
A Philosophy for the United Nations


A need exists for a new kind of philosophy. We have, until now contented ourselves with, what I would call, a tribal philosophy. By this, I mean that our philosophy, until now, was produced in a tribal environment with a narrow view of reality. Consider Judaism and its successors, Christianity and Islam. In each case they were produced in a smallish tribal environment near the Mediterranean Sea. The name Mediterranean itself (middle of the world) suggests the subjectivity of the inhabitants of the area at the time. A tribal philosophy will have as one of its flavors, an attempt to provide an advantage of some sort for its adherents in the local competition for survival. This may prove disadvantageous when applied in the context of a global society, the one at which the UN is aimed, and the one we must be more and more concerned with now.
To consider a new philosophy at all requires that one ponder the need fulfilled by philosophies in general, and then give consideration to whether the same need exists at the global level or whether it is a different need that is being addressed.
The primary purpose of a philosophy is to answer the question, why life? and the subsidiary question, why death? Of course, one will expect the answer to the second question to be included in the answer to the first. The next function of a philosophy is to provide an answer to the question, how can I survive? The answer to this question will involve a suitable comprehension of the environment within which the subjects of the philosophy reside. The more accurate this comprehension is, the more effective will be the philosophy. This makes more clear the need for a metaphilosphy. The environment of the ancient Jews was not the same as ours is now. The issue of most concern to them was how to succeed in the conflict with their arab neighbors. We are also involved in a conflict, and that conflict must be accurately characterized if this philosophy is to be useful.
In the evaluation of this metaphilosophy, for usefulness, we must have a suitable yardstick with which to measure it. The choice of this tool is crucial to the success of the project. Measuring usefulness with an inappropriate tool will produce erroneous results and limit the product.
We are one species among many. Looking about, at other species, we quickly realize that the primary issue is survival. This question is dealt with on many levels. Obtaining the necessary inputs (food, air, water) is primary, closely followed by maintenance of a suitable temperature, and then attention to the details of procreation. After that, attention to lesser issues, child care, enjoyment, etc. The next realization to confront one is the apparent perfection of other species. They seem to be constantly the same, unchanging in their life styles, while we are constantly redefining what it means to be a human. Currently, we are experimenting with technology, for example. We tend to think of this as a natural function, experimentation with life, but no other species does this, so we might characterize this as the activity of an experimental species looking for a permanent niche.
So, I choose to use species survival as the measuring rod of choice, which I take to be the tool utilized by all other species with which we coexist on this planet.


This is the real question to be dealt with by any metaphilosophy. How can we humans live in this world without disturbing it? We are, after all, only one species, and if we disturb the world to such an extent as to endanger other species, then we must be viewed by the world as a danger best disposed of for the common good. And this realization points the finger at the most damaging aspect of common philosophy. That idea is the one that convinces us we are in some way superior to other species. It is a compelling idea and one that is reinforced by the apparent superiority of our life style as compared to that of others. But now, as we begin to appreciate the actual cost of living as we do, perhaps this notion will be reevaluated.
The situation today is that every habitable square inch of land and sea and air is now being exploited by humans, leaving only the extremely difficult to survive in areas to those that cannot cohabit with us. A very unfair state, and one that won't be put up with for long.

Traditional Philosophies



God is viewed as the creator of the Universe and a spirit. Judaism is, therefore, a masculine religion. Masculine because God is male and a religion because it defines the proper relationship between God and man. The likely origin of this religion is provided here.

The Mosaic Law

The law, being written, is a masculine creation and provides a pathway to perfection for believers.


Christ's Teaching

Christ subscribed to the Mosaic Law but added to it compassion. This had the effect of feminizing it. Christianity has deified Christ by identifying Him as God's Son, which has the effect of designating Christianity as the one true religion for believers.

Pauline Teaching

Paul, as the first leader (Pope) of the Christian Church, provided an interpretation of Christ's teaching that amounted to a pathway to perfection for believers. This system is known as the "imitation of Christ".


The Koran

Islam includes a holy book, The Koran, which means that it tends not to metamorphosize over time. It has evolved into a liberal/conservative spectrum as commonly occurs with ideologies. The conservative end is named Shia, while the liberal end is named Sunni.


Islam is very much a communal religion and includes public display of one's piety in prayer at fixed intervals throughout the day.


Mecca is the holy city of Islam, being the main home of Mohammed after his enlightenment.

Family Relationships

Islam emphasizes family relationships with a special consideration for women to be displayed by the dominant males. This gives it a centrist position between feminism and masculinism, while at the same time avoiding secularism. For this reason, it might be reasonably considered the highest achievement in religion thus far attained by humans.


Islam is a religion, because the main thrust of the ideology is to define the relationship between God (Allah) and man.


Perfection in Islam is achieved by adhering to God's law as written in The Koran by Mohammed.



Buddhists attempt to reach perfection by pondering irrationality. It is intellectual and spiritual in its orientation, and hopes to realize the insignificance of the individual condition by contemplation, usually on contradictory ideas, e.g. one hand clapping.


In the Buddhist view, perfection, referred to as Nirvana, means achieving complete comprehension or understanding of the human condition, and thereby release from the need to reincarnate.


Passivity, a part of all Eastern philosophies, is feminine and means that the individual recognizes the futility of creativity and experiences a repugnance towards it.


Karma is the recognition that, for most men if not all, evading one's fate is at best problematic and probably futile. This being the case, the best attitude towards it is acceptance. This attitude also provides progress in the march towards enlightenment.



Hindus attempt to reach perfection by gaining, via meditation, the maximum control of the intellect over the body. The method is therefore, entirely different from Buddhism, but outside of that difference, other major concepts are much the same. Hinduism, like Helenism, incorporates a large pantheon of gods and goddesses, missing in Buddhism.

Philosophical Questions


From the preceding discussions of the various popular philosophies, we must conclude that life is about perfection, which can be achieved via many pathways. That, in fact, it is more about attitude than it is about the method one uses to pursue it. All of the great philosophies have adepts that have succeeded in their quest for perfection. Many times the methods used by one will be condemned by another. A sect within Hinduism discovered that perfection could be attained through sex, for example, a practice that would be roundly condemned by most philosophies. The purpose of perfection, though, is accuracy in comprehending reality, so that, I would call this quest too limited for metaphilosophy.
I would prefer that survival be viewed as the goal of life. That the purpose of each generation should be the assurance, to the extent that is possible, of the survival of the next generation. Perfection is fine, but it is dealt with adequately by existing tribal philosophies, and it is important because it provides leaders to the culture. But survival itself is more important.
This is because, we must recognize our limitations to have a realistic philosophy and one of our limitations is subjectivity. We cannot be other than human, and therefore cannot judge non humans. Thus we have no hope of objectively viewing humanity and deciding whether it is best for the world if it survives or not. We must assume that our own survival is good. And is, in virtual fact, the greatest good. The reality we are faced with, at this level is that each species is analogous to an individual, and survival of the fittest is functioning here too. Our chances against such perfection as the alligator are not good, but we should fight the good fight, anyway.
Survival is a very complex issue, especially when we concern ourselves with the species. So, the average person will not have the time or inclination to deal with it. A general philosophy, provided to people is the only practical way for most to get it. In the same way that they get their instruction on how to relate to God, another question that most are incapable of managing on their own, for the same reason.


In contradistinction to the individual, for the species, death will be an ally. It is the means to achievement of our most important goal: the establishment of the ideal number of humans, which will require the establishment of an average age of death for humans.
This is the crucial question. It involves concluding how much human waste the environment can be expected to absorb without disturbing the natural balance. From this, it can be seen that I am convinced that humans are a transformative species and can do no other than transform the things they operate on. That being the case, if we are to survive, we must be restrained from transforming too much.
Having decided on an ideal life span for humans, it will be necessary to implement it. This can be achieved, assuming it is shorter than the one we now have, by adopting policies regarding defense against germs and viruses. This would be the most humane way. Failing that, birth permits would have to be issued and forced abortion prescribed for miscreants.


Perfection means achievement of that attitude towards life that will have the best chance of serving the individual in his attempt to reach the average life span. This means having the ideal self conception. One that is accurate, and in accord with the perceptions of one's peers.


Survival for a species means maintaining a viable number of members so that replenishment occurs but not so many that the life of one degrades the life of his neighbor. By degrade, it is meant that the likelihood of achievement of the average life span is reduced or increased. Population increase is an abnormal state and can only be positive at the beginning of a species' period of viability. After that, it will be a negative relative to the prospects for survival of the species and should be considered a great danger. Reducing life span is also a negative unless as a response to population increase.

The Life Dynamic

Population Control

Tending Towards Population Increase

The following are the common methods of increasing species population.


This method involves having the government provide rewards to citizens for giving birth and/or providing ongoing payments to citizens with dependent children. This system is in widespread use everywhere in the world. The reason it is, is the widespread appreciation of the fact that more people means more money and political power.

Controlling Disease

In this system, medical research is subsidized by the government in order to motivate it towards the discovery of methods for killing disease provoking germs and/or methods for artificial enhancement of the immune system to repel viruses. This system is in widespread use on a worldwide basis today. This is so due to the shortsighted view that controlling disease will reduce the cost of hospitalization.

Efficient Farming

In the farming field, the government and other agencies provide research money to agricultural laboratories so that they can search for better methods of farming and genetic improvements for desirable crops. This system is in widespread use today. The, again shortsighted, reason for this is the widespread hope for the ellimination of hunger.


This scheme is most appealing to feminists, due to their compassionate orientation. It envisions making war an unpalatable option for governments by demonstrations and propaganda favoring negotiation and against warlike attitudes. It is in widespread use today.

The Moral Code

This system provides a religiously based code of conduct for individuals encompassing appropriate diet and proscribed social interactions aimed at restraining violence and childbirth when the child cannot be cared for. This system is still in widespread use, though it is declining in the West.

Tending Towards Population Decrease

The following are the main methods of reducing species population.


This system withholds medical treatment for particularly weak members of society in order to take advantage of the population reduction that results. It is only rarely used, though it is becoming more common.


This scheme calls for the medical termination of pregnancy for any reason at all. It is in widespread use, but has produced a violent reaction in the West where it runs counter to religious values.


In this scheme, all methods of contravening the transfer of sperm from the male to the female are used. This system is in widespread use today, though it is less effective among more primitive cultures.


This system envisions benevolent inaction when confronted by infection, so that population reduction will occur selectively in the weaker portion of the population. It is not yet in use in any widespread way.


This method would call for placing artificial constraints on farming so that excess food would not cause population growth. No known use of this method has been attempted.


This is the notion that war should not be discouraged so as to take advantage of its main effect with regard to population, reducing the young male population and therefore the main source of sperm.

An Ideal Population


500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000

The proper population of humans on earth is a difficult question. One must start with the realization that there are far too many now. Looking at the population curve, one notes that the population for most of history has been 500 million to a billion. Only for 200 years or so, has it exceeded that number. So, probably that should be the target population. To achieve that number, I would recommend restraining humans from the use of anti pest poisons, from anti-biotics to herbicides and pesticides. It might be necessary to use some temporary anti-growth measures such as abortion that cannot be justified in the long term.


The Coast Between 50 Degrees North and South

The next object will be to restrict humans in the area devoted to their domiciles. I would suggest a 30 mile band along coastlines of large land masses between the 50 degree parallels. The interiors, I believe, should be left for other species. This gives an idea regarding what kind of population reduction should be contemplated.



Control of Hubris

The greatest problem for man is the control of hubris. This is because of the ego mental structure, or that entity that we identify with and that contains our personal memory. Because it is a structure, created by the enhanced ability to concentrate that is apparently unique to humans, it produces a separation between humans and nature and therefore the view of nature as an object. This leads to comparisons and the desire on the part of humans to compare favorably to other objects in view.
The result is that most humans have an inaccurate self image which is only slowly corrected over a long life as a result of the suffering that results from the maintenance of an inaccurate self image.
This can reasonably be considered the basic cause of all suffering that man endures. It is also the reason for the fact that Muslims touch their heads to the ground in prayer. This is, however, not a sufficient compensation for the problem.
Arrogance or hubris, being the cause of all of man's problems, including overpopulation, is therefore the culprit, and probably implicit in conscious creatures. This leads to the conclusion that we cannot be other than we are and must accept a short tenure on earth.
This is not so bad as it sounds, since other species, upon finding that they are maladapted, just change form. So, probably, shall we.

The End

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