1. Introduction
  2. The King, A Fable
  3. Eve, A Fable
  4. Book One: Feminism
    1. High Level Feminism
      1. Propaganda
        1. Liberating Women
          1. The Perception of the State of Womanhood
          2. Fairness
          3. The Motivation
        2. The Glass Ceiling
          1. The White Anglo-Saxon Male
          2. Discrimination vs. Aptitude
        3. Abortion
          1. The Feminine Side
          2. The Masculine Side
        4. Babies Without Fathers
          1. The Hope
          2. The Result
        5. Sexual Freedom
          1. The Playboy Philosophy
        6. Compassion
          1. As a Guiding Principle
          2. As Opposed to the Rule of Law
        7. Sexual Harassment
          1. Changing the Definition of Rape
          2. As a Weapon Against Males
        8. Child Molestation
          1. The North Carolina Incident
          2. A Weapon Against the Father
      2. Goals
        1. Feminine Leadership
          1. Women in Politics
          2. Women in Business
          3. Women in Academia
          4. and Elsewhere
        2. Non-Discrimination
          1. As a Compassionate Policy
          2. In Fairness
          3. Discrimination Defined
          4. The Motivation Underlying Discrimination
      3. Leaders
        1. Margaret Mead - Primitive Sexuality
        2. Dr. Spock - Baby and Child Care
        3. Dr. Alfred Kinsey - Human Sexuality
        4. Hugh Hefner - Playboy
        5. Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique
        6. Gloria Steinem - Ms Magazine
        7. Molly Yard - President of NOW
        8. Anita Hill - Champion of Sexual Harassment Litigation
      4. Organizations
        1. NOW
          1. ERA
          2. Abortion
          3. Homosexuality
        2. The Children's Defense Fund
          1. Children's Rights
      5. Institutional Support
        1. The Media
          1. As Advertiser
          2. The Role of TV
        2. Academia
          1. As Theoretician
      6. American Politics
        1. The Democratic Party
          1. The Former Party
          2. Succumbing to Feminism
          3. The Current Administration
        2. The Republican Party
          1. Lincoln's Party
          2. The Alternative to Feminism
        3. United We Stand America
          1. The Non-Ideological Position
        4. The Supreme Court
          1. The Warren Court
          2. Brown vs Board of Education
          3. Miranda
          4. Roe vs Wade
        5. Franklin D. Roosevelt
          1. The Arrival of Socialism in America
        6. Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan
          1. Extremism in the Pursuit of Liberty
        7. Economics
          1. Capitalism
            1. The Theory
            2. The Reality
            3. The Conclusion
          2. Socialism
            1. The Theory
            2. The Reality
            3. The Conclusion
          3. Communism
            1. The Theory
            2. The Reality
            3. The Conclusion
    2. Middle Level Feminism
      1. Western History
        1. From Kings to Democracy
          1. One Man to Every Man
            1. Where does One Go from Here?
        2. Revolution
          1. French
          2. English
          3. American
          4. Russian
      2. Feminist Leaders
        1. Henry VIII
          1. Rebellion Against the Father
        2. Martin Luther
          1. Rebellion Against the Pope
        3. Mahatma Ghandi
          1. Non-Violence
        4. Ho Chih Minh
          1. Propaganda and Guerrillas
        5. Martin Luther King
          1. Non- Discrimination
      3. Prior Sub movements
        1. Suffragettes
        2. Prohibitionists
        3. Flappers
      4. World Politics
        1. The UN
          1. The Anti-War Movement
          2. Inoculating the World
          3. Controlling Population Growth
        2. The Nazi's
          1. Racism Revisited
          2. Militarism
        3. Racism
          1. The Appeal of Racism
        4. Fundamentalism
          1. Muslim
          2. Christian
      5. Arts
        1. From Rembrandt to Picasso
        2. From Trollope to Faulkner
        3. From Romeo and Juliet to My Fair Lady
        4. From Beethovan to The Beetles
        5. From Casablanca to The Graduate
        6. The Death of Art
      6. Drugs
        1. Feminine drugs and masculine drugs
    3. Low Level Feminism
      1. Beginnings
        1. The Default Option
      2. The Garden of Eden
        1. Adam and Eve
          1. The Inadequacy of Feminine Leadership
          2. The Meaning of the Sin
        2. Propagation and The Divinity of Life
      3. The Tower of Babel
      4. Noah
      5. The Egyptians
        1. The Rise of Masculinism
        2. King Tutankhamen's Role
      6. The Greeks
      7. The Romans
      8. Judaism
        1. Abraham
          1. God and His Relationship to Humans
        2. Moses
          1. Rules and The Word
          2. The Mosaic Law
        3. David and Bathsheba
        4. Vashti and Esther
      9. Christianity
        1. The Sermon on the Mount
          1. Feminist Values
        2. Mary Magdelene
          1. Compassion
        3. Pauline Teaching
          1. First Corinthians and Family Values
        4. Early Christianity
          1. The Development of Education
        5. The University
          1. The Christian Heritage
          2. The Divorce of Religion
        6. Science
          1. The Need for Objectivity
          2. The Prospects for Objectivity
      10. Eastern Philosophy
        1. Yin and Yang
        2. Kharma
        3. Yoga
        4. Buddhism
        5. The Book of the Dead
        6. Bhagavad Gita
        7. Confucius
        8. Eastern Writing
      11. Liberalism vs. Conservatism
        1. The Case for Change
        2. The Case for Tradition
      12. Competition
        1. Eastern Attitude
        2. Western Attitude
        3. Feminist Attitude
        4. Masculinist Attitude
      13. An Objective View of Humans
        1. An Experiment
      14. Correspondences in Physics
        1. The Sun and the Moon
        2. Something vs Nothing
        3. Spectra
        4. The Big Bang
    4. The Future
      1. The Future as Something New
        1. The Amazons
      2. The Future as an Extension of the Present
        1. Equality
      3. The Future as a Regression to the Past
        1. The American Indian
      4. A Survey
        1. Primitives
        2. Intermediate Cultures
        3. Advanced Cultures
  5. Book Two: Letters and Essays on Feminism, Abortion, Population,...
  6. Feminism
    1. The Bobbitt Penectomy
    2. Child Molestation
    3. Creed for White Men
    4. A Plan for Destroying Civilization
    5. Feminism I
    6. Feminism II
    7. Feminism III
    8. Feminism IV
    9. Feminism in Christian Mythology
    10. Feminism and Human Sexuality
    11. Feminism and The Color Purple
    12. Feminism and Choice
    13. Feminism V
    14. Feminism and Smoking
    15. Feminism and Spin Doctors
    16. Feminism and Size
    17. The Problem, As I See It
    18. The First Amendment
    19. Feminism and Social Institutions
    20. Institutions
      1. Government:
        1. Federal:
          1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. State:
          1. Traditional Purpose:
        3. Local:
          1. Traditional Purpose:
        4. Feminist Goals:
        5. Current:
      2. Military:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      3. Law:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      4. Education:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      5. Media:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      6. Finance:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      7. Medicine:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      8. Religion:
        1. Traditional Purpose:
        2. Feminist Goals:
        3. Current:
      9. Conclusions
    21. Feminist Values
    22. Illegitimacy
    23. Feminism in the Bible
      1. Ruth
      2. Jezebel
      3. Vashti
    24. Feminism VI
    25. Masculinism vs. Feminism
    26. Is There a Conspiracy Here?
    27. Penis Envy
    28. Liberalism and Religion
    29. Marriage
    30. Open Letter to the Chancellor, University of Mississippi
    31. Sensitivity
    32. The Family
    33. Symbolism
    34. Creation and Destruction
    35. The Subjection of Women
    36. Pagan Europe
    37. Greek Mythology
  7. Abortion
    1. Abortion I
    2. Abortion II
    3. Hypocrisy
    4. Promiscuity
  8. Homosexuality
    1. Homosexuality I
    2. Horse Breeding
    3. Prejudice
    4. Homosexuality II
  9. The Environment
    1. Superiority
    2. Eco-Logic
    3. Civilization
    4. The Rain Forest
  10. Population
    1. Population I
    2. Population II
    3. Population III
    4. Population IV
    5. Population V
    6. Population VI
      1. The Population Curve
    7. Population Limit
    8. The West
    9. Human Population
    10. Cultural Meltdown
    11. Apocalypse
    12. The Good Samaritan
  11. Animal Rights
    1. Animal Abuse
    2. Animal Rights
  12. The Arts
    1. Star Trek
    2. Batman
  13. Politics
    1. Corruption
    2. The Republican Platform
    3. Perot
    4. Democracy
    5. Imperialism
    6. Iran/Contra
    7. It's All Propaganda to Me!
    8. Jonathan Swift
    9. Demagoguery
    10. Slavery
    11. Public Funding
    12. Nazis
    13. The Politics of Selfishness
    14. Retrospective
    15. Desperate Times
    16. Drug Legalization
    17. The Rebel Flag
    18. Ladies and Gentlemen
    19. The Last Temptation of Christ
    20. Liberal Feelings
    21. LiverpoolToddler
    22. The Marriage Model
    23. Tradition
    24. George Will
    25. George Will II
    26. Smoking
    27. The "PC" Movement
    28. The Presidency
    29. Jerry Brown
    30. Conservatism and Liberalism
    31. Rush Limbaugh I
    32. Rush Limbaugh II
    33. Rush Limbaugh III
    34. Rush Limbaugh IV
    35. Rush Limbaugh V
    36. Rush Limbaugh VI
    37. Rush Limbaugh VII
    38. The Coming Depression
    39. The Religious Right
    40. The '92 Election
    41. The Third World
    42. Stability
    43. The Standard Curve
    44. The Problem of Oliver North
    45. Salmon Rushdie
    46. School Funding
    47. The Media
    48. The State of American Politics, 1993
    49. The ANC
    50. Blacks
    51. Cool!
    52. Civil Liberties
    53. Patriotism
    54. Bill Clinton
    55. Clinton's Lead
    56. The Conventions
    57. The '96 Olympics Bomber
  14. Philosophy
    1. The Upper Class
    2. Violence in America
    3. Wake Up!
    4. Death
    5. Notes on The Closing of the American Mind
    6. Sex and the Media
    7. Sexuality
    8. Sexual Disfunction
    9. Feelings
    10. Freedom of Religion
    11. Heaven
    12. On The Acts of Men
    13. Fairness
    14. The Classless Society
    15. Opposites
    16. Causality
    17. Elusive Evil
    18. Judgementalism
    19. Ethics and Morality
    20. Conformity
    21. Objectivity and Propaganda
    22. Subjectivity as a Spectrum
  15. Book Three: Sexual History
    1. Preface
    2. Introduction
    3. What Is
    4. Mind
    5. Sex and Religion
    6. A Sexual View of the History of Religion
      1. Early Feminine Cultures
      2. The Rise of Judaism
      3. The Arrival of Christianity
      4. Henry VIII and Martin Luther
      5. The Modern Church
      6. The Influence of the East
    7. Interpreting the Events of the Day
      1. Government
      2. The Family
      3. Social Structure
      4. Education
      5. Commerce
      6. Art
      7. War
      8. Medicine
      9. Contemporary Feminism
    8. Predicting the Future
      1. The Predictions of Orwell and Huxley
      2. Science Fiction
      3. The Probable Reality
    9. The Solution
  16. Bibliography