- 20 Important Spectra
- Universal
- Spirituality
- Varying from Nature to God
- Attributes
- Unaware/Self Aware
- Non-creative/Creative
- Chaotic/Orderly
- Active/Inactive
- Materiality
- Varying from Physical to Immaterial
- Attributes
- Sensually perceptible/imperceptible
- Sexuality
- Varying from Feminine to Masculine
- Attributes
- Uncreative/Creative
- Chaotic/Orderly
- Passive/Aggressive
- Physical
- Size
- Varying from Small to Large
- Attributes
- Weak/Strong
- Beauty
- Varying from Ugly to Beautiful
- Attributes
- Asymmetrical/Symmetrical
- Shapeless/Shapely
- Procreative potential
- Intelligence
- Varying from Stupid to Bright
- Attributes
- Ability to generalize
- Objectivity
- Rationality
- Grace
- Varying from Clumsy to Graceful
- Attributes
- Athletic ability
- Dexterity
- Varying from Clumsy to Nimble
- Attributes
- Skill and ease in use of hands
- Spiritual
- Thinking Ability
- Varying from Feeling to Thinking
- Attributes
- Ability to perceive feelings
- Ability to manipulate thoughts
- Sensitivity
- Varying from Intuitive to Sensitive
- Attributes
- Ability to perceive connections
- Ability to perceive subtle gradations
- Introversion
- Varying from Extroverted to Introverted
- Attributes
- Outward/inward orientation
- Animation
- Varying from Inactive to Active
- Attributes
- Stationary/Moving
- Analytic Ability
- Varying from Irrational to Analytic
- Attributes
- Ability to organize concepts
- Political Orientation
- Varying from Conservative to Liberal
- Attributes
- Favoring Status Quo/Favoring change
- Leadership
- Varying from Follower to Leader
- Attributes
- Ability to inspire followers
- Creativity
- Varying from Uncreative to Creative
- Attributes
- Common/Unique
- Holiness
- Varying from Mundane to Sacred
- Attributes
- Ordinary/Rare
- Morality
- Varying from Immoral to Moral
- Attributes
- Sensitivity to correct methods
- Mendacity
- Varying from Truthful to Liar
- Attributes
- Able to perceive the superiority of truth.
- Ideological Orientation
- Varying from Feminist to Masculinist
- Attributes
- Passive/Aggressive
- Non-creative/Creative
- Chaotic/Orderly