1. 20 Important Spectra
    1. Universal
      1. Spirituality
        1. Varying from Nature to God
          1. Attributes
            1. Unaware/Self Aware
            2. Non-creative/Creative
            3. Chaotic/Orderly
            4. Active/Inactive
      2. Materiality
        1. Varying from Physical to Immaterial
          1. Attributes
            1. Sensually perceptible/imperceptible
      3. Sexuality
        1. Varying from Feminine to Masculine
          1. Attributes
            1. Uncreative/Creative
            2. Chaotic/Orderly
            3. Passive/Aggressive
    2. Physical
      1. Size
        1. Varying from Small to Large
          1. Attributes
            1. Weak/Strong
      2. Beauty
        1. Varying from Ugly to Beautiful
          1. Attributes
            1. Asymmetrical/Symmetrical
            2. Shapeless/Shapely
            3. Procreative potential
      3. Intelligence
        1. Varying from Stupid to Bright
          1. Attributes
            1. Ability to generalize
            2. Objectivity
            3. Rationality
      4. Grace
        1. Varying from Clumsy to Graceful
          1. Attributes
            1. Athletic ability
      5. Dexterity
        1. Varying from Clumsy to Nimble
          1. Attributes
            1. Skill and ease in use of hands
    3. Spiritual
      1. Thinking Ability
        1. Varying from Feeling to Thinking
          1. Attributes
            1. Ability to perceive feelings
            2. Ability to manipulate thoughts
      2. Sensitivity
        1. Varying from Intuitive to Sensitive
          1. Attributes
            1. Ability to perceive connections
            2. Ability to perceive subtle gradations
      3. Introversion
        1. Varying from Extroverted to Introverted
          1. Attributes
            1. Outward/inward orientation
      4. Animation
        1. Varying from Inactive to Active
          1. Attributes
            1. Stationary/Moving
      5. Analytic Ability
        1. Varying from Irrational to Analytic
          1. Attributes
            1. Ability to organize concepts
      6. Political Orientation
        1. Varying from Conservative to Liberal
          1. Attributes
            1. Favoring Status Quo/Favoring change
      7. Leadership
        1. Varying from Follower to Leader
          1. Attributes
            1. Ability to inspire followers
      8. Creativity
        1. Varying from Uncreative to Creative
          1. Attributes
            1. Common/Unique
      9. Holiness
        1. Varying from Mundane to Sacred
          1. Attributes
            1. Ordinary/Rare
      10. Morality
        1. Varying from Immoral to Moral
          1. Attributes
            1. Sensitivity to correct methods
      11. Mendacity
        1. Varying from Truthful to Liar
          1. Attributes
            1. Able to perceive the superiority of truth.
      12. Ideological Orientation
        1. Varying from Feminist to Masculinist
          1. Attributes
            1. Passive/Aggressive
            2. Non-creative/Creative
            3. Chaotic/Orderly