revolution, as it is called, as a reaction.