This is the notion that war should not be discouraged so as to take advantage of its main effect with regard to population, reducing the young male
population and therefore the main source of sperm.
500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000
The proper population of humans on earth is a difficult question. One must
start with the realization that there are far too many now. Looking at the
population curve, one notes that the
population for most of history has been 500 million to a billion. Only for 200
years or so, has it exceeded that number. So, probably that should be the
target population. To achieve that number, I would recommend restraining
humans from the use of anti pest poisons, from anti-biotics to herbicides and
pesticides. It might be necessary to use some temporary anti-growth measures
such as abortion that cannot be justified in the long term.
The Coast Between 50 Degrees North and South
The next object will be to restrict humans in the area devoted to their
domiciles. I would suggest a 30 mile band along coastlines of large land
masses between the 50 degree parallels. The interiors, I believe, should be
left for other species. This gives an idea regarding what kind of population
reduction should be contemplated.
Control of Hubris
The greatest problem for man is the control of hubris. This is because of the ego mental structure, or that entity that we identify with and that contains
our personal memory. Because it is a structure, created by the enhanced
ability to concentrate that is apparently unique to humans, it produces a
separation between humans and nature and therefore the view of nature as an
object. This leads to comparisons and the desire on the part of humans to
compare favorably to other objects in view.
The result is that most humans have an inaccurate self image which is only
slowly corrected over a long life as a result of the suffering that results
from the maintenance of an inaccurate self image.
This can reasonably be considered the basic cause of all suffering that man
endures. It is also the reason for the fact that Muslims touch their heads to
the ground in prayer. This is, however, not a sufficient compensation for the
Arrogance or hubris, being the cause of all of man's problems, including
overpopulation, is therefore the culprit, and probably implicit in conscious
creatures. This leads to the conclusion that we cannot be other than we are
and must accept a short tenure on earth.
This is not so bad as it sounds, since other species, upon finding that they
are maladapted, just change form. So, probably, shall we.
The End
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